Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 210 Fearful Gangster, Powerful 'Iron Man'

Ye Cheng was speechless.

Is this to steal someone's head?

These Americans are really outrageous.

Forget it, he has to do it too.

At this time, the gangsters had already taken cover, and Ye Cheng's car was the best way to hide.

Ordinary cars, only the engine and wheels can stop bullets.

But Ye Cheng's car, they have seen how strong it is.

They were probably also very surprised that the group of onlookers actually had someone with a gun against them.

However, Ye Cheng is not a vegetarian, having dodged the guns of the onlookers.

He finally took a step forward, and every step he took made the ground make a heavy "boom".

He came to the back of the car, looked at those people, and said like a cat playing with a mouse: "What are you guys hiding?"

"what are you!"

Those terrorists had been frightened for a long time. They took the guns in their hands and shot at Ye Cheng frantically, but what made them desperate was that the bullets had no effect.

But for people like them, they are not afraid of anything, only things that are invulnerable.

Because that means that they will not have any means to threaten each other.

"Me? Am I not the person you are looking for?"

Ye Cheng said calmly, and on the screen in front of him, the identities of these people had already appeared.

"Lawrence, Kroenke, Wilson, Kunk."

He said the names of these four people one by one, and at the same time stretched out his right hand. The four gangsters who were shocked because Ye Cheng called out their names saw the side of his right arm stretched out. A gun, and the muzzle of the black hole was pointing at them.

They were immediately desperate. Facing such weapons and equipment that should belong to the future, they had no ability to resist at all.

But at this moment, a gangster took out a grenade from his arms, pulled out the safety catch, and then rushed towards Ye Cheng with a ferocious face.

"go to hell!"

He obviously wanted to die with Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Didn't you choose to run away, but choose to approach?"

But facing this kind of irrational enemy, it is really easy to solve.

He stepped forward suddenly, and kicked out with the other foot.

The huge metal sole kicked directly on the chest of the gangster who rushed up. Everyone saw that the gangster flew upside down as if hit by a car, and finally hit a street lamp next to him and fell down. .

This blow penetrates the heart.

His internal organs must be broken, and if he is not sent to the hospital in time, he will definitely die.

However, the grenade with the safety catch removed in his hand also fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the gangsters next to him were as terrified as if they had seen their teammates throw a grenade into the elevator.

Only then did they realize that this teammate rushed up with a grenade!

When they reacted and wanted to dodge, the grenade exploded, and the broken metal pieces turned into sharp knives, which were inserted into their bodies, on their heads, faces, necks, bodies...

The gangster who hit the street lamp before was completely silent because of the explosion.

As for the other gangsters who were fine at first, a large amount of blood began to emerge from their bodies.

This close-range grenade explosion caused almost all of them to be seriously injured by the blast wave and fragments of the grenade.

Two of them were stabbed to the main artery in the neck, and the blood spurted almost soared into the sky, dyeing the sky and the earth red in their vision.

They groaned in pain and opened their eyes, madly wanting to see if the devil-like iron man was injured.

Yet they were in despair.

All they saw was the pale black iron man with a glowing metal shell, shaking his body as if nothing happened, shaking off the fragments of his body.

As for the shock wave caused by the grenade that was less than three meters away from him, it had no effect on him.

so far.

The first five gangsters who rushed up to attack Ye Cheng, two of them were already dead, and the other three were still conscious, but were also seriously injured. The gangsters who were dying had nothing but fear and regret.

Why should they be chosen to perform such an almost impossible task.

They are not the secret service team in Hollywood blockbusters, nor Dwayne Johnson.

Taking on the next task that has various conditions and restrictions, it is almost impossible to complete, and then the target is originally a character like the protagonist of a Hollywood blockbuster.

They regret it immensely. If they had to start over in their lives, they would rather face the punishment of refusing to accept the mission than face such an invincible enemy.

"Have you given up your fighting spirit?" Ye Cheng slapped off the metal on his body, then lowered his head, looking at the three people who were lying on the ground with serious injuries.

"Then get ready to meet your God, and grow some poppies in his Garden of Eden, so that your God can also experience the beauty of marijuana."

Ye Cheng stretched out his right hand and aimed the gun at the three people again.

But at this time, I thought that what I was about to end was three lives.

He, who had never killed anyone before, was still in hesitation at this time.

But soon, thinking that these three people came here to kill him, he put aside his hesitation and pressed the button hidden in his hand.

Xiaobai in the battle armor immediately received an instruction from Ye Cheng, the automatic aiming program was activated, the gun aimed at one of the people, "bang", the gun shifted, aimed at the second person, "bang", the gun shifted again, third person.


All five gangsters died.

One of them was killed by the people of Texas who shot coldly in the crowd, and the other four were basically killed by Ye Cheng.

The crowd watching over there were dumbfounded.

Although this 'Iron Man' didn't show any ability to fly, just being invulnerable and having a gun protruding from his right arm was enough to surprise them.

But at this moment, they saw two people getting off from another car, and these two people were actually carrying an RPG!

"Watch out, Tony!"

"Beware Iron Man!"

The onlookers immediately shouted.

And the display screen in front of Ye Cheng had already flashed a red warning when the two gangsters were carrying the RPG and wanted to get out of the car.

Xiaobai's alarm sounded: "Master! There are four RPGs hidden in their last car! There are a total of twelve rockets! Two people are coming down to attack you!"

Ye Cheng was surprised that there were four RPGs.

Is this heavy firepower left on the last car? !

In fact, the last car was broken and suppressed the police when they were chasing them, but now faced with the situation before them, these gangsters have no time to think about the police.

Ordinary weapons and grenades can't hurt that 'Iron Man', so they can only use RPG.

The two gangsters pointed the barrel at the huge metal man, and then pulled the trigger of the RPG.


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