
The cheapest prosthetic limb produced by Zhiqi has a sales price of more than 60,000 U.S. dollars in the United States, which is as high as 400,000 yuan when converted into soft sister coins, but this still cannot hold back the enthusiasm of the American people.

And because the value is as high as 60,000 US dollars, there is basically no shortage of masters who want to add more money to get better.

As a result, the average price of these prosthetics sold in the United States has reached as high as $80,000.

Sell ​​a thousand, equal to $80 million.

However, now that Zhiqi has been postponed indefinitely, and the money has not been refunded, these disabled people are of course anxious, and began to scold Zhiqi for not doing business ethics.

The major media in the United States also began to criticize Zhiqi Company.

However, at this time, Huaguo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs took advantage of the opportunity and produced the chain of evidence given by Ye Cheng, and severely criticized the United States internationally.

Of course, the chain of evidence released has loopholes, and it is used to give the United States a step down, but the chain of evidence they directly sent to the United States is complete, which is enough to prove the role played by the United States behind this incident.

Immediately, the top executives in the United States knew the reason why Zhiqi Company restricted the sale of lithium-air batteries.


Fruit Company.

A shareholder meeting is underway.

The new president is furious.

"The people in the White House are crazy! They don't know what the consequences of doing such a thing are!"

"Will we face the possibility of being shot when we go to Huaguo in the future? Oh, their ban on guns... But even so, Huaguo will be full of dangers for us!"

"And we are inseparable from Huaguo Market!"

He resentfully expressed his indignation in front of shareholders.

Fruit Company has got a new president.

Cook has retired with honors.

Just retired at the end of last year.

That is, after Huaguo allowed the export of lithium-air batteries.

When Chu Ke retired, he once said in an interview: "I'm tired, I don't want to face it anymore."

Make everyone curious.

What do you not want to face?

What else can the president of the fruit company not want to face?

In the eyes of most people, being the president of a fruit company is basically just lying down and reading the financial report.

Anyway, the fruit company's products are not worried about selling. If the camera is positioned in a different direction, it can be sold as a new generation of products.

Do you still need to worry about this?

However, well-informed people quickly guessed that it must be related to Zhiqi Company.

It can be said that the fruit company has spent a lot of effort in order to buy lithium-air batteries, and basically everyone in the industry knows it.

After the successful negotiation last year, they immediately placed an order for lithium-air batteries from Zhiqi, and then designed a new series for their fruit 14, called the fruit 14s series. The mold has not changed, except that the battery inside has been replaced with lithium The air battery is planned to go on sale in April, and there are also other products, such as tablets, notebooks, earphones, etc., are all ready, and plan to come to Boda in April.

They also directly promoted and advertised at full capacity, earning enough attention.

The fruit phone, which also has a lithium-air battery, will once again have the same starting line as other products, thus restoring its former dominance.

The fruit company is very enthusiastic about this matter.

After all, you must know that the sales of Fruit 14 they released last year dropped by 50% compared to the first month sales of Fruit 13.

Without him, everyone has used a mobile phone that lasts for four, five days or even a week, or a mobile phone that lasts but is ultra-light and ultra-thin. Why do you need a mobile phone that lasts for a day but has no advantages in appearance?

Of course, there are still many loyal fans of the fruit, and it only dropped by 50%, which is enough to show that their fan base is still very good.

It can be seen that when the 14s series equipped with lithium-air batteries is released, how many fans will return to their fruitful embrace?

As a result, in this can, the supply of Li-air batteries is limited to?

Not to mention that the new president was in a hurry, after the news was known to their shareholders, they were also in a hurry.

Compared with the original stock price, the fruit stock price has dropped by 20%. This is due to the release of the 14s series. It has fallen by more than 30%.

As soon as the news came out, their stock prices started to fall again as expected.

There is no such thing as a daily limit for rice stocks.

It is not impossible for a stock to fall by 50% in one day, and it is not impossible for a stock to rise by 1,000% in a day.

"Dear shareholders, this matter, the idiots in the White House must quickly admit their mistakes!"

The new president said seriously.

A few days ago, when he learned that the Hua countryman had met gangsters on the streets of the United States, he secretly regretted how the Hua country man survived, and even pretended to be a big bully. Now everyone in the United States is talking about that matter.

It turned out to be better now, eating melons was on my own head, and I found that this matter had such a great impact on them.

This is the first major event he presided over after taking over the fruit company. If this breaks, I am afraid that although everyone knows that it is the reason of Zhiqi and the White House, the shareholders will probably throw part of their anger on him.

The shareholders also looked solemn.

A major shareholder said: "This matter must be taken seriously, otherwise, the 14s series cannot be released on time, which will have a great impact on us."

Another major shareholder couldn't help scolding: "The White House dares to get involved in this kind of thing, are all the Democrats so stupid?"

A shareholder representing the Democratic Party said: "Don't bring up the entire Democratic Party, it is obvious that this administration is too stupid."

Another major shareholder snorted coldly: "The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are a bunch of idiots. This is especially true for the Democratic Party. Letting them enter the government is simply electing a bunch of psychopaths to manage the madhouse."

"Congress is similar. What's the difference between Congress and a zoo?"

"It's just that the court is okay. The court is similar to the botanical garden, except that sometimes there are a few birdsong."

The shareholders present smiled, and after criticizing the three power organizations in the United States, they got back to business.

"Okay, let's talk about the lunatic asylum, zoo, and botanical garden later. Regarding this incident, we must unite with other big companies to put pressure on the White House to make them apologize!"

"I imagine other companies feel the same way."

As the last shareholder thought, other large companies that urgently need lithium-air batteries have thought of joining forces to put pressure on the White House.

As a result, the pressure felt by the White House doubled.


Inside the White House.

"Are you going to ask me to apologize again?"

said the president indignantly.

That is to say, he is not the emperor, otherwise this would be an edict of guilt.

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