Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 222 The Lost Power And Humiliation Of The United States

"Mr. President, those businessmen asked us so." The Secretary of State said helplessly.

"What a bunch of short-sighted guys!"

The president was very dissatisfied.

This is to ask him, the president of the United States, to apologize to a Chinese on behalf of the United States!

Aren't these people ashamed of the country?

But the fact that capitalists have no borders is vividly reflected in the United States.

The United States is a collection of monopoly capitalist classes without supervision. For the sake of profit, these monopoly capitalists never care about the overall honor or disgrace.

They will not sacrifice personal interests for the overall good.

However, they still represent the main power in the United States.

Just like a fruit company, the interest group behind it can be regarded as one of the largest interest groups in the United States.

Therefore, they are now naturally the party that puts the most pressure on the White House, including their congressmen and so on.

The President, cannot directly say to these interest groups: no.

"Secretary of State! Why did the Chinese know it was Abdul so quickly?"

"And found out so quickly, the relationship between Abdul and us!"

If the grievances cannot be directed at those big bosses, the president can only find trouble with the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State could only murmur inwardly that he was unlucky, and then quickly said, "We are still investigating this matter."

"Where did the investigation go?" The president looked coldly at the Secretary of State, as if his eyes could burst into flames.

The Secretary of State was bitter.

He could only say: "It seems to say..."

"Don't 'seem', I want 'sure'." The president emphasized.

"Uh..." the Secretary of State could only say: "We investigated and found out that someone leaked the news, and the relationship between Abdul and us was disclosed."

"who is it?"

"It seems... uh, it should be an employee of Lockheed Martin who is in charge of arms sales in the Middle East. We are collecting evidence now."

The president said angrily: "Let him die!"

The Secretary of State looked at the president who had been stunned by anger, and felt a little helpless, "Uh...Mr. President, should we...should we think about the consequences of doing this?"

"What's there to think about? This kind of person just betrayed me... betrayed our country of America and put us in danger. He must be made to pay the price!"

The Secretary of State looked at the president who was in a rage at this time, and knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it would be useless.

He felt that the president's mind had become increasingly unclear.

He just hoped the president didn't fire him while he was sane, though.

Having said that, the person they are investigating now is actually not sure that he is the leaker, not even sure at all, because they found that person only because that person said when he was bragging with his colleagues after drinking, "I If it is revealed that the U.S. government supports the Abdul warlord behind the scenes, it will definitely shock the world'.

So this joke was told to the official investigator by that person's colleagues.

But this is just a joke, they can't take this as evidence, they have also investigated that person, and indeed found that the person did not disclose the information.

But now, Mr. President is so angry and confused that he has made such an absurd decision without any evidence, so he can only implement it.

In addition, even if the person is not the real leaker, they will deal with him first. For example, during the investigation, the person died in an accident while escaping, and then put the crime on him. The dead can't speak, that is No proof.

At that time, the identity of the 'leaker' will be confirmed, and it can be used to give an explanation to those big capitalists, expressing that the disclosure of this matter was purely accidental, and the main responsibility lies with the little person who leaked the secret.

Of course, this can only reduce the pressure from those big capitalists, and cannot completely stop them.

In the end, they still have to lose their power and humiliate the country, agree to some conditions from the country, or promise some benefits to Zhiqi Company, such as reducing the tariff on lithium-air batteries again, and even giving them some policy subsidies, or even helping them build factories here for free, such as What about the sieve oxygen carbon membrane factory, the three-dimensional porous membrane factory, and the solid electrolyte factory.

Of course, whether Zhiqi is willing to build these three core material factories in the United States is another matter.

In addition, the statement of losing power and humiliating the country is too ugly. It can only be said that the White House is willing to make up for some misunderstandings caused by some accidents for the sake of peace.

Of course they can't admit that they did it.

Just like there are loopholes in the evidence chain announced by international countries, so most people still have doubts in their hearts.

This is the country's opportunity to compensate them. If they don't make compensation, the country will have to produce the entire chain of evidence to form an ironclad scandal in the United States.

Of course, scandals are nothing. This president is not short of scandals, mainly because of the restricted supply of lithium-air batteries.


Leaving the Oval Office, the Secretary of State sighed deeply.

He already felt that they were becoming more and more powerless when facing the country.

Before the Zhiqi company jumped out, they often had conflicts with state-owned enterprises.

In the past, the ruling class of the country basically climbed up from the grassroots, so the political level was very high. In addition, it is not a two-party system. Compared with their kind of spending money and speeches, they can be promoted from a university professor to a president. Many, not to mention the opposition parties are always eyeing them.

However, the political level is only the political level. The sum of the military, economic, and cultural strengths multiplied by the political strength is equal to the comprehensive strength of a country.

The military and economy of the United States are inherently stronger than those of the United States. As for the cultural level of the United States, although it is attractive enough due to the accumulation of thousands of years of history, under their cultural output and the cultural blockade of the United States, the country's cultural level The influence of cultural level on the world is far less than that of the United States.

Therefore, even if their political level is poor, the country is still nothing to fear.

But now with this Zhiqi company, an unreasonable lithium-air battery has appeared, which has directly surpassed several eras of human technology on the battery.

One step ahead is a hero, two steps ahead is a hero, but ten steps ahead is a god.

Things that are two steps ahead can still be copied, but ten steps ahead is basically equivalent to far surpassing in theory and deep technology.

Can't copy it at all.

And batteries are a necessity, like oil, like agriculture, soybeans.

So there's nothing they can do about it.

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