Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 223 Restoration Of Peace, Angry Father-In-Law

Of course, it's not that they haven't tried reverse lithium-air batteries, but apart from knowing what the three main materials contain, as for how to make them, they are completely confused.

"Well, let's prepare to negotiate with China." The Secretary of State shook his head.

It's time to negotiate again. Like last time, this time it is also the condition they have to agree to. At the same time, last time they obtained lithium-air batteries, this time, they are still in order to obtain lithium-air batteries.

A sense of aggrieved lingered in his heart, and finally he had to curse: "Fake!"

Stamping his feet, he left here.

Anyway, even if America is not as good as China, it has nothing to do with him. He is just a wage earner from the beginning to the end, and all the charges will only fall on the president.

After he resigned, no matter the flood.


It didn't take long for China and the United States to negotiate again.

Among the negotiators in China, in addition to people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, there are also people from Zhiqi Company.

Negotiations did not take long.

The result of the negotiation is that the United States cannot impose unreasonable restrictions on the future business activities of Zhiqi Company in the United States. Use any means to perform some unfavorable actions against Zhiqi, such as trying to buy people from Zhiqi Company, or obtaining Zhiqi Company's business secrets, etc.

This condition enables Zhiqi Company to rapidly expand its benefits.

The United States is the world's largest consumer market, while the United States is the second largest consumer market. Therefore, it is very important to occupy the American market. After all, the population of the United States is the third largest in the world, although it is only 320 million.

Of course, the United States did not refuse this condition. It was nothing more than a profit. Although this part of the benefit is great, if the sales of Zhiqi's batteries are allowed to spread to the entire United States as soon as possible, then Zhiqi will want to play the trick of restricting supply. If not, you need to weigh it carefully, after all, it means a loss of tens of billions of dollars a year.

The consumption of electronic products in the United States is no less than that in China, which will bring more battery sales to Zhiqi.

Similarly, the United States also needs to popularize lithium-air batteries as soon as possible, lest those people oppose the government every day, so this condition is a win-win for them.

Ye Cheng is also happy to see the success of this. His main purpose now is to continuously expand the sales of products, so that he can earn points faster and faster.

Of course, this condition alone is obviously not enough to make the United States feel distressed, so in addition to the condition proposed by Zhiqi Company, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also proposed some other conditions.

First, the issue of energy prices, mainly involving coal, second, the issue of unification, and third, the issue of Southeast Asia.

The latter two issues obviously need not be discussed, they are just brought up for discussion, so in the end we return to the issue of coal.

The United States has requested that within the next three years, the United States should control the price trend of international coal and let its price go down.

China proposed this condition, naturally to reduce electricity costs.

Although various policies have been introduced to deal with the increase in power consumption caused by the emergence of lithium-air batteries, there is no way that power consumption is still increasing, and the growth rate of power consumption per month is changing year-on-year and month-on-month. big.

Therefore, lower coal prices will be able to reduce the country's burden to a certain extent.

Under the strong persecution of the country and the attitude of relentless death, the country of Mi agreed to this condition in desperation.

The amount of coal consumed by the United States is the largest in the world every year, and it accounts for more than 50%, which will obviously cause certain losses to the United States.

But there is no way, the country is too tight, they can only agree.

Therefore, on the issue of coal prices, the two countries finally reached an agreement that they will jointly control coal prices in the future, drop by five to ten percentage points in the next six months, and then stabilize within this range for three years.

In this way, this negotiation is over.

China handed over the original evidence to the United States and destroyed the rest of the evidence on the spot.

Of course, this is just a formality, just to show that they really have no evidence. As for whether there is really no evidence, no one knows.

So far, this issue has come to an end.

The international community calmed down again.

The supply of lithium-air batteries to the United States has also resumed. The fruit company is relieved, Microsoft is relieved, and other companies are relieved.

The supply of exoskeleton prostheses has also resumed, and the disabled who have placed orders before have settled down, while other disabled people who have not yet successfully ordered are fighting again.

All is calm and peaceful.

However, everyone who knows clearly has seen that the United States has once again failed in the face of the United States, and the countries in the United States camp seem to have noticed that their boss has begun to show a clear decline.

In other words, it cannot be called a decline, but it can only be said that China is getting closer and closer to the United States in terms of relative strength.

In international politics, this situation is called: rise.



In the blink of an eye, another few days passed.

"Xiao Cheng, can you increase the production speed of your carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy factory?"

The old man's voice came through the phone.

"Uh, the speed of this thing can't be improved, and the output is relatively limited. The whole process is completed every five days, and only 113 cubic meters can be produced each time."

Ye Cheng said helplessly.

This carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy has stricter requirements on the production environment than normal-temperature superconductors, and the production cycle is relatively long. In addition, the production process requires chemical treatment, because a full reaction needs to occur, so according to calculations, based on their existing production conditions , each production of 113 cubic meters is the most ideal.

After it is produced, it is necessary to use the matching compound to cut this extremely hard carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy.

Of course, high temperature is also possible, but you must know that the melting point of tungsten is as high as 3410 degrees Celsius, while the melting point of carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy itself is directly approaching 4000 degrees Celsius, which requires an increase in the temperature during casting, so they finally chose direct cutting , cheaper and more convenient.

"Hey...well then, I'll just do what you said." Xu Kaiyang could only say.

"Uncle Xu, why are you so anxious all of a sudden?" Ye Cheng asked suspiciously.

"We still have a tokamak device in our country, you know? It's the No. 2 M device of the Circulator, the one built in Rongcheng."


Xu Kaiyang said indignantly: "Damn it, they got the news from nowhere, and they want to grab the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy from us. They probably will call you later, so don't just agree."

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