Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 224 Preparation Of Room Temperature Superconductor

"In any case, the first experiment must start on our EAST device."

Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling amused.

The old man is quite funny when he loses his temper.

Although Xu Kaiyang is the leader of nuclear fusion in Huaguo, it does not mean that there are no other leaders. The No. 2 M device of the Circulator belongs to the Southwest Institute of Physics, and there is also a big cow in charge of it.

The Institute of Plasma Physics is under the name of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, while the Southwest Institute of Physics is under the name of the Huanuo Group.

The two are regarded as competitors, and they jointly conduct research on superconducting tokamak devices. Of course, cooperation is also necessary. They need to exchange their respective achievements, learn from each other, and develop together.

However, if anyone can be the first to achieve results, or be the first to truly achieve nuclear fusion, then of course thousands of glory will gather in him.

As Ye Cheng's son-in-law, of course he wants to help his father-in-law.

He said with a smile: "You can rest assured! The Southwest Institute of Physics will definitely get the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy later than the Institute of Plasma Physics."

Think about it, in the future the Huaguo Controllable Fusion Demonstration Reactor Project will be formally established. With his support, Xu Kaiyang will definitely be able to serve as the chief engineer. When the demonstration reactor is successfully ignited, Xu Kaiyang will be the father of Huaguo Nuclear Fusion son-in-law.

So far, the EAST device, and the No. 2 M device of the Circulator, are only experimental devices used to determine the feasibility of nuclear fusion.

So they are not considered a formal project.

A project needs to be complete in all theories and has the possibility of realization before it can be officially approved by the central government, and then the chief engineer will be appointed.

Just like Huaguo Tianyan, all the theories and technologies to realize it are feasible, so it was approved as a formal project with its chief engineer.

In the past, nuclear fusion was impossible to realize, so of course it would not be approved as a project, and it has always been a project in the research institute.

However, the time from the project approval is not too far away.

Ye Cheng now has room-temperature superconductors, as well as first-wall materials.

With the latter, it is enough to achieve nuclear fusion.

However, this kind of nuclear fusion can only boil water, and the energy utilization efficiency may be less than one percent.

With a room temperature superconductor, the plasma inside can be directly used to generate electricity through a plasma generator, and the efficiency of the plasma generator is far higher than that of boiling water.

However, how to design such a plasma generator, the internal structure, still needs to spend points to buy, of course, you can also design it yourself, but whether the efficiency of the self-designed magnetic fluid generator is as good as the system is another matter, and the hundred One-third of the difference in efficiency is a huge gap in the power generation of nuclear fusion, so Ye Cheng decided to prepare with both hands in order to be safe. One side is to design it himself, and the other side is to purchase the technology of the system in the future.

It's just that the system's technology still needs 7 million points, including the plasma generator, and the magnetic field circuit diagram.

The magnetic field circuit structure diagram needs 2 million points, which can be earned in less than three months, and the magnetic fluid generator needs 5 million points.

With his current growth rate of points, he still has to save for about eight months in total.

Then it will be before the end of the year.

Therefore, before that, it is better to design one by yourself, buy the magnetic field circuit structure diagram by the way, and then build a prototype reactor based on this. If the prototype reactor experiment is successful, it will be basically no problem for the country to officially approve the project.

He also wanted to be the chief engineer, taking over the father of nuclear fusion, but he was not even an academician, so it was impossible for him to be appointed as the chief engineer of nuclear fusion by the central government.

"By the way, Uncle Xu, I have something new that I need to show you."

"Oh? What's new."

Ye Cheng smiled: "At that time, you need to come to our laboratory to have a look."

"Yo? Are you still so mysterious? Okay, I'll come tomorrow, no problem?"

"Of course no problem, I will send someone to pick you up then."


"That's it for now, see you tomorrow."

"it is good."

When the phone was hung up, Ye Cheng smiled slightly. The thing he wanted to show Xu Kaiyang was naturally a room temperature superconductor.

The production plant is still under construction, but it is used for mass production. Of course, there is a laboratory production method for laboratory production.

Because the equipment is special and needs to be built separately, they bought the relevant parts and completed the build the day before yesterday. After several experiments and confirmed that all functions were complete, they officially started manufacturing room temperature superconductors today.

It should be almost ready, though.

Putting down his phone, Ye Cheng returned to the laboratory.

"How are you doing?"

"It's ready, and it's standing still, waiting for its temperature to return to normal."

Guge said.

During the manufacturing process, the original ordinary conductor needs to be in a superconducting state, that is to say, the temperature is close to absolute zero. If it is taken out directly, it is equivalent to putting a normal temperature thing in the air of more than 200 degrees. This has a certain probability. Change the situation in the internal microscopic field, thus leading to the waste of previous efforts.

Therefore, the normal temperature gas is generally slowly introduced to allow the internal temperature to rise slowly, thereby returning to the normal temperature state.


Ye Cheng nodded, looking at the special equipment, through the glass cover on the surface, you can see the situation inside.

Ten metal cylinders about 50 centimeters long and 1 square centimeter thick lay inside.

Liquid helium is injected inside, and the temperature is very low, but it has been dried and has no water molecules, so there is no white fog, so it does not block the view.

At this time, the introduction of liquid helium has also been stopped, and normal temperature air is being slowly introduced inward through a catheter to cool down.

The temperature gauge using Kelvin temperature as the unit also slowly rose from the original less than 10K to 100K, 200K, and 273.15K.

Up to 285.24K.

This is equivalent to 12 degrees Celsius and can be taken out directly.

In Shanghai in April, the temperature is around 20 degrees.

Press a button next to it, and the face's glass cover opens.

The contents inside were displayed in front of them.

Ye Cheng stretched out his hand and took out one of them, with a look of emotion on his face.

"This is a room temperature superconductor, and it doesn't look different."

It is still a niobium-titanium alloy, and the surface still has a metallic luster, that is, it has not been carefully polished, so there is no mirror reflection effect.

"It's amazing stuff."

Ye Cheng shook his head, then handed it to Guge next to him.

"Go and test it."

There was excitement in Guge's eyes: "Okay!"

The same is true for several others.

This is a room temperature superconductor, of course they were excited, if Ye Cheng hadn't asked Guge to test it, otherwise, they would have wanted to test it themselves.

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