Therefore, if 100 million is used, it is estimated that less than 100 kilometers can be built, and the total length of Huaguo's transmission lines is more than 1.6 million kilometers, and this is the cost price of their production. If they are sold, the profit margin must be maintained. It should be around ten percent. When constructing, the labor cost and the sunk cost of dismantling the old lines should also be taken into account.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to build it in a short time.

However, it would be good to replace some areas with relatively heavy loads with superconductors first.

This is very meaningful for people's livelihood.

For Ye Cheng, it makes more sense.

For the construction of power lines, Ye Cheng will be able to earn a large wave of points. The conversion between room temperature superconductors and points is: 0.5 cubic decimeter: 1.

That is to say, selling 0.5 decimeter of room-temperature superconductor can get a little point, and 0.5 decimeter is equivalent to two 100-meter-long, 2.5-square-mm lines.

This is a data comparable to the ratio of lithium-air batteries.

The integral requirements for lithium-air batteries in the mall are no less than those for room temperature superconductors.

"It really is a room temperature superconductor."

Ye Cheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Think about it, building a one-kilometer-long superconducting transmission line in the future may bring him hundreds of points, tens of thousands for a hundred kilometers.

There are more than 1.6 million people in the country...

That's hundreds of millions!

Several controllable nuclear fusion!

"Hiss, I can't even imagine it."

Ye Cheng quickly stopped his fantasies, and it is estimated that it will take ten years or more to build superconducting power lines across the country.

Of course, the government should also speed up this speed.

When nuclear fusion is realized in the future, a large sum of money previously used to buy coal can be freed up to build superconducting transmission lines.

As for the supply of room-temperature superconductors, it is still the same sentence, first satisfy domestic and foreign countries.

At the same time, they also have to hide it from foreign countries, and they cannot let foreigners know the actual price of room temperature superconductors. He will give foreigners a painful but acceptable price, so that foreigners can buy their wires, and at the same time let foreign countries People feel that they have earned it.

Of course, there will definitely be other companies who want to buy it at that time, and this is also a place where you can make a lot of money.

"Anyway, it's fine to play."

Ye Cheng didn't think about it any more.

Let's wait for the production plant of room temperature superconductors to be built.

In addition, there is something to show Xu Kaiyang tomorrow.

He was already looking forward to the old man's expression when the time came.


Time soon came to the next day.

A car stopped at the gate of the villa, and Ye Cheng was already waiting at the gate of the villa.

He went up to him and opened the car door.

After Xu Kaiyang got off the back seat, he looked at his son-in-law, greeted him with a smile, and walked towards the house at the same time.

"I heard that you have rejected the Southwest Institute of Physics, right?"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Of course, if Uncle Xu says it, can I still obey it?"

"You boy." Xu Kaiyang smiled and nodded at Ye Cheng, and then said: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you. In the future, we will succeed in nuclear fusion, and you will be the number one contributor."

Ye Cheng smiled and nodded: "Then I will wait for that day."

"Okay." Xu Kaiyang waved his hand: "Go in and see what you are looking for me for. If there is nothing important, I have to go back directly. Recently we are replacing the first wall covering. Gotta keep watching."

"Don't worry, I promise you won't be disappointed!"

With a guaranteed ticket, Ye Cheng finally entered the villa and came to the laboratory.

In the laboratory, a person is doing work.

"Is that Gu Ge?" Xu Kaiyang asked.

"No, that is Ji Xie, who is in charge of the research of our production equipment."

"Ji Xie?" Xu Kaiyang nodded, not knowing each other, "What is the production equipment?"

"CNC machine tool."

"What? CNC machine tools?" Xu Kaiyang was stunned: "Are you still researching CNC machine tools?"

"Yes." Ye Cheng smiled, and then waved to Ji Xie: "Ji Xie, how is your machine tool doing? Is the shell installed?"

"It's done." Ji Xie said, "It's ready to participate in the exhibition at the end of the month."

"That's fine."

Xu Kaiyang next to him couldn't help but said, "Have you already made it?"

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "You might be able to see it on the news at the end of the month."

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Seeing Ye Cheng like this, Xu Kaiyang was also surprised. Did they really come up with a CNC machine tool?

I just don't know how far this CNC machine tool has achieved.

At this time, a person came down from upstairs and shouted at Ye Cheng: "Boss."

Xu Kaiyang looked at him and said, "This should be Mr. Guge, right?"

"This is Hua Dongji, who is in charge of our engine research."

"Uh..." Xu Kaiyang wondered.

There are so many high-end talents squeezed into such a small place?

Also, the son-in-law's company has quite a lot of research directions. It is an exoskeleton, a CNC machine tool, and now there is an engine?

This is where Huaguo lags behind, and they will develop wherever they are.

If he knew that the engine Huadongji was researching was still an aero engine, he would be even more surprised.

Of course, considering the profitability of Zhiqi Company, these development directions are not worth mentioning.

At this time, another person came over.

"This is Gu Ge." Ye Cheng said at this time.

Xu Kaiyang came back to his senses, looked at the person in front of him, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Guge, hello, hello."

Guge knew who this was, and shook hands with Xu Kaiyang, saying, "Academician Xu, hello."

Xu Kaiyang smiled and said, "Is it you who discovered the sub-rigid body-grade carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy?"

Gu Ge nodded: "Yes."

Xu Kaiyang's words became more sincere: "Thank you very much for your research, which made it possible for us to realize nuclear fusion in Huaguo. Carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy has now become the key point for us to win. Thank you too We didn’t make it public, otherwise, if foreigners know about it, I’m afraid we will also face a lot of pressure.”

Guge smiled and said, "That's what I should do."

It's all the job of the master.

Strictly speaking, Ye Cheng is of course the master of these people, and of course they will do what Ye Cheng tells them to do.

Xu Kaiyang didn't let Guge go. Of course, he attached great importance to this talent who invented the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy. If it wasn't for his son-in-law, he would probably start poaching him.

For things like materials, breakthrough or not has a lot to do with luck. Sometimes during the experiment, there will be an accident, but sometimes these accidents will not be taken seriously.

But often some people have a more sensitive sense of smell, and immediately realize what an amazing discovery lies behind this accident.

Then the lucky ones will follow.

In history, many lucky people have won various awards.

What Xu Kaiyang really admired was that after Guge made such a sensational result, he did not use it to publish a paper, but handed it over to Ye Cheng, and then reached a cooperation with the country.

Discovering materials that can meet the requirements of nuclear fusion seems to be an achievement that is enough to win various non-theoretical physics awards all over the world.

Xu Kaiyang admires such people, even if they are not directly handed over to the country, but even if they are not announced for fame and fortune, they are worthy of respect, just like those great people who were willing to remain anonymous for the sake of Huaguo.

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