Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 227 Surprised Xu Kaiyang, Superconducting Magnetic Fluid Generator

Ye Cheng watched this scene and touched his nose.

Always feel a little strange.

However, since the father-in-law has such thoughts, of course he has nothing to say.

After Xu Kaiyang and Guge finished speaking, Ye Cheng took Xu Kaiyang to the next experimental platform.

Xu Kaiyang said: "Tell me, what are you going to show me today."

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "You should know about superconductors."

"I know, why? Have you researched any high-temperature superconductors?" Xu Kaiyang said with a smile: "The current high-temperature superconductors have not officially entered the practical stage. Could it be that you have already made it practical?"

"No, no, no, it's not a high-temperature superconductor, oh, it can't be said that it's not a high-temperature superconductor."

Ye Cheng shook his head.

"What is that?" Xu Kaiyang asked suspiciously.

At this time, Ye Cheng stopped in front of the experimental platform, then picked up a 50 cm long metal rod, and shook it in front of Xu Kaiyang.

"Normal temperature superconductor, understand?"

Xu Kaiyang: "?"

He shook his head in disbelief and said, "Normal temperature superconductor? Are you kidding me?"

Those who study physics know what a room-temperature superconductor means.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, put the thing back into the circuit, and then turned on the power.

The current is driven, and the pointer of the ammeter starts to move.

But Xu Kaiyang quickly calculated that there was no current loss in that section of the metal rod.

He froze.

"This... is this thing real? A real room temperature superconductor?"

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Of course it's true, I can't lie to you, can I?"

Then he did another experiment, this time testing the complete diamagnetism of the superconductor, known as the Meissner effect.

This complete diamagnetism can be manifested by simply copying the experiment done by Meissner.

And complete diamagnetism is another major feature of superconductors.

Seeing this scene, Xu Kaiyang finally confirmed that this is really a superconductor.

Moreover, it is a room temperature superconductor.

It is exposed to the air like that, and there is no liquid helium around it to cool it down. There is no need to worry about problems with the cooling system, which will cause it to change from a superconducting state to a normal state, and then cause danger due to heat.

Xu Kaiyang seemed to be greatly shocked, and he didn't recover for a long time.

"Uncle Xu?" Ye Cheng said.

Xu Kaiyang came to his senses, looked at Ye Cheng, held his hand, and said excitedly, "How did you make this thing? Who discovered it?"

"Uh, how it was made, of course I can't tell you, as for who discovered it..." Ye Cheng spread his hands: "It's me."

Xu Kaiyang was stunned.

Ye Cheng didn't talk about the production method, of course he understood, but, this thing was discovered by Ye Cheng?

" did you find out?"

Ye Cheng rubbed his nose and said, "I used mathematical methods to find the possible special excited state of the nucleus, and then followed this special excited state, and it was done."

"As for related papers, they will be published in Science after a while."

""Science"?" Xu Kaiyang was taken aback, then nodded: "I see."

A few short pieces of news made him extremely surprised.

This son-in-law is really extraordinary.

Forget about the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy, after all, Ye Cheng didn't make it, but now he has a room temperature superconductor?

This information made it difficult for him to digest for a while.

However, this did not prevent him from asking Ye Cheng related questions: "If we want to buy this room temperature superconductor, how much is it?"

Ye Cheng: "Fifteen thousand, 100 meters long, 2.5 square millimeters thick."

The cost of early production is of course relatively high, and if it is only provided for a nuclear fusion facility, it will not make much money, so 15,000 is relatively cheap.

That is to say, Xu Kaiyang is his father-in-law, and he never thought of taking his money, otherwise, Ye Cheng would have reported 100,000 yuan.

Of course, 100,000 is probably not considered a pit.

"so cheap?"

However, Xu Kaiyang was immediately surprised.

It's only 15,000, and the price of their EAST device is only in order to maintain the superconducting state of niobium-titanium alloy and liquid helium. The price fluctuates from hundreds of thousands to millions.

"It's that cheap." Ye Cheng spread his hands.

No way, the cost of the production process given to him by the system is so cheap.

Xu Kaiyang immediately said: "Then give us 100 million first."

Ye Cheng almost staggered when he heard the words of the future father-in-law.

Of course he knew that Xu Kaiyang's opening was the reason for 100 million.

Since the government allocated funds and Zhiqi company's investment, their research institute has money, and they don't even blink when they spend 100 million yuan to buy this thing.

Feelings, he is left-handed and right-handed.

Of course, this is a good thing. The main reason is that the opening is worth 100 million yuan, so how can Ye Cheng produce so much.

"Uncle Xu, don't worry, we just invented this thing, and it hasn't been mass-produced yet. Even if you give me 100 million yuan, I can't supply it to you."

"Then when will you be able to produce it?"


"June?" Xu Kaiyang could only say, "Alright then."

Ye Cheng smiled, and then said: "Actually, I'm showing you this thing mainly because I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"Magnetic Fluid Generator."

Xu Kaiyang frowned suddenly, and then fell into deep thought.

He had been surprised by room temperature superconductors just now, and now under Ye Cheng's words, he finally began to think about how room temperature superconductors can help nuclear fusion.

Superconducting magnetic fluid generator is obviously a feasible technology.

The magnetic fluid generator is a generator that uses the principle of electromagnetic induction to allow charged particles to pass vertically through the magnetic field lines to generate current.

Its energy conversion efficiency is very high, it will not be affected by the upper limit of water temperature like boiling water, and as long as the magnetic field strength is greater, the speed of the charged fluid will be faster, the greater the current can be generated, and the power of the generator can reach 10 million kw to an even higher degree.

It is obviously the most ideal solution to use superconductors to provide magnetic fields for magnetic fluid generators. Because superconductors are completely diamagnetic, many countries are studying such generators.

And now they have room-temperature superconductors, because room-temperature superconductors can save the cooling system required by those low-temperature superconductors, so more space can be released to increase superconductors, thereby expanding the magnetic field strength.

The stronger the magnetic field strength, the easier it is to capture the extremely high-energy plasma released by nuclear fusion, and let these plasmas run exactly as they want.

If normal-temperature superconductors cannot do it, obviously other superconductors cannot do it.

But room-temperature superconductors clearly can.

Xu Kaiyang clapped his hands for the last time and said, "It's feasible! It's very feasible!"

The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became, "And we also have carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy! This thing is used as the channel material of the magnetic fluid generator, it is definitely the best choice!"

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