
"Old Qi, you, alas, shouldn't have done it."

Hearing what his colleague said, Qi Guang snorted coldly, rubbed the place where he was beaten with one hand, and said, "You still don't fight back after being beaten by Xiaori people? Wouldn't it make people look down on you?"

"Sigh." The colleague shook his head and said, "Director Ye wants to come here in person."

"Director Ye..." Qi Guang was taken aback for a moment. Apart from Director Xu, there was only one Director Ye in their company.

"Chairman Ye?! Is he going to come here in person?"

"That's what Director Xu said."

Qi Guang, who was a little bullish just now, couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

After all, that was Dong Ye.

As a small employee of Zhiqi Group, a mechanical technology company who has just left the internship period for less than three months, he is about to meet the boss's boss because of his own affairs.

That kind of natural pressure is still unavoidable.

"When will Director Ye arrive?"

"do not know."

The colleague looked at Qi Guang like this, and couldn't help laughing: "Why? You are not afraid of beating people, but you are afraid of seeing the boss?"

Qi Guang said angrily: "What do you know, you don't panic when Director Ye comes? There is nothing to be afraid of beating someone, let alone a small Japanese person."

The colleague scratched his head. He was indeed panicked, but he did nothing wrong.

Finally changed the subject, he still comforted Qi Guang: "Don't worry, maybe Ye Dong came here to help you uphold justice? Anyway, it was that little Japanese who started the attack, you have the reason, and Ye Dong and Xu Dong have always been tough with the outside world."

Qi Guang smiled and nodded: "Maybe."

Just say that the last time a company directly sanctioned the United States, this kind of thing was unthinkable in the past, and it probably appeared in the cool article.

Although Zhiqi Company stated that it was only less than a week since the sanctions against the United States, but the speed at which the United States has been softened is known to all the world.

And this incident has been spread all over the Internet. Huawei Company even directly posted a video on the homepage of the official website, expressing its gratitude to Zhiqi. After all, they were the ones who were suppressed by the United States with the power of the country. company, but they have no ability to counter the United States with a company.

Therefore, although Zhiqi's behavior was to avenge Ye Cheng, but at the same time, it could not be said that he took a bad breath on Huawei's behalf.

Therefore, every employee of Zhiqi is full of pride because of this incident.

Just like most people in the United States will not object because of how unjust the United States' sanctions against Warwick are, on the contrary they will only become more arrogant.

Therefore, the employees of Zhiqi Company also have a kind of arrogance, especially when facing foreign companies.

The same is true for Qi Guang, who really dared to hit Kojima Nuxing.

Because he felt in his heart that he was a member of Zhiqi Company.

Of course, after the fight, it is impossible to say that there is no regret. What if I get fired?

Although he graduated from Bingong University with a major in machinery, he had to pass five hurdles and kill six generals to enter any branch of Zhiqi. No, it should be three hurdles and one hundred and eight generals.

It wasn't long before he completed the transition from an intern to a regular worker, so he would still feel a little distressed if he was fired.

"Forget it, who cares, just do what you want, even if you get fired, you'll still get a punch from the little devil."

Qi Guang quickly shook his head and stopped thinking about it. His experience in Zhiqi Company alone is enough for him to enter any large company.


Time passed quickly.

Although there was a conflict between the two parties, they did not say that they would call the police. For large companies, it is generally the second option to find law enforcement officers to conduct adjudication.

The first option is to settle.

When Kojima Nuxing learned that the other party was the chairman of Zhiqi Group and wanted to come over in person, he was shocked.

Good guy, he is just an ordinary general manager, why is it worth your visit?

His heart panicked even more than Qi Guang and other Zhiqi employees.

However, it is impossible for him to run away. If he runs away, he will have no way to explain to his company.

So he could only wait obediently, even if his teeth were knocked out and his face was still swollen, he couldn't go to the hospital first.

As the time passed by, the pressure on my heart was increasing, I was afraid that I would see a group of people coming from the opposite side in the next moment, and then there was a young man standing in the middle, looking at him seriously.

It was nine o'clock, but Ye Cheng didn't arrive.

But at this time, the exhibition has officially started.

Many successful people in suits and ties quickly poured in outside, and the crowd was turbulent.

After all, today there are many previously banned devices on display for sale, and companies are well aware of how much benefit those previously banned devices can bring to the company if they buy them.

Therefore, if you come in early, you can get the order first, especially for those small and medium-sized companies. After all, they are not as competitive as those big companies, and they can use their strength to let those machinery and equipment companies give priority to supply.

When these people entered the exhibition hall A, they looked around first. Generally, the manufacturers placed at the entrance were those with international strength.

It's just that, at this time, after entering the door, and looking at the people on the right, they all froze for a moment.

"Zhiqi Company?"

"Zhiqi Machinery?"

"Are they also exhibiting?"

Although some people are curious, but because their company has a long-term goal, they plan to take a look at it later, so they go towards their goal first.

However, these are small and medium companies who are afraid that they will not be able to place orders in advance. Representatives of large companies, when they came in and saw Zhiqi Company, they all walked to Zhiqi's booth.

The reputation of Zhiqi Company in China is still very good, and it often brings various surprises to the country. Maybe it can also bring them surprises this time?

However, after these people passed by, they saw that Zhiqi's machine was still covered with cloth and had not been uncovered.

At this time, when Zhiqi's employees saw so many people running over, they couldn't help sighing in their hearts that their company was awesome, and then went up to say hello.

"Hello bosses, please don't worry, we will reveal it soon."

Someone asked: "Little brother, what is your Zhiqi company exhibiting?"

"Hehe, it's a CNC machine tool."

An employee said with a smile, then walked to the side and took off the red cloth on the introduction card.

Everyone was taken aback, machine tool?

Or a CNC machine?

It is not that there are no companies in China that do CNC machine tools, such as Shen Machine Tool, and even machine tools, but the accuracy and stability are a bit worse, and they are not considered top in the world.

Zhiqi is now developing machine tools. Could it be that he has machine tool technology comparable to that of Japan and Hans?

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