Everyone looked at the introduction card, and they were all surprised at that time.

"The resolution is 0.05mm, the maximum feed speed is 15-100m/min, and the positioning accuracy is about 1mm...?"

"So accurate? This is the world's top machine tool precision!"

"Wait... how about a nine-axis nine linkage?"

"Aren't you kidding! It can also be linked with nine axes and nine? How does it overcome the spatial angle?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

However, no matter how surprised others were, that was what was written on the introduction card.

"Little brother, quickly uncover the cloth! Let us see, how do you link the nine axes and nine?"

Zhiqi's staff said: "Everyone, please wait a moment, we will reveal it at 9:15!"

The people below were restless, and they still have to wait until 9:15?

Although they were upset, this was the platform of Zhiqi Company, so they didn't dare to be presumptuous, so they could only wait here.

Moreover, the nine-axis and nine-linkage, and the world's top precision, have whetted their appetite and made them willing to wait.

Still, their restlessness here apparently attracts people elsewhere, too.

At Mitsubishi's booth, although a lot of people came to visit, but looking at the business cards handed over by these people, it is rare to see a large company that is well-known in China, which makes Mitsubishi's employees lack of interest. Although the booth of Qi Company was small but crowded, Xiao Dao Nuxing, who had been staring at it, felt sour and puzzled.

What is Zhiqi exhibiting?

What attracted so many onlookers so excited?

And he also recognized several of them, including a boss of Jiangnan Shipyard, a boss of Northeast Machinery Processing Factory, and leaders of some universities, such as a dean of Xigong University.

Wait, some of them have reached cooperation with Mitsubishi, and they have had dinner together before.

In the past, he would have gone up, but now, looking at his swollen eye sockets and one side of his face, and a lens in his glasses was broken, he is nearsighted at 500 degrees, and the world is half clear and half blurred, and he still has to It takes one eye to get used to it, it looks so funny.

He thought for a while, waved to the side, and said to an employee, "Go and see what Zhiqi Company is exhibiting."

His employees immediately left after getting the order. God knows if this Japanese boss will get into trouble with them Chinese employees.

Soon, the employee came running back with a look of surprise on his face.

"General Manager, Zhiqi Company actually produced a machine tool!"

"What? Machine tool?" Kojima Nuxing was stunned: "What machine tool? CNC machine tool? How accurate is it?"

"Numerical controlled machine tools, and they are nine-axis and nine-linkage, which is unbelievable... Also, their precision has reached the world's top level, which belongs to the world's first-class level."

"Impossible!" Kojima Nuxing turned pale with shock.

Hua Guo actually has this kind of ability to come up with such a thing?

For mechanical equipment such as machine tools, Japan and Hans can become the number one in the world, which is derived from the experience accumulated from the last century. How can this Zhiqi company produce equipment of the same level as theirs?

And what is a machine tool.

Mother of Industry!

Only with cutting-edge machine tools can we create more sophisticated machinery.

Why were Huaguo's previous nuclear submarines so noisy?

This can be related to an incident about Japan's Toshiba Corporation in the last century, which shocked the world, especially Western countries, which was in the Cold War at that time.

Two Japanese from Toshiba illegally sold four high-precision machine tools to Qiansu.

And this consequence is extremely dangerous for the Western world. Before that, the nuclear submarines of the former Soviet Union made quite a lot of noise, such as their Alpha-class attack nuclear submarine. It was detected by the US Navy's hydroacoustic listening station in Bermuda on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.

However, because of these machine tools, Qiansu manufactured a new type of propeller with extremely low geometric tolerance and high surface finish. The main noise source of the submarine is the propeller. This new type of propeller makes Qiansu's nuclear submarine The dark deep sea became quiet, and it became a red undersea ghost, floating under the Pacific Ocean.

This made the U.S. Navy lose its advantage in underwater acoustic detection of former Soviet naval ships. To this day, the U.S. Navy is still not absolutely sure of discovering new types of Maozi submarines.

Of course, the noise problem of the Huaguo nuclear submarine was a problem a long time ago, and now the Huaguo nuclear submarine has no such problem.

One person must be mentioned here, that is, academician Ma Weiming, who made Huaguo the second country in the world with electromagnetic ejection technology, and is the "father of electromagnetic ejection" in Huaguo. In addition, he developed a world-leading The "shaftless pump jet propeller" completely solved the noise problem of Huaguo nuclear submarine.

Well, let’s talk about the noise problem of submarines later, oh, it’s still necessary to mention that there is another kind of propeller that is more advanced than the shaftless pump jet propeller, which is the magnetic fluid propeller.

The magnetic fluid propeller made of superconductor coils, with the strong endurance of the nuclear submarine itself, can allow the submarine to avoid all the sound caused by mechanical vibration, so that it can walk across the seabed almost silently. This is the real submarine ghost. , but in the past, because it was necessary to carry liquid helium to cool the superconductor, once it was used up, it was useless.

Now the emergence of room temperature superconductors will completely solve this problem.

Back to the topic, all in all, this example is enough to show what precision machine tools mean to the military industry.

So Kojima Nuxing was extremely shocked.

If this news is true, God knows how much shock it will bring to the world. All in all, it means that the level of China's military industry will be upgraded again, and it will be closer to the United States.

He even seemed to have seen the day when Huaguo asked Japan to tear down the Yasukuni Shrine.

At this time, he suddenly heard something, looked at the door, and saw a lot of people coming in, and one of them, he also recognized, was from the Huaguo Shenfei Industrial Group, and seemed to be their president Manager Wen Huohua?

Later, he saw the general manager of Shen Fei, who also went straight to Zhiqi's booth.

He sighed, God knows how far Huaguo's fighter jets can develop with such high-precision machine tools.

However, it has nothing to do with him.


"Mr. Wen, didn't you say you wanted to see Siemens' servo motors?"

Beside Wen Huohua, a person asked.

"Hurry up, go see Zhiqi first."

Wen Huohua said.

Usually, he wouldn't come to this kind of place in person, but these two days happened to be in Shanghai, so he decided to stop by to see if there was anything Shen Fei Group could buy.

As a result, when I entered, I saw the signboard of Zhiqi Company.

Zhiqi company also has automatic production equipment to participate in this kind of exhibition?

That must have been something of a surprise.

He knows Zhiqi too well.

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