Shen Fei Industrial Group, as a production company of Huaguo's various fighter jets, has an extremely close relationship with Zhiqi.

The kind of coating that can avoid the radar detection of the US aircraft carrier, as well as magnesium-aluminum alloy, and the latest super-strength titanium, including aircraft autopilot technology, automatic targeting technology, etc., are all in cooperation.

How intimate is basically needless to say.

Even, Wen Huohua had to inquire every day if the company had developed any new technology that they could use.

So, since I saw Zhiqi at this exhibition today, Wen Huohua of course wanted to go up and see if Zhiqi had made any big news again.

Seeing the boss like this, the people next to him had no choice but to follow.

Soon, they also came outside the crowd.

Seeing this scene, Wen Huohua's secretary immediately went up to help the leader open the way.

But there is no way, there are too many people, and everyone is still waiting for the employee of Zhiqi to uncover the red cloth and show everyone what the Huaguo's own world-class machine tool looks like.

As long as it is true, people here dare to place an order directly, no matter how expensive the machine tool is, it is better than buying a foreigner's machine tool that can be locked anytime, anywhere.

Wen Huohua couldn't get in, and his secretary couldn't do anything about it. He was almost beaten when he pulled people.

Wen Huohua said: "Okay, then don't squeeze, just wait."

But even though he couldn't get in, Wen Huohua was quite famous in the domestic heavy industry field. After all, he was Shen Fei, so people recognized him soon.

"Mr. Wen, why are you here in person?"

Wen Huohua took a look and recognized that this was a boss of Jiangnan Shipyard. He had dinner with him before, so he said with a smile, "I'm in Shanghai, so I came here to have a look."

The boss of the shipyard squeezed out from the crowd. The people outside were not happy to let others in, but of course they were happy to let the people inside out, so the boss came out soon.

"What is Zhiqi company exhibiting at the exhibition today? Why are there so many people watching here?" Wen Huohua asked directly without talking nonsense.

The boss of the shipyard said with emotion: "Hey, I'm not telling the truth, this Zhiqi has done a big thing quietly. If this thing is true, it will be amazing."

Wen Huohua's heart skipped a beat, was there really a surprise?

He was too lazy to listen to the boss's tricks, and said, "Okay, just tell me what it is."

"The CNC machine tool is the top one in the world. According to their introduction, it is not inferior to the top machine tools of Japan and Hans, and even better."

Wen Huohua was stunned immediately: "Really? Is it not worse than Ri and Hans? Is it better?"

"Then how can I lie to you, of course, the premise is that the Zhiqi Company is not deceiving people." The boss smiled and waved his hands: "Of course, Zhiqi Company has never deceived anyone before, and I feel that it may be true Woolen cloth?"

There was a spark in Wen Huohua's eyes.

God knows how much a world's top CNC machine tool will affect them, such as engines, structural connection devices...etc.

3D printing component technology is their secret weapon, but the scope of application of 3D printing is limited, far less than that of high-end CNC machine tools.

Just like the engine.

For the development of engines, in addition to materials, overall design, aerodynamics, etc., processing technology is also an extremely important part.

Shen Fei Group's own machine tools are all between high-end and mid-range, and there is no world-class one. After all, world-class people don't sell them. Even if some sanctions have been lifted now, there is no company. Sell, so they can only watch.

But now, if Zhiqi really develops such a high-end machine tool, it will be of great help to their research on aero-engines.

So Wen Huohua didn't have time to talk to the boss of the Jiangnan Shipyard next to him, so he started to squeeze into the crowd without saying a word.

The boss was stunned, and Wen Huohua's secretary was also stunned, and then hurriedly followed, "Boss Wen!"

When Wen Huohua squeezed in, it was nine fifteen.

The employee lifted the red cloth, revealing the CNC machine inside.

The thing is relatively large, and it is different from other CNC machine tools with nine axes and five linkages, and has some different structures.

Everyone gathered around and looked at this CNC machine tool. There were also some professional technicians present, and they all looked at it.

Of course, just looking at it this way, it is obvious how high the precision of this thing is, and the most important thing is to process it on the spot.

"Little brother, if you don't do machining, how can we see the accuracy of this machine tool?"

"Do you want to process something or something?"

"Yes, we also want to see your CNC system."


One after another voices sounded, and Zhiqi's employees smiled and said: "Everyone, don't worry, right away, our Director Ye and the designer responsible for the design of this CNC machine tool will also come over, and our machine tool designer will personally Show it to everyone."

"Chairman Ye wants to come in person?"

The people around were taken aback for a moment, and then they couldn't help being surprised.

I can even meet Ye Cheng this trip, so it would be nice to even get to know him.

In the business circle, to ordinary businessmen like them, those successful entrepreneurs are like stars to fans, because successful entrepreneurs have a lot of resources and funds in their hands.

So they thought it would be great if they could get to know Ye Cheng and get some orders.

So this made them even more reluctant to leave, and waited next to them, and asked the employee directly if they had any questions.

So, another fifteen minutes passed.

Outside the exhibition hall, Ye Cheng drove the repaired military vehicle and parked it in the parking lot.

"What, there was a fight with the Japanese? The Japanese started it first? Mitsubishi's, oh, I see, um, I will solve it...Okay, let's go eat together in the afternoon, and I will pick you up then."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng stopped the car.

There was even a contradiction.

This is a bit of a surprise.

However, they robbed Mitsubishi's booth, and Mitsubishi's anger is understandable.

Of course, understanding means understanding. Since the other party hit their man, and they were the first to strike, then of course Ye Cheng has nothing to say.

He got out of the car with Ji Xie, along with two Type I guards.

He used to not bring bodyguards in China, but after the incident in the United States, Xu Xin asked him to bring bodyguards.

No way, he still has to listen to what his future wife says.

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