The specular reflection effect has extremely fine requirements on the roughness of the surface.

Generally speaking, the surface roughness Ra value is required to be below 0.4 in order to have a specular reflection effect, but domestic machine tools basically cannot achieve this level.

Moreover, the degree to which the mirror effect can be achieved by directly turning the workpiece is that kind of flat surface. The workpiece that Xiang Zhiqi is showing now is a curved surface!

The surface of that curved cylinder acts like a convex mirror, distorting what it shines on.

This makes people around feel incredible, which shows that the control system inside the machine tool has really reached an extremely low level of precision. People can't help but think of its resolution, but it is 0.05mm.

This data is clearly true!

Moreover, the most important thing is that the previous tool path design was designed by an intelligent program, and the user was not allowed to design the tool path at all.

The tool path is definitely the most troublesome thing in the work of machine tool workers, and it can give a solution in just a few minutes.

Realizing this, think of the precision of this machine tool.

Everyone was even more shocked.

And it's not over yet.

After taking out all the curved cylinders, Zhiqi's employees picked up three curved cylinders, and then started to set them from small to large.

The first is to put the solid one on the small hollow one.

Because of the same curvature, there is no need to worry about getting stuck inside, and when the two sleeves are put on, there is almost no gap at the connection.

And when you put it on, you don't even feel any friction.

Until the end, the two are completely integrated, and the original hole completely disappears, as if there is no hole at all, they are one.

It's like magic.

After that, the two-in-one curved cylinder was continued to be placed inside the large hollow cylinder.

As before, there are no gaps.

The employee raised the thing in his hand and showed it to the people present.

All the Chinese people who looked at that thing became happy.

This is their Huaguo's own top CNC machine tool!

Zhiqi company is really a pillar of the country!

Almost the next moment, someone raised his hand and shouted: "Our company wants to order two!"

Seeing this scene, other capable companies cursed inwardly, how can someone be so fast, and then immediately raised their hands and shouted.

"Our company also wants one!"

"Our company wants two!"

"Our company wants three!"

All of a sudden, the people shouted like a vegetable market.

And Wen Huohua from the Shen Fei Group directly shouted: "We Shen Fei need four! Please save face, we also build aircraft for the country."

As usual, he will definitely not show that he is developing for the country. After all, this is a bit of a suspicion of moral kidnapping.

But now, he doesn't care about the issue of moral kidnapping, what he grabs is the best.

However, how many domestic heavy industries are not state-owned enterprises?

The boss of the Jiangnan Shipyard who had a good chat with Wen Huohua before shouted directly: "Our Jiangnan Shipyard still builds warships for the country! Mr. Wen, you should give us a break first! We want two!"

"Old Li, you are unreasonable!" Wen Huohua was anxious.

But other companies didn't just eat dry food, so they ran up directly and began to ask Zhiqi's employees for orders.

Those weak companies around can only feel envious, they also want to buy...

And because their movement here was too noisy, it quickly attracted the attention of other people in the exhibition hall.

Other than Mitsubishi, people from other companies couldn't help casting their gazes.

At the Siemens booth, the Hans manager here looked at the people over there, and asked, "What are those Chinese people doing?"

"Manager, there is the booth of Zhiqi Company."

"I know it's Zhiqi, but how can Zhiqi attract so much attention?" Manager Hansi thought for a while and said, "Go and see what's going on."

Soon, this subordinate brought back news.

His face was full of surprise: "Zhiqi Company has launched a CNC machine tool! And the precision is world-class, and there is no gap with our company's top small machine tools!"

"how is this possible!"

The Hans boss couldn't believe it.

In the world of machine tools, their Hans and Japan are ranked first in the world, but in terms of precision, their Hans is the well-deserved number one. Hans' craftsmanship is the foundation laid before World War I, and Japan's main The advantage lies in their humanized operation and more convenient use.

As a result, now, that Huaguo company has no gap with them in terms of accuracy?

Seeing that the manager didn't believe it, the subordinate showed the manager the photo of the curved cylinder processed on the spot and the specification parameter introduction card of Zhiqi machine tool just now.

After seeing it, the manager was stunned. He has been in the machine tool industry for so many years, and he can see the degree of precision of a machine tool from the curved cylinder. Undoubtedly, what his subordinates said is true.

Finally, he looked at Zhiqi's booth and murmured, "Hua Guo, do you really want to compare one country with all the countries?"

And the other booths had the same reaction. Whether it was from Hans, Japan, or the United States, etc., after hearing the news here, they all couldn't believe it, and then they were extremely shocked. .

The news that Zhiqi had created the world's top machine tool was quickly spread from here, mainly by those interested enthusiasts who came here to visit.

Anyone who is interested in industry is interested in machine tools. After all, this thing is called an industrial mother machine, and now there are many science and engineering majors in universities who have to learn how to use machine tools. It has attracted a lot of attention.

All of a sudden, on various social platforms with more male users, various discussions started like this.

In the machine tool industry, men account for more than 90%.

And soon, there was also a video, which was the modeling software displayed by Zhiqi Company on the spot, as well as the intelligent tool path of the CAM software, which shocked countless people. There is such a powerful intelligence in this world?

As a result, more and more people paid attention to Zhiqi CAM software, and soon several videos were released. Someone at the exhibition site took their own modeling and asked Zhiqi employees to use their intelligent tool path function to see See if you can design a toolpath.

There are about three models, one is more complex than the other, but to everyone's surprise, the software of Zhiqi really gave the design, and even the parties have to admit that the cutting path designed by this intelligent software , which is simpler than their own designed tool path and saves materials.

Moreover, the employees of Zhiqi also operated the machine tools on the spot, and produced these models. Because of the nine-axis linkage, the processing speed was very fast, and the extremely high precision also made every Chinese person more and more enthusiastic.

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