The dissemination of these videos has caused every Huaguo machine tool worker to fall into a carnival.

In addition to the suppression from foreign countries, the domestic environment is also a reason why Huaguo could not develop machine tools before.

Private companies are profit-oriented, and no one is determined to invest a lot of money and recruit various talents to study this thing. Private companies with this ability do not engage in heavy industry, either they engage in the Internet, or they engage in other light industrial technologies, such as mobile phones and the like.

Heavy industry has too little profit, and there is no high-tech to make money. Just like the United States itself transformed from an industrial power to a financial power, it is because of the low profit of heavy industry, and they have the hegemony of the US dollar, so they naturally develop towards the financial industry.

Only a system like Huaguo can invest large sums of money into heavy industry.

However, success and Xiao He defeated Xiao He.

Institutional problems have become the main reason for restricting various developments.

Reasons for treatment, reasons for seniority, reasons for responsibility system, etc.

Various reasons have led to the occurrence of these situations.

Another example is the research on aero-engines. Aero-engines need to operate at high temperatures, which may cause many problems in their internal structures when starting experiments.

There is actually no problem with Huaguo's materials. All kinds of advanced materials can be manufactured, but the yield rate is not as good as that of foreign countries. In addition, the processing technology is also a problem, but this is not the main problem. The main problem is trial and error.

It costs tens of millions of dollars to manufacture a test engine. Once a problem occurs, such as an explosion, it will cost millions or even tens of millions of dollars. So is the main person in charge of the project responsible for it?

The disadvantages of the chief responsibility system are also reflected here. The main person in charge does not dare to spend money. Unless it is a project that is highly valued by the superiors, he can try and make mistakes. Otherwise, the trial and error will fail and the loss will be huge. The main person in charge They have to be demoted and fired, which leads them to take a more conservative approach to research.

These problems restrict the development of these cutting-edge technologies.

So now that Zhiqi Company has suddenly made such a breakthrough, of course everyone in the industry is excited about it.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of improvement Zhiqi's new machine tool can bring to Huaguo Industry after it is officially mass-produced.


While everyone was excited about the news, Ye Cheng didn't pay too much attention.

After all, he was already excited.

After seeing those people attracted by the superior performance of the machine tool, he remembered the fight between the company employee and a leader of Mitsubishi.

Came in front of the fighting employee.

Qi Guang was sitting by the side resting, when he saw Ye Cheng approaching, he quickly stood up and said nervously, "Ye... Ye Dong."

Not long after he graduated, Ye Cheng was only three or four years older than him, but he still felt quite nervous.

Ye Cheng nodded, looked at his swollen chin, and said, "Is your name Qi Guang?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, Dong Ye, for causing you trouble."

After finishing speaking, Qi Guang lowered his head, waiting for the boss's next words, and another employee who was taking care of him also became nervous for his colleague.

But Ye Cheng just smiled and said: "It's okay, since it was the Japanese who hit you first, it must have nothing to do with you, let's go to the Japanese, since he hit you, he must let him take the money." pay compensation."

Hearing what Ye Cheng said, Qi Guang raised his head suddenly, with surprise on his face.

Unexpectedly, not only did the boss not criticize him, he didn't even say a word of warning, but he also wanted to help him demand compensation from the Japanese.

He said with a little trepidation: "Thank you, Director Ye! don't need compensation, right? I won't bother you..."

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about."

"Your name reminds me of that general surnamed Qi. You beat Japanese people today, and General Qi also beat Japanese pirates back then. There is no difference between the two. So think about your own name. You must have the name of General Qi." Temperament, don’t feel sorry for beating the Japanese, as long as you don’t strike first, take the blame yourself.”

"We, Zhiqi, will only help the side that takes advantage of the truth."

Listening to Ye Cheng's protective words, Qi Guang was deeply moved. How could the big boss not be excited to protect his small employee in front of foreigners?

He even made a decision in his heart that he would retire in Zhiqi's position until he retired in this life.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to Mitsubishi." Ye Cheng snorted coldly, "I'd like to see which short-sighted Japanese dare to beat our Zhiqi people."

Then he walked directly towards the Mitsubishi booth.

With Qi Guang, there are two two-meter-tall bodyguards behind him.

And the employee who had been watching beside him didn't follow, but he was very moved when he saw Ye Cheng's back.

With such a boss, what else can they say?

He can't wait to share this news with other colleagues, so that everyone can see what a good boss their boss is.


Ye Cheng led a few people to Mitsubishi.

Mitsubishi's employees thought they were here to see their products, and they were about to ask questions with a smile on their faces, but they saw that the owner looked very familiar.

Fuck, isn't this Ye Cheng from Zhiqi?

Looking at the one next to him, isn't it the Zhiqi employee who just hit their leader?

Ordinary people seeing Ye Cheng now is no less than Americans seeing Tony Stark.

This is the real Iron Man.

"Hello, Mr. Ye."

The staff of Mitsubishi greeted quickly.

Ye Cheng said flatly: "Where is your manager who beat my employee? Take me to see him."

"Oh...Okay, please follow me."

Under Ye Cheng's aura, the Mitsubishi employee said quickly, and then walked in with Ye Cheng and others.

Soon came to the small island Nuxing.

Kojima Nuxing had long seen this young man walking towards him.

This one of the richest people in the world, and also the least provocative, and even the Chinese man who forced Mi Guofu to bow his head, really came here.

The Japanese always obey involuntarily in the face of the strong, so he quickly stood up from his seat, then trotted to Ye Cheng, and bowed.

Then he said directly: "Hello, Chairman Ye, I am Kojima Nuxing. I am sorry for causing trouble to you and Zhiqi Company. I am willing to provide compensation to this gentleman."

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, he was about to say a few words very seriously, but this one just gave in?

It is worthy of being the motherland of ninjas, it is so tolerant.

All the good emotions brewed for him were gone.

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