Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 238 Killing Chickens As An Example To Monkeys

However, it is a good thing to surrender without fighting.

This can only show that as their wisdom becomes stronger, these people are less afraid to scratch their beards.

He thought that Xiaobai could be asked to do a survey to find out how foreigners treat Chinese people today.

Will it still be targeted as deliberately as before.

In the past, the reason why foreigners liked to target and bully Chinese people was because foreign countries often targeted Chinese people, so they even targeted Chinese people along with their citizens.

It's like the Hua people despised Ah San, because Ah San was cleared by Hua Guo back then.

If foreign countries dare not continue to target Hua, their people will naturally dare not continue to target Hua.

Ye Cheng thinks, even if there are still some people in foreign countries who have not woken up from these incidents, the situation of Chinese people will become much better.

Without further ado, Ye Cheng looked at the submissive Japanese.

Even if Kojima Nuxing voluntarily succumbs and is willing to pay compensation, it is impossible for Ye Cheng to let him go.

After all, this is a good example that can be shown to all foreigners, and it is an example of killing chickens and monkeys.

He wants to use this as a catalyst so that all foreigners can learn from this example in the future and be cautious in their words and deeds in China.

With a serious face, he said in a very stern tone: "Japanese people, don't think that this matter can be passed by just bowing, apologizing, and paying some compensation."

"In this matter, our Zhiqi Company will make a solemn representation to Mitsubishi Corporation. If Mitsubishi Corporation does not provide a solution, we will negotiate with the Japanese government. If the Japanese government does not provide a solution, Zhiqi Company will We will work with the Chinese government to negotiate with Japan."

"I will not accept your apology and compensation alone. I will ask all Mitsubishi Corporation personnel in China to improve their own quality and abide by the laws of China. At the same time, they need to make a written apology and make an announcement to the public."

"Otherwise, this matter will not end like this."

"Zhiqi Company will accompany you to the end."

Hearing Ye Cheng's words, Kojima Nuxing was stunned, his face turned pale, he never expected Ye Cheng to do such an amazing thing.

The reason why he gave in was because he thought he had considered all the consequences.

Since the boss of Zhiqi Company wants to come to solve this matter in person, it shows that he loves his employees very much.

Then he will directly give in and offer compensation to save face, and I believe the other party will not embarrass him too much.

After all, Japan used to be like this.

Bow the spirit of craftsman, bow, apologize, is there any big problem that can't be solved?

He also offered to pay compensation.

But he didn't expect that the boss of Zhiqi Company was so difficult to deal with, he didn't care about his apology at all, and even raised the matter to such a high level directly.

Moreover, they were not looking for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, but directly looking for Mitsubishi Corporation, which is their highest headquarters!

Even after that, they have to find their government, and they have to question their government together with the Huaguo government.

He's just a little guy!

It is easy for him to imagine what will happen to him in the future. If Mitsubishi Corporation fights with Zhiqi Company, the loss will be great. He is a small person and will definitely be disposed of; With such a huge damage to his face, he will inevitably be dealt with.

Thinking of these consequences, he almost burst into tears on the spot, then his knees gave way, and he knelt down in front of Ye Cheng under the surprised eyes of everyone around him.

He propped his hands on the ground and begged, "Ye...Chairman Ye! Don't do this! I'm willing to do anything, just let me go!"

Ye Cheng frowned and noticed that people around him started taking out their phones to take pictures.

But soon, he slowed down his brow again, not caring about the people around him, and said: "Hehe, you should go to your superiors and let them speak for you. Remember, I didn't see the public apology from Mitsubishi Corporation." Before, Zhiqi would never stop there."

Then he turned around and left.

Seeing this, Kojima Nuxing immediately became anxious, and rushed forward, trying to grab Ye Cheng's feet. However, the I-shaped guard next to him reacted when he just made a move, and directly stepped forward to stop him The back collar of his clothes separated him from Ye Cheng.

Hearing the movement, Ye Cheng frowned and turned his head.

Seeing Ye Cheng, Xiao Dao Nuxing looked over again, quickly lay down on the ground again, and kowtowed to Ye Cheng: "Mr. Ye, please forgive me, otherwise, I will die!"

"Will you die?" Ye Cheng was taken aback.

Seeing Ye Cheng's reaction, Kojima Nuxing thought he would forgive him, nodded quickly, and said with snot and tears, "Yes! So please forgive me! Give me a chance!"

Ye Cheng quickly guessed in his mind that Xiaojima Nuxing would probably be disposed of by their Mitsubishi staff.

However, what does this have to do with him? Ye Cheng will be very happy if Mitsubishi Corporation really gets rid of Kojima Nuxing, because he will definitely make this matter public. Of course, through Xiaobai, he can also find out A lot of black history of those high-level Mitsubishi Corporation.

That's why he dared to use this trivial matter to force Mitsubishi to make such an extremely embarrassing public apology.

After all, if Mitsubishi Corporation completely abandons Huaguo's interests in order to fight back against Zhiqi, Zhiqi will have no choice.

But if he has all the top handles in Mitsubishi Corporation, then this problem will not be a problem.

He'd make an offer they couldn't refuse.

Either make a public apology and lose Mitsubishi Corporation's face, or their competitors or life-and-death enemies will grasp all their black materials and be kicked out of power in the end.

So he pretended not to understand what Kojima Nuxing said, and snorted coldly: "Mr. Kojima, are you doubting the safety of our social environment in Huaguo? Or are you slandering our Zhiqi Company as a black hand? madness!"

Then he turned and left again, and walked quickly.

Seeing this scene, Kojima Nuxing didn't expect Ye Cheng to leave just like that.

I haven't even heard that the 'death' he said was the reason for being retaliated by his company?

But he quickly thought of Ye Cheng's words. It seemed that Ye Cheng was also telling him that as long as he stayed in Huaguo, he would be safe?

The only problem is that his wife and daughter are all in Japan...

However, he gritted his teeth and said silently in his heart: I'm sorry, Yoshiko, I'm sorry, Mina.


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