Two things were passed on together.

Zhiqi's machine tool, and the kneeling Japanese.

The former surprises practitioners, and those who are not practitioners don't know what is going on, but they are also very happy.

The latter is strange.

Why would that Japanese kneel in front of Ye Cheng?

Did Ye Cheng do anything?

So some special sunspots began to slander Ye Cheng.

"Zhiqi Company has become bigger and stronger now, and this Ye Cheng has become too conceited, treating others with a contemptuous attitude. 』

"I must have bullied that Japanese by virtue of my status. I heard that their booth originally did not belong to Zhiqi Company, but Zhiqi Company took it away from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. 』

"It seems that the Japanese was threatened by Ye Cheng. 』


A lot of ill-intentioned speculations aroused everyone's discussion.

However, Ye Cheng was already prepared, and soon asked Xiaobai to spread the whole story.

The Japanese hit his employee, and he helped the employee get back on the field.

What does it have to do with the Japanese kneeling down? He didn't make the man kneel down again.

With Xiaobai around, Ye Cheng didn't need to hire cyber trolls. The news spread quickly and spread all over the major websites.

So everyone knew the cause of the incident, and among them, there was also an employee of Zhiqi who helped the company to rectify the name, and it was indeed the Japanese who did it first.

The one who made the first move just didn't make any sense, not to mention that it was in the country of Hua.

As a result, mainstream voices on the Internet turned into anger at Kojima Nuxing and his willingness to kneel in front of Ye Cheng.

"Hey, kneeling is really fast, it really is Japanese"

"Boss Ye is awesome! 』

"That's how the Japanese should be taught! Do you really think it's still the past? 』

"Boss Ye will always be a god!" 』

"Wow, Zhiqi Company is too good, isn't it?" Boss Ye actually did this for an employee, I also want to work in Zhiqi. 』

"Zhiqi Company is too strong, so they have the confidence."

"That's why strength is fundamental. 』


Just when everyone was sighing, Zhiqi Company also officially issued a notice to Mitsubishi Corporation.

[Today, April 28th, at 8:13 in the morning, at the Shanghai International Automation Equipment Exhibition, Kojima Nuxing, the general manager of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, beat an employee of our company for no reason. In response to this matter, we Urge Mitsubishi Corporation to provide all compensation to our employees, in addition to make a public written apology, and remind all Mitsubishi staff in China to improve their own quality and abide by Chinese laws and regulations. 】

The simple announcement was quickly spread, and the text in it was just a statement of fact, and then conveyed the request.

However, between the lines, there is a faint overbearing, which makes people sigh.

Zhiqi Company, this is going to magnify this matter to deal with it.

Everyone seems to have guessed what Zhiqi Company is going to do, so many people are waiting for the final direction of this matter.

As one of the chaebols in Japan, will Mitsubishi Corporation choose to be soft, or will it fight hard with Zhiqi Company?


Mitsubishi Corporation headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

An important meeting is taking place.

"Who can tell me what Zhiqi Company is going to do?"

The first one, an old Japanese man with several layers of wrinkles on his face and gray hair, spoke to everyone in the meeting with a serious voice.

It was fine, but people sat at home, but the disaster came from the sky.

Confronting Zhiqi Company is definitely not what they want to see, because they don't have any means to deal with Zhiqi.

For all products of Zhiqi Company, Zhiqi has mastered the key technologies. Only some non-essential technologies, they will choose to buy others, including machine tools, and what Zhiqi buys can find substitutes.

Therefore, the huge Mitsubishi Group can only be helpless in the face of Zhiqi.

In the conference room, someone stood up and said: "President Iwasaki, this incident is mainly because the general manager of a branch under the name of Heavy Industry Company provoked Huaguo's Zhiqi Company, which made the chairman of Zhiqi Company Ye Cheng did this kind of thing."

"It happened like this:"

Soon, he told the cause of the whole incident to the old man sitting at the top.

The old man listened with a serious face.

After listening, he said: "Just because of such a small thing?"

That person also had a wry smile on his face, "Yes, President Iwasaki, it's because of this little thing."

It's just that the general manager of one of their branches had a fight with ordinary employees of Zhiqi's branch, and there was a little conflict.

Just like this, it has risen to the front of two business empires?

The old man didn't know what to say for a while, and finally he could only comment: "It's unreasonable!"

He has spent most of his life and has been in control of the Mitsubishi Corporation for an unknown number of years, and he has never seen such an outrageous thing.

His name is Iwasaki Taro, and he is the master behind Mitsubishi.

Although due to the reasons of the United States, these chaebols in Japan more or less have the backs of the capital of the United States, but as the founding family patriarch of Mitsubishi, Taro Iwasaki still has the right to speak in the Mitsubishi Corporation.

However, even so, he was still a little helpless at this time.

Facing Zhiqi Company's behavior of making a fuss out of a molehill, he was extremely troubled.

He probably guessed something about what the other party wanted to do.

It's just that, to kill chickens to make an example of monkeys, and to use their Mitsubishi Group as the chicken to kill, the Chinese people must have underestimated their Mitsubishi too much, right?

As for rising to the national level, Mitsubishi has nothing to do with negotiating with their government.

Politics is the superstructure built on the economic foundation.

Japan is a capitalist society, and private capital controls the economy, so politics is just a plaything for them. Socialism in China is reflected in this. The country controls the basic economy, and capitalists have no resistance in front of the country. Think about market value A certain Ali, who has plummeted by more than 60%, knows it.

Those families that have been prosperous in the capitalist society and politics for a long time are also inseparable from the support of these chaebol families. Political families are the spokespersons launched by the chaebol families to help them safeguard their own interests.

And if the political family wants to do something, it will inevitably suffer terrible retaliation. Think of the Kennedy family in the United States, which can be seen.

Therefore, Mitsubishi is not afraid to rise to the national level in the end.

But they don't know whether Zhiqi Company is willing to let go and let this matter pass like this.

After thinking about it for a long time, Iwasaki Taro finally backed down a step: "Reply to Zhiqi Company, we are willing to compensate the ordinary employee 100,000 yuan at most, a public apology is impossible.

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