Qi Guang was taken aback when he received the call.

Someone from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries?

Also found the downstairs of his rental house?

How did the other party find it?

He moved his eyes, clicked the recording quickly, and then pretended to be very surprised and said, "What? Who do you say you are?"

On the other side, he said it again.

"People from Mitsubishi? How do you know where I live?" He said in an angry tone.

The opposite side smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this matter, and you can also rest assured that I am not here to seek revenge on you, and now I am alone."

"Then what are you looking for me for?"

"I just want to talk to you about compensation. We are also sorry for this matter. Now that there is such a big incident, we at Mitsubishi also want to try our best to reduce the impact in this regard."

"Then you should go to our company."

"Hehe, of course we also have people looking for your company, but we also need to contact you, don't you think so? So, if it's convenient for you to let me go up, and communicate with Mr. Qi directly What?"

Qi Guang narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said, "That's all right, come up."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Qi for your understanding."


After answering, Qi Guang hung up the phone directly, and when he heard that the call did not continue, he snorted coldly.

It seemed that the opposite party knew not only which unit he lived in, but also which floor and room he lived in.

Sure enough, the visitor was not good.

After thinking about it, he quickly found his spare phone, then hid it on the coffee table, and activated the recording mode, then sat and waited for that person to arrive.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Qi Guang quickly opened the door, and saw a Chinese man standing outside.

This person is wearing a suit, wearing black-rimmed glasses, and has a Japanese-style hairstyle.

All in all, it looks like a social elite.

The person introduced himself: "Mr. Qi, hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Chen Yuankai, the deputy director of the legal department of Mitsubishi Group in China. This is my business card. You can take a look first."

As he said, he handed over his business card, Qi Guang took it and took a look at it, his identity was basically true, not a fake.

"Okay, you come in first."

"Thank you, Mr. Qi." Chen Yuankai smiled on his face, with a handsome appearance, and he almost bowed.

Walking into the living room, Qi Guang led him to sit on the sofa, and said, "Okay, now you can tell me what you want to talk to me about today, right?"

Chen Yuankai waved his hand, "Mr. Qi, don't be so nervous. Since it is compensation, it must be good for you. Now that your company wants to make this matter big, it obviously has a certain purpose, but it has forgotten you." Right? I don’t know if you paid for it yourself when you went to the hospital?”

Qi Guang sneered and said, "You guessed it wrong. The company paid for my medical expenses, and I also received 10,000 yuan in compensation for work-related injuries."

Chen Yuankai was taken aback for a moment, Zhiqi Company gave the money so simply?

He could only forcefully smile and said: "Your company is indeed a company that can be compared with the fruit company, and the treatment is quite good."

Qi Guang smiled: "You are wrong, now everyone on the Internet says that the fruit company is not as good as our company, and if we want to compare, it is the comparison between the fruit company and our company."

Chen Yuankai couldn't help but slandered in his heart.

The people from Zhiqi Company are too ignorant of modesty.

However, although this incident was unexpected, it was also reasonable. Since Zhiqi Company is ready to fight with them to the end, it will definitely not make mistakes in such a small matter.

He quickly recovered, and then said: "Okay, Mr. Qi, let's not talk about these things, let's talk about compensation."

"Tell me," Qi Guang said.

Chen Yuankai said with a smile: "The compensation plan we offer is as follows: First, we will apply for any account in Huaguo Magic City or Shangjing for you free of charge."

Qi Guang's breathing quickened for a moment.

Accounts in Shanghai and Shangjing.

This is something that more than 95% of the people in Huaguo want to add to their household registration books.

Even if it is Zhiqi Company, you can't just add a Shanghai account if you want to. It also takes hard work to get such a quota.

Of course, there are still a lot of places for Zhiqi, just like Mizuki Kyōu University, the guarantee rate for graduate studies is above 50%, and Zhiqi is similar.

However, there are also requirements for performance or contribution, and they need to compete, but as long as they agree to this condition, they can immediately obtain this account.

Qi Guang's eyelids twitched, and finally he breathed calmly. He knew what this person was up to, the lure.

As for the purpose of the other party to lure him?

Qi Guang could almost guess it.

And Chen Yuankai has been paying attention to the changes in Qi Guang's demeanor, seeing Qi Guang's small movements.

He smiled slightly, leaned back a little, and continued: "Of course, this is just the first point."

"Second point, we are willing to provide a total of 500,000 soft sister coins in compensation, including loss of work loss, medical loss, mental loss and other expenses."

This made Qi Guang's heart beat even more.

Five hundred thousand!

He just graduated not long ago.

If he can get 500,000 yuan, it will be enough for him to improve his living conditions, such as changing to a rental house closer to the company, and he can also save it. When he gets the household registration, he can enjoy the discount on buying a house.

But soon he calmed down and said, "Well, what then? Are there any conditions?"

Chen Yuankai said with a smile: "Mr. Qi is a smart person, and he really has the conditions."

"You must publicly admit that you deliberately induced Kojima Nuxing to do it, forcing him to beat you."

If it wasn't for the video of Kojima Nuxing making the first move spread all over the Internet, otherwise, Chen Yuankai would ask Qi Guang to directly admit that he did it first.

"I admit it?" Qi Guang was taken aback.

"Yes." Chen Yuankai nodded.

"If I admit it, can I get those compensations?" Qi Guang put on a look of excitement.

Chen Yuankai smiled even brighter: "Of course, as long as you publicly admit this matter, we will arrange for the media to interview you, and we will prepare you for a position at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and the treatment is no less than what you are currently in." Zhiqi company's treatment."

"I don't know, what do you think? As long as you agree, please sign this agreement. You should be very satisfied with our compensation plan."

With that said, Chen Yuankai pushed an agreement in front of Qi Guang.

"I'm really satisfied." Qi Guang looked at the agreement with a smile on his face, but then he said, "But, I refuse."

"My favorite thing to do is to say no to those who are self-righteous."


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