Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 242 Congratulations, The Paper Has Been Drafted

"You... what do you mean!"

Hearing Qi Guang's change of attitude, Chen Yuankai's expression changed, and he quickly stood up and asked.

"That's what it means, what else can it mean?"

Qi Guang also stood up and said.

"I promised you, are you going to frame our Zhiqi company because of this? Just dream, don't even think about it!"

Qi Guang snorted coldly and said: "See, you should be a Chinese, right? It's fine if you work for the Japanese, everyone is for the sake of living, but if you work for the Japanese, you have to go so hard to harm your own people. Don't be ashamed!"

Chen Yuankai's face was livid: "What are you talking about! When did I cheat my own people?"

Qi Guang sneered and said, "Hehe, I'm too lazy to tell you more, leave my house now, otherwise, I'll call the police!"

"You have to think clearly! Hukou, there are still half a million! There is still a job, are you sure you don't want it?!"

Qi Guang laughed: "I am now in the company. I have just joined the company for less than half a year, and my salary is only 15,000 a month, and the salary is 17. After working for three years, my salary has risen steadily to 40,000 a month. As for the household registration Question, let's not worry about our company, are you sending beggars?"

Chen Yuankai was stunned, Zhiqi Company's treatment is so good?

Of course, Zhiqi’s salary is good, even better than Huawei’s. As far as Zhiqi’s profitability is concerned, as long as employees have worked for 15 years and have good performance, they can basically earn more than 10 million yuan.

Moreover, it is too early for Qi Guang to join Zhiqi Company. Zhiqi Company has only developed for two years since its rise. If Qi Guang joined the company so early, as long as he stays long enough, he will definitely be able to get better results treatment.

As for Mitsubishi giving him a job with better pay?

Whether there is any opportunity for improvement in this position in the future is another matter. Qi Guang has stayed in Zhiqi Company for a few years, and it is estimated that the salary will be several times better than that of Mitsubishi.

But listening to Qi Guang's mocking words, Chen Yuankai didn't know what to say for a while, so he didn't say anything, he could only turn his head and walk away.

"Walk slowly, remember to close the door."

Qi Guang didn't forget to say something before he turned to leave.

Soon, Chen Yuankai left the room.

Qi Guang immediately took out the phone that was recording just now, then saved the recording, and grinned, "It seems that I also have the potential to be a reporter."

Then he sent the recording to Xu Xin.

The other party obviously has evil intentions. If he doesn't hold back the benefits offered by the other party, then Zhiqi Company will inevitably be affected in the direction of public opinion.

However, he will not do anything to be sorry for Zhiqi Company.

At the same time, in order to avoid the next time the other party really offered him a condition that he couldn't refuse, he decided not to see any strangers until the matter was over.


Downstairs, when Chen Yuankai left, a strong man two meters tall saw him.

Then he received the order: "Okay, now it's time to retreat."

"Yes, boss."

Then left.

And it was Ye Cheng who gave him the order.

Mitsubishi's every move is under his control, so of course he knows when the other party came to find Qi Guang.

If Qi Guang is successfully lured by the other party, the bodyguards he arranged will come to block the other party directly, and then make the other party's plan public, which will cause more people to hate Mitsubishi.

However, what made Ye Cheng feel relieved was that this young man Qi Guang was quite good, and he had not misjudged him at the beginning.

Of course, in fact, every employee of Zhiqi has been strictly reviewed by Xiaobai, and he has almost figured out the personalities of these recruits, so basically all employees have quite good personalities. Such a choice is expected.

Now, since Qi Guang sent them the recording, they can use the recording in a fair manner.

As a result, Mitsubishi will be more passive.

After arranging things properly, Ye Cheng smiled lightly.

"The next step is to see Mitsubishi's reaction."

He was looking forward to it.

Without further ado, he looked to the other side.

The editorial department of "Science" magazine sent him an email. His paper has passed the review and has been selected by experts. It will be published in the first issue in June.

"Science" magazine is a weekly magazine, and there is one issue every week. In this way, there are many manuscripts in a year, which does not seem to be very powerful. Appears to be rarer.

Therefore, this journal can become a world-renowned scientific reading.

Of course, generally speaking, the review period is relatively long. Cases like Ye Cheng who passed the review in just one month and are ready to be published are rare.

This is naturally because Ye Cheng has used some of his banknote power.

With the help of those "partners" in the United States, his manuscript quickly entered the project of editorial review, and then quickly entered the project of expert review, which requires the quality of his paper to pass .

The expert who reviewed it for him was a physicist who had won the Nobel Prize. After the other party read his paper, he became very interested on the spot, followed his train of thought to verify it, and finally gave a conclusion. There is no flaw in the mathematical language, and the final idea is very ambitious, but it may not be impossible to realize if the theory is correct.

After the Nobel Prize winner gave the comment, the editorial department of "Science" magazine also gave a comment: amazing mathematical demonstration method! Among them, the exploration of the microscopic field is very touching, and the idea of ​​realizing room temperature superconductors is also quite wonderful. I hope to see such an idea come true one day.

Both are optimistic about this theory. As for the idea of ​​room temperature superconductors, it is still a fantasy in everyone's eyes.

Just like the prediction of the theory of relativity in high-speed physics, it is still limited by human technology, and people still cannot verify it, but purely from a theoretical point of view, there is no problem in the proof process, so it is difficult for people to deny it, even if it is Theory is simply too difficult for people to understand.

Of course, the theory of relativity has also been verified in many places, such as gravitational waves.

So Ye Cheng's theory, since the proof process is correct, those reviewers will think, maybe it really pointed out a direction for people to create room temperature superconductors?

They obviously can't expect that room temperature superconductors have already appeared.

However, in any case, the most important thing for Ye Cheng is that his paper passed the review.

In the future, the title of "father of room temperature superconductors" will be nailed to his head.

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