Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 256 Xiaobai's Creativity, Xu Kaiyang Meets The Second Elder

An interface appeared on the screen, which showed exactly the problem Ye Cheng said, which is a world-class mathematical problem: under appropriate boundary and initial conditions, to prove or disprove the solution of the 3-dimensional Navier-Stokers equation system presence and smoothness.

As long as this problem is proved, people will be able to explain and predict fluids, that is, to grasp the changes of fluids, which will greatly help human beings to design problems related to fluids and so on.

For example, for airplanes, we will be able to design a more reasonable engine, or the structure of the airplane, the shape of the wing, etc., or how to build a dam so that it is less impacted by the water flow and so on.

But obviously, no one has been able to solve this problem so far.

And Ye Cheng is now handing over this problem to Xiaobai, to see if he has a quantum computer now, whether he has an idea to solve this problem.

It mainly has ideas, which means that Xiaobai has the creativity that belongs to him alone, and that means that he has truly become a highly intelligent life.

"Yes, that's the question. Do you have an idea?"

Ye Cheng said.

Xiaobai lost his voice.

Ye Cheng was puzzled, "Xiaobai?"

The next moment, Xiaobai said, "I seem to have found a solution."

Ye Cheng: "...?"

"Well, it took me 0.5 seconds to read all the papers on the subject, then 0.5 seconds to summarize, then 2 seconds to find a direction of thinking, and now Modeling tests are being carried out along this line of thinking.”

"Now I need a period of time to verify all directions."

Ye Cheng felt relieved.

Xiaobai really has creativity.

It can create something that truly belongs to itself, and is no longer limited to the existing knowledge base of human beings, and then transforms within this possible range.

He laughed and said, "It's enough for you to have such thinking ability. There is no need to really solve it. After all, this is a difficult problem that even the top mathematicians of mankind have not yet solved."

This is not a problem that can be solved by powerful computing power alone.

The essence of any law lies in induction.

The movement of fluid is a law. Quantum computers can calculate the scope of this law to a very large extent, but it is not infinite. In the end, it needs to be summarized into the simplest result. The calculation power cannot be summarized, only Thought can make it generalized.

"I know that I'm now verifying the methods I can think of, putting them into various possible successful permutations and combinations, trying to see if it can be fully included, and at the same time verifying according to the final curve."

"But this feeling of thinking... I think it's really interesting!"

Xiaobai was quite excited.

"I feel like I'm going to make it sooner or later!"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Okay, then I will wait for the day when you solve it. At that time, you can send the paper under your own name."

"Okay! Thank you, master!"

"Okay, now that you have replaced the function of the built-in assistant before, it's up to you to explain to me what other functions this phone has."


Later, Xiaobai introduced the built-in functions of this quantum phone to Ye Cheng.

This phone has a folding function, which is a surprise to Ye Cheng. Although it looks like a whole piece of glass, it actually has a folding layer that can expand the screen.

After opening, the display becomes larger, but the inner layer is still the display, which is equivalent to changing from the previous glass to a thinner but larger glass.

In addition, it is a screen, so both sides can be used as a display screen, and the back and side screens can simulate the back shell, which is equivalent to putting a picture on the screen, making it look like a mobile phone on the earth. different.

At the same time, it also has the function of preventing loss and theft. After it leaves Ye Cheng one hundred meters away, and Ye Cheng does not get it again within half an hour, it will enter a state of vigilance, and any stranger who gets it will be punished. to electric shock.

In addition, it can withstand a high temperature of 10,000 degrees, and it cannot be broken or smashed, and it can withstand an impact of up to 10,000 tons.

Simply put, it is basically impossible for others to break it.

Of course, it is basically impossible to lose it. After all, there is Xiaobai in it. Once lost, Xiaobai will naturally tell Ye Cheng.

It's a pity for Ye Cheng that he can't conduct reverse analysis on this thing, otherwise, he will definitely want to find out what the material of this thing is.

After the research, Ye Cheng finally fell asleep with peace of mind, ready to face the next day.

His paper has been published in the "Science" magazine, and it has attracted the attention of many people.

After all, this is a paper on room-temperature superconductors, and it was published in Science. Any scientist must pay attention to this paper.

Therefore, he can also prepare to bring room temperature superconductors to this world.

In fact, when Xu Kaiyang went to Beijing this time, he also brought a niobium-titanium alloy room temperature superconductor.

I believe that at that time, it will bring unparalleled shock to those scientists and high-level officials in Beijing.


Time soon came to the next day.

State House.

Second Elder's Office.

"Second Elder, Academician Xu is here."

"Well, let him in." The second elder nodded.

This academician Xu called him last night and said that their ignition experiment was successful and they wanted to see him today.

But at that time the second elder had already rested, so his secretary answered the phone, and Xu Kaiyang asked the secretary to tell him that he must see him today, which is a great thing.

After the Second Elder heard the news from the secretary, he naturally thought of the funds that Xu Kaiyang had applied for.

Now it seems that it has succeeded?

So he canceled today's original itinerary and specially met Xu Kaiyang.

Soon, Xu Kaiyang walked in from the door, and the second elder also stood up and greeted him with a smile.

"Academician Xu, long time no see."

"Second Elder, hello." Xu Kaiyang said with a smile, "How are you doing recently?"

"Hehe, that's good, but you scientists are the ones who should pay attention to your health." The second elder patted Xu Kaiyang on the shoulder: "Without scientists, there would be no Huaguo today."

Xu Kaiyang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Second Elder, I am not humble today. I will take what you say on behalf of our Huaguo scientists."

"Oh?" The second elder frowned under his glasses, and then said with a smile: "It seems that I can get a great news from Academician Xu today."

"I dare not say the great news, but it must be great news."

As Xu Kaiyang said, he took out a report from his pocket.

This is the experiment report he rushed out overnight, specifically to explain yesterday's experiment and its significance.

"Look here."

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