The Second Elder took the report, returned to the desk, began to read it, and at the same time did not forget to say: "You sit first, Xiao Li, and pour a cup of tea for Academician Xu."

The second elder's secretary immediately poured a cup of tea and handed it to Xu Kaiyang.

But Xu Kaiyang was not in the mood to drink tea, and stood aside to explain some contents of the report to the second elder.

"More than 100 million degrees, burned for 1000 seconds? 160 million degrees and more than 300 seconds?"

The Second Elder was a little surprised to get this data.

Huaguo has also spent a lot of money on nuclear fusion. Although it has not lagged behind foreign countries, it is even considered advanced, and has its own unique technology, but those achievements in the past are nothing. .seven

After all, the cost invested now will not get any profit feedback. Only after it is really ignited can it start to make a profit. Before today, this goal has always been far away.

However, the report brought by Xu Kaiyang shows that they have almost succeeded.

It's just that there are not enough generators prepared before, so it doesn't seem to be a complete success.

"What do you mean?" Finally, the Second Elder asked.

"What I mean is, I hope that the country will formally establish a project to establish a controllable nuclear fusion reactor project, and I will let Huaguo really use the electricity generated by nuclear fusion!"

Xu Kaiyang said solemnly: "Then completely solve the energy problem we are facing!"

The second elder stood up and looked at Xu Kaiyang solemnly.

"Are you sure, after the project is approved, you can succeed?"

Xu Kaiyang nodded, "I'm more than 80% sure now!"

"According to my calculations, the total investment is about 50 billion yuan, and a controllable fusion power station that can fully supply Guangdong and Fujian provinces can be built. It will be maintained every three years, and the cost of each maintenance should be around 20 billion yuan. , equivalent to a yearly cost of about 23 billion, plus the cost of other manpower, power generation energy, and some maintenance, etc., the total annual cost may only be about 30 billion."

"The combined annual power generation of Guangdong Province and Fujian Province accounts for about one-tenth of China's annual power generation. The total energy cost of the two provinces is about 200 billion to 300 billion yuan. In addition, there are various other costs. , such as power station maintenance costs, transportation costs, labor costs, etc., add up to a huge amount, which may be 400 to 500 billion yuan."

"Once the power stations in the two provinces are closed and replaced with a large fusion power station, the cost will be reduced by ten times!"

"In addition, nuclear fusion power plants are a very clean energy source, which can greatly reduce our carbon and sulfur emissions, reduce air pollution, and by then, the sky in our country will be bright again !"

"and also……"

Under Xu Kaiyang's explanation, the second elder can certainly feel the significance of this new technology.

It can be intuitively felt just from the gap of 400 to 500 billion a year and 30 billion a year.

Because Huaguo has a large population and is a major industrial country, the amount of power generation alone accounts for one-fifth of the world's population. Every year, Huaguo spends a lot of money for power generation. Even in recent years, because of Electricity is tight, and a policy of power rationing has been introduced.

Moreover, because of the environmental problems caused by Huaguo's power generation, it has been repeatedly criticized by other countries in the world.

Once Huaguo solves these problems, God knows what benefits it will bring to Huaguo.

Of course, just discussing the benefits that controllable nuclear fusion can bring to the country is obviously a small one.

Controlling the controllable nuclear fusion will become the symbol of Huaguo's formal and complete rise.

Any country in the West will inevitably fall into powerlessness in the face of nuclear fusion.

That means that Huaguo will truly be on the road to becoming a superpower.

No foreign power can stop it.

It is still the only choice, as long as the United States does not dare to go to war, then they can only see themselves being surpassed by the Hua State, and the world pattern will be destined to change.

The Second Elder pondered for a moment, then raised his head, looked at Xu Kaiyang, and said, "Academician Xu, I will go to the First Elder now and tell him about this, and then, we will have a meeting tomorrow and invite a few more When the experts come, you will tell everyone about your plan, and I will trouble you to make more preparations today, so that we can introduce the details of our technology."

"Okay, Second Elder, don't worry, I'm sure I'm ready." Xu Kaiyang nodded excitedly.

The Second Elder said this, which meant that he had approved what he just said.

But obviously, tens of billions of investment is related to such a huge project, and it is related to the country's important weapons and national strength. Even the second elder cannot make a decision alone, and it will inevitably take several meetings to make a decision.

"Well, then I'll go to the Great Elder now, Xiao Li, and take Academician Xu to rest first."

The secretary next to him was about to step forward, but Xu Kaiyang hurriedly said at this moment: "Hey, wait a minute, Second Elder, there is something else I want to show you."

"What?" The second elder asked suspiciously.

Xu Kaiyang took out a small box from his bag, opened the box, and a metal strip appeared inside.

"What is this?" the second elder asked.

Xu Kaiyang said with a smile: "Normal temperature superconductor."

When Xiao Li heard Xu Kaiyang's words, he gasped and repeated subconsciously: "Normal temperature superconductor?!"

The second elder was slightly taken aback: "I know about superconductors, what does room temperature superconductor mean? Is it a superconductor used at room temperature?"

Xu Kaiyang smiled slightly: "Yes."

"The superconductors we have used before can only reach the superconducting state at minus 269 degrees, but this room temperature superconductor does not need such harsh conditions. It can operate at normal temperatures. Running, it means that we don’t need to spend energy to maintain its superconducting state, and we don’t need to design a separate cooling system.”

Although the Second Elder didn't know much about technology, he could easily understand what it meant from Xu Kaiyang's words.

He also suddenly remembered that there was once a proposal to build superconducting lines on some major power transmission lines, but that proposal required a very high budget, including the budget for the cooling system, which was the most expensive among them. So even though it worked well when it was built, it was rejected.

He immediately asked, "Can this thing be used to transmit electricity?"

"Yes." Xu Kaiyang nodded: "And it's not expensive. I bought 15,000 meters, 2.5 square meters. If you want to build a transmission line, I guess it will take two to 100 meters. About one hundred thousand dollars."

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