In addition, Zhiqi Company will not worry about whether these people will resell this thing at a high price after they get their room temperature superconductor.

Xiaobai will monitor those people all the time, and once they trade out the room temperature superconductor, they will be immediately warned by Zhiqi Company, and they will be restricted accordingly.

Directly implement the joint sitting system, so that the companies or research institutes behind them will be permanently prohibited from reaching cooperation with Zhiqi Company, and the buyers will also be subject to the same sanctions until they pay a fine and return the room temperature superconductor.

Of course, Ye Cheng will not be soft on this kind of matter.

After talking about normal-temperature superconductors, Ye Cheng was about to say goodbye, but he seemed to remember something, and then said: "By the way, besides normal-temperature superconductors, there is one more thing I want to tell you. At the beginning of July, The company will set up virtual reality movie experience halls in Shangjing, Magic City, Xijing and other cities in China."

"Yes, it's virtual reality. It's the same as in movies and sci-fi works. It's a virtual reality world. Without further ado, I'll show you a video first. Then, friends who are interested can come and experience it."

"Okay, everyone, please watch the video. After the video is over, the live broadcast of this press conference will also end. Thank you for your patience in watching, thank you."

Ye Cheng turned around and left, and the live broadcast screen went black, and a video was broadcast next.

In the video, there is a large seat that looks very comfortable, and then there is a helmet next to it, and a computer. The computer and the helmet are connected together by wires.

People who were watching the video began to wonder.


Virtual Reality?

Is what Ye Cheng said true?

The person who was about to leave after watching the room-temperature superconductor was aroused a little interest at this time, and then stopped.

At this time, there is a person in the video, who is the first virtual reality helmet experiencer found by Zhiqi Company, and is actually an employee of their company.

He sat on the big seat, adjusted his sitting posture, and found a comfortable position, then looked at the helmet next to him, with doubts on his face.

Afterwards, this person put on the blindfold, and then put on the helmet, and a person appeared next to him, it was Lao Dianbo.

Lao Dianbo asked, "Are you ready? Close your eyes."

"All right."

"Then I'll turn it on for you."

Laudianbo pressed a button on the man's helmet.

The next moment, this person "fucked" came out.

"Fuck, fuck, what is this! Why is my eyes blank? No, where are my eyes?"

There was laughter from behind the camera, probably because of the man's performance.

What he probably wanted to express was why he could see things when his eyes were obviously closed.

"Don't panic." Lao Dianbo said flatly at this time.

When people discover something they cannot understand, they generally behave like this, either in shock, panic, or fear.

"It's all said to be virtual reality, it must be virtual reality, I won't lie to you."

The experiencer finally calmed down, but the people who were watching this video still felt extremely puzzled in their hearts.

The helmet worn by the experiencer did not cover his eyes, so it cannot be VR, and the eye mask was also seen just now, it is a pure eye mask, it is impossible to hide any electronic equipment inside, so it can basically be ruled out. This goggles are VR glasses.

So what exactly was this person seeing?


No, his eyes are covered by blindfolds, what can he see?

Where are his eyes?

Some people even began to suspect that this video was simply acting.

In the video, Lao Dianbo operated the computer beside him, and a list of the cover art of each movie appeared on it.

And the experiencer also said at this time: "I saw it! It's a movie! Wow, awesome!"

"What movie do you want to watch? Pick one," said Lao Dianbo.

"Well, watch this, Terminator 2."

Lao Dianbo smiled, and then used the mouse to operate on the computer, and then the experiencer shouted: "Here we come! I see it!"

"Hehe, take your time, we won't bother you."

Next, the video was edited. The movie was two hours long, so it was naturally impossible for everyone present to watch it.

And a storyboard also appeared in the upper right corner of the screen, showing fragments of the movie.

Terminator 2 is a thriller, and the T1000 Terminator brings a strong sense of oppression.

Whenever there is a particularly horrifying scene, the experiencer will yell out in horror, especially in the elevator segment, when the Terminator stabs the elevator car with a knife, this person is even more terrified shouted.

"Ah! Damn! I want to go home!..."

If it wasn't for someone rushing up to hold him down, he might have just run away.

Although these pictures are very funny, like room temperature superconductors, it brings a great sense of shock to the people watching the video.

Until the end, seeing the fearful and unsatisfactory expression on that person's face, people became even more suspicious.

Is that person really acting?

Why does it feel like his emotions are so real?

Zhiqi company really even came up with virtual reality?

That's it, the video ends.

The people watching the live broadcast didn't seem to react.

Including the video, the total time is only half an hour, but the surprise it brings is not low at all.

The first is room-temperature superconductors, which may lead to another innovation in global electronic equipment, such as superconducting processors. In this way, the processor will not heat up. Everyone knows what this means, and the performance of the processor will once again Ushering in a leapfrog improvement, as for the others, there is no need to say more.

Then there is the virtual reality helmet, and now everyone wants to know how the experiencer sees things, or whether this video is really just a play.

But thinking about what Ye Cheng said, experience halls will be established in several cities in Huaguo, it seems that they are also serious. .seven

People who happened to be in those cities and watched the live broadcast began to look forward to it, and they must go to the experience hall to try it out, and the beginning of July is now mid-June, and it won't be long.

After a long time, someone finally calmed down, and soon some well-known scientists realized one thing, that is, to apply for free use of room temperature superconductors.

They suddenly realized that it was not good. They actually looked at a virtual reality helmet for so long, and wondered if they could still apply for the use of room temperature superconductors.

The application address was next to it, and they quickly clicked in, and then began to enter their own information.

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