Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 262 The Father Of Room-Temperature Superconductors

In the application instructions, those restrictions are also mentioned, which is the consequence of reselling the room temperature superconductor provided by Zhiqi Company for free.

The person who had a bad intention at first gave up the idea of ​​reselling it.

Zhiqi Company is a company that can subjugate the United States and Japan one after another. He doesn't think they, little scientists, can fight with others.

Of course, there are also some people who are dismissive. How can Zhiqi Company stop the secret transaction?

For a secret transaction, it is impossible for Zhiqi Company to know which buyer bought it. Even if I was discovered by Zhiqi and restricted, so what?

God knows how valuable room-temperature superconductors are, even if they sell for a few million, they are enough to last a lifetime.

And especially seeing the specifications provided by Zhiqi Company for free, the longest is ten meters, and the shortest is 20 centimeters, both of which are 2.5 square millimeters in size. It will definitely sell better by then.

Of course, the length of the application is limited by one's status. The more internationally renowned scientists, the longer the application can be. For the ten-meter one, only famous award winners or people with other achievements of the same status can apply for it.

The kind of swaying ones usually have a relatively low status, and you can only apply for the ones with a height of 20 centimeters. Of course, this kind of low status is basically a professor at a well-known university in the world or in China, or a researcher at a well-known research institute.

Therefore, in terms of ordinary, it is not so ordinary.

However, Zhiqi Company will not pay attention to these things for the time being. A company as big as Zhiqi must guard against thieves for a thousand days, but it also has to wait for thieves to appear.

Just like that, the live broadcast is over.

The information about this live broadcast was quickly spread, and major media and newspapers rushed to report.

[Normal temperature superconductor? Zhiqi Miracle Reappearance! 】

[Technology that does not belong to the era: room temperature superconductor]

[Zhiqi Company Room Temperature Superconductor: Is it True or False? 】

[The boss of Zhiqi Group is now the father of room temperature superconductors]

[Huaguo people once again create a miracle: room temperature superconductor]


The titles are attractive enough to attract the attention of many people with a certain amount of common sense.

Gradually, room-temperature superconductors have become a topic that people are keen to discuss recently. As for the event of EAST burning at 100 million degrees for 1000 seconds that has not been officially recognized, it is gradually forgotten by people. Once the country does not want to make something public, There are many ways.

Ye Cheng also saw those news.

Seeing more and more news referring to him as the father of room-temperature superconductors, he felt satisfied. As this title spread more and more widely, this golden body would inevitably cover him.

And this is an honor that is easier to respect, and it is more recognized by others than his identity as the boss of Zhiqi Company.

After all, there are many people who hate the rich, but very few people who don't respect scientists, let alone a great scientist.

Just like Academician Yuan, no one would think that there is anything wrong with him living a wealthy life, because his dedication is enough to be respected by people all over the world.

"What are you happy about?"

Xu Xin's voice came from the side.

Ye Cheng looked at her, smiled slightly, pointed to the screen displayed on the phone and said, "Look, I'm called the 'Father of Normal Temperature Superconductors', isn't it amazing?"

The mobile phone is not the quantum mobile phone. Ye Cheng didn't intend to let anyone know that he still has such a mobile phone, so he hid the quantum mobile phone in one of his secret safes. The signal of the quantum mobile phone follows quantum communication and can be read at any time Switch from quantum signal to electromagnetic wave signal anywhere, so the metal of the safe cannot shield its external propagation.

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him, then said with a smile, "Well, it's quite powerful."

Ye Cheng smiled: "Maybe I can get the highest national science and technology award in a while."

"Didn't you say that you can also win the Nobel Prize?"

"Unless the Nobel Prize is awarded in our country." Ye Cheng shook his head, something happened when he went to the United States last time, and if he goes this time, something might happen again?

The Nobel Prize is in Dianguo, not in the United States. It will be even easier if it is blamed.

So let's stay at home with peace of mind.

He will not go abroad until Hua's national strength is enough to make any country dare not act rashly against him.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he can't protect himself now, but accidents are always unpleasant and cause people to worry for no reason.

Therefore, Ye Cheng will not consider the Nobel Prize.

Moreover, the selection of the Nobel Prize also needs to take into account the technical details. He just invented the room temperature superconductor, but he didn't announce how he did it. Will he be awarded an award? Unless it is for him That paper was awarded, but that's not possible either.

This still requires him to announce how he made the room-temperature superconductor based on that paper, which still requires him to announce the technical details.

Just like M theory, this extremely important theory, known as the ultimate theory of physics, is because it involves multi-dimensional space and cannot be proved, so its proposer did not get any awards for it, but it became Widely respected scholars, like Einstein, did not win the Nobel Prize for the theory of relativity, but it still made him the greatest scientist.

"Well, that's true." Xu Xin agreed with Ye Cheng's choice.

It is best not to go anywhere, even she will never go abroad, she will only leave the important things that need to go abroad to the people arranged by Ye Cheng, Ye Cheng said that those people are trustworthy, just like Ye Cheng arranged for her The same as Yu Ying's assistant.

"By the way, our country is really going to engage in nuclear fusion projects?"

Xu Xin asked again at this time.

"Of course, didn't Uncle Xu tell you?"

"It's true to say, but it's just incredible."

Her father has been engaged in controllable nuclear fusion for so many years, but because of the entry of Zhiqi Company, it will be done in two strokes?

She was a little suspicious of her old father's level.

"Hehe, don't worry about it so much, it's time to prepare for the bidding."

Ye Cheng waved his hand and said.

"Well, I'm getting ready...but it doesn't seem like there's anything to prepare for."

Ye Cheng thought for a while and agreed, "That's true."

Nuclear fusion projects naturally require bidding.

Such as various buildings.

As the first nuclear fusion project, there will be a supporting research institute next to it to study the reactor built at that time, so as to carry out follow-up development in the future.

In addition, there are staff dormitories and so on. .seven

Although it is not a big project, it has far-reaching significance. Building a house for the nuclear fusion project is amazing, and the Ye Group took part of the project.

There are also raw materials, such as deuterium-tritium raw materials, these things are naturally taken over by state-owned enterprises.

And what is the target related to Zhiqi Company?

Reactor inner wall material: Subrigid body-grade carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy.

Superconducting coil: niobium-titanium alloy room temperature superconductor.

Superconducting magnetic fluid generator: niobium-titanium alloy room temperature superconductor + subrigid body-grade carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy.

When the time comes to the bidding site, as far as the eye can see, only Zhiqi Company will participate.

"Then it's better to sleep."

With that said, Ye Cheng dragged Xu Xin to sleep.

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