Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 265 The President's Troubles, Zhiqi's Lithography Machine And Engine

The meetings of major companies broke up unhappy, and the companies that had the intention of cooperating with Zhiqi Company began to communicate closely and tried to reach a condition with Zhiqi Company.

As for the companies that don't want to see normal-temperature superconductors dominate, they naturally start to find ways to obstruct them.

However, objective things do not depend on human will.

The process of history is always moving forward, and nothing old can eliminate new and good things.

What is advanced is destined to replace what has fallen.

Even though there are many companies that want to boycott and they are very powerful, those companies that see the possible benefits of room temperature superconductors also represent a lot of power.

In this way, a thing made by Zhiqi Company caused the company in the United States to fall into a conflict.

And this contradiction is felt most clearly by the White House.

"Fack, while asking me to introduce a policy to prohibit the appearance of superconducting transmission lines in advance, and at the same time asking me to invite Zhiqi Company to come to the United States to discuss matters concerning superconducting transmission lines, who do I listen to?"

The president swears.

But how could he respond when both sides helped his campaign?

You can only say, "Okay, the White House is considering it." If the other party has a relatively large background, then answer "Okay, the White House is actively considering it."

In the past, they also dealt with voters in this way, but when they dealt with voters in this way, their relevant documents may have been lost.

While the president was struggling, a military representative came over again.

"Dear Mr. President, room temperature superconductors are definitely an epoch-making technology, and we should actively introduce room temperature superconductors."

"General Mista, hello, please sit down first."

The president returned to normal from the entanglement just now, and then sat down, feeling a little helpless in his heart at the same time. He was also a person who talked about room temperature superconductors, and he was also a guy who supported the introduction.

"Thank you, Mr. President." Mista didn't know what the not-so-reputable president was thinking, nodded, and then sat next to him, and then handed a report he brought in to the president, " Please see, this is the evaluation of our military experts on room temperature superconductors."

The president took the report and began to read it.

When the news of room temperature superconductors first appeared and was confirmed to be true, the US military re-evaluated it, just like the original lithium-air battery.

"Considering the special properties of room-temperature superconductors, we believe that it will be a key factor in the large-scale realization of attack satellites."

"According to our simulated future conventional war of great powers, space warfare will become the main battlefield, and attack satellites equipped with laser weapons are the most suitable weapons in space warfare. We..."

"Wait a minute." The president stopped Mista, and then said: "Since our intercontinental missiles can hit Beijing from here, why can't they be equipped on satellites to hit other satellites?"

Mista was stunned, never expecting the president to ask such a low-level question.

However, considering the president's mental state, he just smiled slightly, and then replied: "We already have ground anti-satellite missiles. There is no need for satellites to load missiles to attack satellites. Moreover, how many missiles can a satellite hold? After that, the satellite is useless and will become space junk."

"And a missile is also very heavy. An anti-satellite missile weighs one ton, and the price of launching a missile is also very expensive. However, the combined satellites of Huaguo and Xiongguo have more than 300 satellites, even if it is only half of it. We need to fight, and that's expensive."

The president was taken aback, and then asked again: "Since there are anti-satellite missiles, why do we need to build laser weapon satellites?"

Mista said helplessly: "Because satellites equipped with laser weapons are cheaper! And they are very light! Secondly, superconductors can store electrical energy without limit. At that time, all the energy will be launched in an instant to destroy our target. In addition, because superconductors store electrical energy, we only need to use solar power to generate electricity. In this way, our weapons can continue to pass through once fired. Generate electricity and store energy, and after accumulating enough energy, you can launch again! This way the cost will be even lower!"

"In this way, we can also realize the idea of ​​laser strikes on ground targets from satellites! This is a weapon that cannot be blocked by any anti-missile system!"

The president was silent for a moment, he knew the function of this laser weapon, "However, the room temperature superconductor is not in our hands, and it is impossible for Zhiqi Company to be willing to sell us."

Mista waved his hand: "Just do it quietly. Of course, the premise is that Zhiqi Company is willing to sell this thing to us. If we don't admit it at that time, can Zhiqi Company still sanction us?"

The president sighed, "So, we have to consider that the Chinese government restricts the export of normal-temperature superconductors."

When Mista thought about it, it was indeed the case. The last time about lithium-air batteries was that Huaguo forced them to agree to sell lithography machine parts. Fortunately, they have not heard that Huaguo has made a lithography machine until now. .

But this time, what price will they have to pay?

Aircraft engine?

or something.

But, it's better than being occupied by China in the future, okay?

The United States does not have much advantage in space now. Huaguo has landed on the moon and also reached Mars, so their only advantage is the space orbits occupied by the first-mover advantage.

"Okay, let's discuss it at that time. Since laser weapons are so important, let's replace them with high-end engines, or agree to sell the lithography machine directly." The president waved his hand, a little tired.

He even thought a little decadently, anyway, if there is no war with Hua, why must he pay such a high price to build an attack satellite?

According to Hua Guo's good old man, the president estimated that even if the Hua Guo people came up with an attack satellite, they would not be able to take the initiative to attack them in the United States.

Therefore, if the United States does not go to war, it means that the Hua country will not go to war. It is better to save the money spent on military expenditures and improve welfare so that he can win the election again next time.

Of course, once he does, presumably those arms dealers will eat him up and stage a wave of "President, the convertible is ready."

The military expenditure of the United States ranks first in the world every year, because these arms dealers have too much influence in the government.

Moreover, if you forget the battle, you will be in danger.

"I see, President, then I am waiting for your reply." Mista nodded, then got up.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door, and the Secretary of State ran in in a panic and said, "Mr. President, Huaguo Zhiqi Company suddenly showed off the lithography machine and aero-engine they made!"

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