Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 266 Zhiqi Group's Recruitment Promotional Video

At the end of June, Zhiqi Group released a promotional video for recruitment.

This video mainly shows various high and new technologies under the name of Zhiqi Group.

The first thing to play is the various technologies of the semiconductor company, from raw material transportation to the production plant, and then a series of basic materials such as wafers and photoresists are produced, and finally enter the wafer processing plant.

The lithography machine of the wafer foundry is no longer the square lithography machine that everyone is familiar with, but has become a heterogeneous lithography machine composed of two triangular pyramids and a cylinder. But obviously, this lithography machine is more full of science fiction.

People watching the video are wondering, what kind of lithography machine is this?

Even the fifteen lithography machines used by Zhiqi Company are not in this shape?

But what happened next in the video left everyone stunned.

With the operation of the lithography machine, while the 12-inch wafer was engraved with pieces of circuits, the picture suddenly changed and entered the interior of the lithography machine. Finally, the parts were scattered and entered a factory. , In the factory, workers are assembling this kind of heterogeneous shape lithography machine, and finally complete the assembly, re-enter the production plant, and start producing chips.

This picture tells people that Zhiqi Company can produce lithography machines!

This point surprised everyone. When did Zhiqi Company have this technology?

But after being surprised, they felt that this was actually nothing.

Zhiqi company.

The entire semiconductor industry, that is, they buy the most basic and basic raw materials such as sand, and other aspects are almost opened up by others. Now it seems that it is not a problem to add a production lithography machine?

But in any case, they were shocked by it, which means that Zhiqi Company has basically completed the closed loop of all branches of the semiconductor industry, from key production equipment to now accounting for more than 85% of the world's semiconductor materials, There is also Zhiqi EDA software, which is limited by the fact that the Chinese version does not have an English version, which only occupies 30% of the world market, and Taibai, which has just surpassed the ARM architecture and occupies 55% of the mobile chip architecture market. Architecture...

and many more.

Zhiqi Semiconductor Co., Ltd. will always lie in the semiconductor industry. No, to be precise, it should be the core part of the integrated circuit industry. No one in this industry will be able to drive it away and will hold its breath.

In particular, room temperature superconductors are still being born. This material, which is no less than a new revolution for the electronics industry, has also guided countless practitioners to imagine the future direction of the industry.

Of course, for those who are watching the video, they haven't thought so far yet.

Because the video screen jumped again, it entered another place, Zhiqi Machinery Technology Company.

In a machining factory, a CNC machine tool is running, and the CNC machine tool of Zhiqi Company has also attracted attention all over the world.

And this CNC machine tool is processing a large permanent bolt. After the permanent bolt is processed, it is brought to a factory. In this factory, there is a big cylindrical guy. The machine on it The shaft body, with its huge size, looks extremely impactful.

And this permanent bolt was installed on the body of the big guy, and then the big guy started to growl, apparently running, and then, a strong airflow was generated, the screen rotated, and it came to an indicator : [Total thrust: 25.4 tons].

The screen flickered away and entered the hospital. This time, the exoskeleton prosthesis of Zhiqi Company was displayed.

However, people are not in the mood to pay attention to this thing anymore, because the big guy in the previous picture made it easy for them to tell that it is an aero engine!

When did Zhiqi Company start to make aero engines again?

And it's a turbojet!

Generally speaking, except for some relatively high-end civilian aircraft, turbojet engines are loaded on fighter jets because they can provide stronger power than turbofan engines.

And in this video, a data is clearly given, that is, its total thrust is as high as 25.4 tons!

This is a pretty powerful statistic.

Because you must know that the most powerful fighter engine in the world today is the F135 engine of the United States, but its maximum thrust is only 20 tons, and the engine in the Zhiqi company video is as high as 25.4 tons.

Even the difference of one ton is already terrible, not to mention, in the end it directly surpassed the F135 engine by more than 3 tons!

The F135 engine, equipped with a fighter jet is the F35 of the United States, and the F35B carrier-based aircraft of this series has the ability to take off and land vertically.

Vertical take-off and landing means that fighter jets can even take off and land on helipads.

The vertical take-off and landing of the F35B is actually just a nice word to say, because if it takes off vertically, its take-off weight is limited by the thrust. Reduced, that is to say, the total weight of fuel, pilot, and ammunition cannot exceed this payload.

Therefore, the F35B generally takes off at a short distance. Relying on vertical power, it can achieve the ability to take off from a 100-meter runway. As for vertical take-off and landing, it is basically useless in real combat.

Now, the thrust of Zhiqi's engine has been directly increased to 25.4 tons. If it is installed on the F35B, its effective load will be directly increased by more than two times, reaching its original load, and the fuel can be filled up. The ammunition is also loaded directly, so there is no need to worry about the problem of not flying far after vertical take-off and landing, and the combat effectiveness is also seriously reduced, which will really have practical significance.

So the motor shown in this video once again drives those who understand the truth into madness.

And this video is obviously not over. Afterwards, there are pictures of room temperature superconductors and virtual reality helmets. These are all things that Zhiqi Company has shown, and the virtual reality helmet is the most curious. However, July is coming soon. , Zhiqi Company has selected five cities across the country to open virtual reality movie experience halls, and many people can't wait to try it.

However, at the end of the video, the picture that appeared was somewhat confusing. It was a process in which embryonic stem cells continued to develop into organs, but after developing into organs, the video ended, which made people feel a little confused.

Of course, this video is enough to trigger the dissemination of countless viewers, and finally reached the point where everyone knows everyone.

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