Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 267: The Phone Call Of The J-20 Commander

Cheng Luoma, oh, it should be Chengfei Industrial Company. As for why it is called Chengluoma, because Chengfei's status in China is like Lockheed Martin in America.

Cheng Fei built the J-20 and brought Huaguo its own fifth-generation fighter jet.

There is also Shen Huoyi, also known as Shen Fei.

At the Chengfei Research Institute at this time, several fighter designers were surrounding the computer, watching a video played on it.

That video, of course, is Zhiqi Company's recruitment promotional video. The engine in it makes them, the designers, ready to fight, and one of them is Chief Instructor Yang of J20.

I watched this video over and over again several times.

Master Yang frowned and said: "According to the size ratio of the person and the engine in the video, this engine is smaller than our J-20 engine, about 80% to 90%. If it is smaller, the thrust is still there. Is it that big?"

"I don't know, this video... Is Zhiqi Company coming for real or fake?"

"It should be true, isn't this video judged and there are no traces of special effects? Even the indication is true, that is to say, their video mirrors are all real people's mirrors, and their Zhiqi company has already created Out of the engine."

"They are Chengluoma." A designer couldn't help complaining.

"Whether Lockheed Martin is as powerful as Zhiqi is another matter." Another person added.

"That's true. The laser weapon of the sixth-generation fighter we plan also needs the room-temperature superconductor provided by Zhiqi Company. In addition, their intelligent driving system has passed our computer simulation test. This thing is also the sixth-generation fighter. A key technology."

"Okay, let's not talk so much, instead of watching here, it's better to make a phone call and ask Zhiqi Company."

So everyone else looked at Chief Master Yang. This person's qualifications and status were obviously the highest in the field, so it was obviously most appropriate for him to make this call.

Master Yang looked at their unanimous gaze and shook his head helplessly: "You guys."

"Hey, Master Yang, you can call that Ye Cheng directly, he will definitely not refuse."

Master Yang asked back: "Then do you have a phone number for Boss Zhiqi?"


The others looked at each other, but there really wasn't one.

If they had participated in the Shanghai Automation Industry Exhibition last time, they might have had the opportunity to get to know each other and get contact information, but they didn't go, so they don't have to think about it.

Chief Master Yang spread his hands and said, "Let me ask."

So he took out his phone, got Ye Cheng's phone number from someone more powerful, and then called Ye Cheng.

Soon Ye Cheng got through the phone.

"Hi, hello, who is it?"

Although Ye Cheng had already learned from Xiaobai who the caller was, he had to pretend he didn't know him.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Ye Cheng?"

"Yes, you are?"

"I'm Yang Wei. I used to be the chief designer of the J-20, and now I'm the deputy general manager of China Aviation Industry Corporation."

Ye Cheng "suddenly realized": "It turned out to be Academician Yang, hello, I didn't expect you to call."

Ye Cheng's attitude made Yang Wei feel comfortable. Although this young man is well-known in China and has great power as an entrepreneur, he does not have that domineering attitude.

He couldn't help feeling in his heart that people are different. He couldn't help but think of some bad experiences in the past. At the beginning, he was in the Academy of Engineering, but in the end he became an academician of the Academy of Sciences. The reasons for this are not humane. also.

He said with a smile: "Hehe, Mr. Ye is serious. I am honored that you can answer calls from strangers."

Ye Cheng smiled. Generally, he would not answer an unfamiliar call. He would consider whether to answer it based on the identity of the other party identified by Xiaobai.

"Okay, Academician Yang, you probably didn't want to chat with me, let me tell you why you came here."

"Mr. Ye is very happy, I really have something to look for you. The recent recruitment promotional video of your company can be said to make us feel excited. It is a great fortune for Huaguo to have such a powerful technology company as your company. However, you also know , I am engaged in aircraft, so the engine in your video made me and my colleagues very curious, I wonder if I can learn more about it?"

Of course Ye Cheng knew what Yang Wei wanted to ask him. After a few chuckles, he said, "Oh, the sixth-generation aero-engine you mentioned we designed?"

"What? The sixth-generation aero-engine?"

Yang Wei was stunned for a moment.

The engine you made is still the sixth generation?

Even though he has seen many things, he has never seen this kind of thing.

"Are you sure you have reached the level of the sixth-generation aero-engine?"

"Of course." Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Our engine has a single thrust of 25.4 tons and a thrust-to-weight ratio of 19.6, that is to say, its weight is only 1.3 tons."

"What?! Thrust-to-weight ratio of 19.6, are you kidding me?" Yang Wei was dumbfounded for a moment.

The other designers next to him were stunned when they heard the "thrust-to-weight ratio of 19.6", and subconsciously picked out their ears to make sure that they had heard correctly. If Yang Wei was not on the phone, they would have rushed forward and grabbed the phone I asked myself.

"Yes, a thrust-to-weight ratio of 19.6."

"How is this possible! I watched your video and made a simple comparison. Your engine is only a little smaller than the engine used by our J-20. Why is the thrust-to-weight ratio so different?"

Even the F135 engine in the United States has a thrust-to-weight ratio of just over 10. As for the domestically produced engine on the J-20, the thrust-to-weight ratio is only about 9:00.

As a result, the thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine made by Zhiqi Company was so much higher, even twice as high.

Ye Cheng smiled: "To be honest, in this engine, our Zhiqi Company has used several new materials, which can reduce the overall weight and improve the strength. In addition, the melting point of the combustion chamber material is also very high, at 2700 Celsius, which means that we can provide gas with a higher degree of compression. In addition, for the inner channel, we have used a sieve oxygen carbon membrane. I believe you also know what this means."

The connotation channel is the part where the jet engine ejects high-temperature gas, and the combustion chamber is also included in the connotation channel.

The combustion chamber needs oxygen, and the oxygen sieve carbon film can make the oxygen content in the combustion chamber higher, thereby improving the adequacy of combustion, and the melting point of the material is high.

It is no surprise that Zhiqi's engine has such a powerful performance.

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