Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 268 Opening Of The Virtual Reality Movie Experience Hall

For mechanics, the most frequently asked question is the question of materials.

If there is enough strong material, anything can be rigid, just like Li Dabrick flying.

No matter the mechanical structure, it is because the strength of the material is not enough, so people want to start with the structure.

Therefore, when Master Yang heard Ye Cheng mention the new materials that Zhiqi Company has used on their aero-engines, he felt envious in his heart.

People actually have such good materials to study. Of course, they have considered using sieve oxygen carbon film to coat the inner channel of the engine, so as to increase the oxygen content inside. However, considering whether their combustion chamber materials can Under the high oxygen content of the combustion temperature, they gave up, because the loss outweighs the gain.

However, Zhiqi's material that can withstand higher temperatures is obviously enough to use the high-oxygen air brought by the oxygen carbon membrane on the screen.

Now, Mr. Yang believes that Zhiqi Company really has such materials that are more powerful than them.

Of course, he didn't think about asking Ye Cheng if that kind of material could be sold. Since Zhiqi Company has developed its own engine, it would never consider selling them.

"Okay Mr. Ye, I see, this is really incredible."

He said with some emotion: "We have studied the Emei engine for a long time, and it seems that we can prepare to be discharged from the army."

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "There are still more than ten years left, and we have only developed the sixth-generation aero-engine. We haven't considered building aircraft yet, so the whole of the sixth-generation fighter still depends on you, Academician Yang. Such a pillar."

"Haha, of course, I didn't think about retiring either."

Master Yang said with a smile.

Designers don't study engines.

Designers are those who can obtain materials and components that can be used under the current conditions, and then synthesize their performance to design the overall structure.

What he does is this, the aircraft is composed of various parts, what material is used for the fuselage, what material is used for the wings, what is the internal structural design, how does the airframe match the engine... and so on.

Therefore, strictly speaking, what he does is the work of assembly.

Of course, assembling a fighter jet is not in the same dimension as assembling a mobile phone. Compared with the difficulty of the two, it is basically a sky and an underground.

Therefore, for Mr. Yang, now having the engine of Zhiqi Company will only mean that they basically don't have to worry about engine problems when designing sixth-generation fighter jets in the future.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, let's stop here first. However, I also have an unfeeling request. I wonder if we can go to your company to have a look at your engine? Let's talk about it?"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "Of course no problem, you are very welcome."

"That would be great!"

Afterwards, the two briefly confirmed the exchange time, and then hung up the phone.

"Okay, in two weeks, we can go to other people's places to see how their engines look like."

Putting down the phone, Master Yang said with emotion: "This is also our domestically produced engine."

The other designers nodded and were also very emotional.

Although it is a private enterprise, at least, Zhiqi Company has always done things that are beneficial to the country, and has never harmed the country. Even today, Huaguo can have its current status in the world, and foreigners in China The quality has also become higher, and it is inseparable from Zhiqi Company.

In this way, Zhiqi Company can be said to be the pride of domestic private enterprises.

Fortunately, the higher-ups have maintained an attitude of resignation to Zhiqi Company, otherwise, if such a company is angered and the people run away, I am afraid that foreigners will come back to see their Chinese jokes.

At the critical stage of Hua Guo surpassing the United States, this kind of thing should not happen.

I hope that some people will not abandon the future of the country for petty profits, and drive away such an important company.

Mr. Yang shook his head. It’s okay for him to suffer grievances. After all, he is only one person, and he can’t resist or do things that betray the country. But Zhiqi Company is different. Zhiqi Company is a big whole. The interests of Zhiqi Company have been harmed. Even if their boss will be bullied, their members may not be willing to be bullied.


After Ye Cheng and Yang Wei finished the phone call, not long after, another call came. This time it was an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences asking about the lithography machine.

Of course, it goes without saying that if the country wants to buy it, he will sell it. However, since it has just started and the output is not much, the expected output this year is only seven or eight units. Of course, because of the new structure developed by Zhong Xin, The production efficiency of a single machine is about 20% higher than that of the fifteen lithography machines rewarded by the system. Therefore, the production is small, but it is powerful!

Finally, Ye Cheng clarified the conditions with the academician who called, and he was willing to sell three EUV lithography machines to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

In terms of price, one billion soft sister coins.

As for how the Chinese Academy of Sciences will cry poorly to the State Council in the future, and then come up with 3 billion soft sister coins to buy their lithography machines, that is not within the scope of Ye Cheng's consideration.

He is now even thinking about how to hand over the dust-free workshop project that the Chinese Academy of Sciences will build after buying a lithography machine in the future to his old father.

Under his suggestion, Ye's Group now has the technology to undertake the construction of clean workshops. Ye Cheng plans to hand over all the workshops of Zhiqi's chip production plant to Ye's Group in the future.

Of course, in order to build a dust-free workshop, the Chinese Academy of Sciences also has the cost of other supporting software and hardware facilities, which is also out of Ye Cheng's consideration.

Everything you buy needs to be maintained. Buying a car requires maintenance, and buying a house requires regular cleaning.

After getting these things done, Ye Cheng can be regarded as having a relatively leisure time since the release of room temperature superconductors.

Next, he only needs to care about the bidding of the controllable nuclear fusion project, and then wait for two weeks and Mr. Yang and his colleagues will come to visit their engines.

After that, it's ready to get married.

During this period of time, he also bought a few more management experts to help Xu Xin share more work and prepare for the time when he got married.

In this way, time passed quickly.


July 7.

Magic City, the Bund.

There is a brand new storefront with a new plaque today.

Zhiqi virtual reality movie experience hall.

And many people who heard the news stood at the door when it first opened today, wanting to experience what the legendary virtual reality is like.

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