Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 269 Hot Experience Hall, Taishi Engine System

For the current human technology, virtual reality, or metaverse, basically stays in the idea of ​​realizing it with VR glasses.

Because VR glasses can completely accommodate the user's field of vision within the scope of the eyes, this is also the characteristic of virtual reality. In reality, the way people receive information is nothing more than sound and light.

Of course, limited by the design of VR glasses and the structure of some people's eyes, there may be some black edges, so this kind of thing will give people a sense of fragmentation and unreality after all.

In addition, VR glasses are also very harmful to the eyes.

After all, it directly puts the screen in front of your eyes, which of course hurts your eyes, and you need to control the use time, which is why those VR glasses sellers will remind you not to use it for children.

Therefore, the virtual helmet that often appears in science fiction has become the ideal carrier for most people to enter the virtual reality world.

Which boy would not want to say: "I will attack in Gundam form?"

Of course, not the one standing in the toilet.

Therefore, when the experience hall opened, many people came to watch it, wanting to know more about it, and most of them wanted to try it.

It's just that it's basically impossible to directly experience a complete movie, because reservations have been made online throughout the day. This is also to avoid disputes caused by queues and staff Too much is not easy to manage.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that there is no chance if you go directly offline. This requires luck. For example, if the person who originally made an appointment fails to arrive on time within ten minutes, he will be disqualified, and then a lucky person will be selected from the scene. machine.

As for the film sources on the scene, there is probably no need to worry. Basically, all the movies that can be found in the world are available here. Of course, these are bought by Zhiqi Company and all film companies, and they are specially used for playback in virtual reality helmets.

This can be regarded as a new kind of copyright, which does not belong to the copyright of information network dissemination. Anyway, Zhiqi Company defines it this way, so of course those film companies adhere to the principle of making money and not making bastards, and sold all the films in their respective film libraries. source, but also in perpetuity.

Of course, Zhiqi spent a lot of money for this. However, after the popularization of virtual reality networks in the future, I believe that more people will choose to watch movies in virtual reality. It's easy to come back.

As the time came to half past nine, the experience hall finally opened.

Many people poured into the entrance, but there was a front desk inside like a movie theater, and if you wanted to go in, there was also a ticket gate.

Anyone who has made an appointment can enter the ticket gate and check in electronically when it is time to board the plane.

However, in addition to these people who have made an appointment, the experience hall also has a row of large and comfortable seats in the lobby, a total of fifteen, and a helmet is placed on the armrest next to these seats.

The helmet is unified in white, with a curved surface and a button on the forehead, which looks very sci-fi.

These fifteen helmets are used to provide experience equipment for those who have not made an appointment or who come here temporarily, but each person only has ten minutes of opportunity, and the experience is at most once a day.

After all, the experience hall is an advance publicity for Zhiqi’s launch of virtual reality helmets in the future. Through this method, more people can experience virtual reality helmets, so that more people can realize how powerful Zhiqi’s virtual reality helmets are. .

After these people have experienced it, Zhiqi Company is confident that they will spontaneously help Zhiqi to promote it.

It is almost conceivable that after today is over, virtual reality helmets will ignite the imagination of people all over the world about the metaverse, and at the same time, they will make a powerful counterattack to those who think that Zhiqi company is to hype the metaverse and make a fortune from it.

"Everyone, please be orderly, don't be in a hurry, don't be crowded, friends who have made an online reservation and purchased the 9:45 show, please come here quickly to check in for the plane!"

"For those who have not made an appointment online but want to experience it, please line up in an orderly manner. The time for each experience is ten minutes. If you are afraid of waiting too long, you can come back later."

The current experience hall is basically crowded with people, and everyone wants to see what the virtual reality helmet looks like with their own eyes.

Before the opening of the experience hall, this kind of hot scene has been expected, so basically a staff member is assigned to take charge of every two virtual helmets. In addition, there are security guards, ticket inspectors, etc., so so much work The personnel are still enough to coordinate the order of tourists.

The messy order was quickly arranged. After all, most of the people who come here to play are young people. Under compulsory education, most people still know to obey the order. As for those who do not obey the order, look at the five security guards on the scene. I have to be honest.

The heights of these security guards are all above 1.9 meters, and the bodies under the security uniforms are also extremely strong. It is estimated that Jushi Johnson may not be able to fight well, and I don’t know where Zhiqi Company found so many big guys. .

Finally, everything started in an orderly manner. The first batch of temporary experiencers finally sat on the big leather seat, and with the help of the staff, they first put on a disposable eye mask, and then put on a helmet.

Because it is a temporary experience, they cannot choose what to experience by themselves.

However, the screen they choose to experience is provided by Zhiqi Company, strictly speaking, it should be provided by Xiaobai.

For the underlying logic of virtual reality, Xiaobai wrote a brand new engine system, named "Taishi".

Because virtual reality is different from the information network, the information network mainly expresses information in words, so the information network does not need any high-end graphics engine, only those games need a graphics engine, such as Unreal Game Engine.

Virtual reality, on the other hand, uses pictures and sounds to transmit information, which is exactly the same as reality. People receive picture information through their eyes and sound information through their ears.

Comparing reality to games, such as Earth OL, virtual reality is a modified version of Earth OL. After all, all parameters can be modified in virtual reality, people can not die, people can fly, physical parameters can change, etc...

Therefore, the "engine" plays the most important role in it.

The "Taishi Engine System" written by Xiaobai serves this function.

In the future, all software that will appear on the virtual reality network will be built based on this engine system.

It is like the WIN system in a computer. All software must follow the logic of the WIN system. Of course, such a system also provides convenience for writing software.

Just like Unreal Engine is for game developers, it also allows developers to directly design the screens in the game, as well as the physical effects in them, without having to re-do it themselves.

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