Taishi engine system, according to Xiaobai's test, can easily simulate various real environments, ranging from the 61 elementary particles of the standard model to the entire explored universe, including all physical systems, It can even reproduce physical experiments in reality, such as building a particle collider in virtual reality.

Of course, the use of particle colliders in virtual reality will not create microscopic forms that humans have not discovered, such as discovering a new elementary particle. This is impossible, and all data in virtual reality is limited to The system that Xiaobai entered, of course, it can use its own computing power to discover some neglected areas in some fields that humans have been involved in.

However, this level naturally requires extremely powerful computer performance.

To achieve the above level, only the quantum computer controlled by Xiaobai can achieve it.

For an ordinary computer, even if it is a 12-way Titan with an extra Xeon processor, it is estimated that the particle collider has just started, and it will be a Barbie Q.

However, it is completely possible to realize it with a quantum computer. In the future plan, Ye Cheng plans to build a particle collider for their virtual reality network community. As long as you pay, you can use a particle collider in the virtual world machine.

Of course, in order to control the number of people using the particle collider at the same time, the price is naturally quite expensive. However, compared to the tens of billions in the real world, the annual maintenance fee also costs an unknown amount of money. The cycle is very long, and no matter how expensive the price is, it is worth it.

The 27-kilometer-long Large Hadron Collider in Europe has only operated 6 times since its establishment in 2009 until 2021.

Therefore, virtual reality has many potentials that can be tapped.

However, to achieve this level, there are still a few steps in the middle. Even the helmets have not officially started selling, so there is no need to think about the realization of the particle collider for the time being.

For those who come to experience the scene, the particle collider is not something they should consider. For most people, virtual reality still values ​​its entertainment.

So these experiencers, full of expectations, put on their helmets.

"One final confirmation. The pictures include horror scenes. Those who cannot accept it because they are too real, please explain."

This question has been confirmed three times, and the experiencer has already signed the agreement, but it does not prevent the staff from asking more.

But obviously, the experiencers have already sat here, so how could they give up halfway?

So, the staff helped them press the button on the helmet.

The next moment, they felt a sudden numbness from the back of their heads. The next moment, they were shocked to find that when they closed their eyes and put on the blindfolds, the dark world they perceived lit up and a faint white light appeared.

How did this white light appear?

Like something they saw directly, but also like something they imagined in their heads when they were daydreaming.


All in all, it felt all too real to them.

They finally understood why the experiencer was so shocked in that video.

This is simply unbelievable.

This is real virtual reality!

While they were shocked, the faint white light gradually became brighter.

It is getting brighter and brighter, but it does not bring them a dazzling feeling. The human eye can accept the brightness of 106 candella per square centimeter at the highest, but the human brain is not, so the human brain can theoretically accept infinitely strong brightness, and virtual reality As long as the helmet does not transmit "dazzling" signals to the brain, people will naturally not feel dazzled.

As the brightness became stronger and stronger, suddenly, a white light flashed, and everything turned black. Strictly speaking, it didn’t turn black, because the field of vision was filled with dots of starlight. In addition, there was an infinitely huge galaxy hanging in the dark sky. Among them, it shocks the soul.

People who have experienced these experiences have lost their thinking in their brains, leaving a blank space. Under the light-polluted urban environment, most of these young people’s impressions of the Milky Way are only in the pictures on the Internet. Have they ever seen such a scene directly reflected in front of them?

At this time, those who are familiar with literary works may think of Kant's words, and then feel that what he said is true.

At this moment, the screen slowly rotated, and a familiar object occupied the largest area in their field of vision.

That's Earth!

The very real Earth, orbiting the sun, and beside it a pale satellite, the Moon, also orbiting the Earth.

The earth is also rotating, and the day and night hemispheres are changing. The continent in the night hemisphere is lit with neon lights, and the white clouds in the day hemisphere are floating.

The picture suddenly began to approach the earth, entered the earth, and soon drilled into the sea. They heard the dull sound underwater, and the sound of bubbles passing through their ears. Not far away, there were a lot of people Schools of fish swam towards them, dolphins and whales surrounded their bodies, and the ethereal cries of whales also brought them great surprises.

Such an underwater world surprises many people who have never experienced it, because it is so real!

Just like they experienced it themselves! You must know that going to Sanya to experience this kind of underwater project often costs thousands of dollars, but now, they can feel this kind of feeling without going out, and they can also experience the feeling of being surrounded by sea water, and the feeling of being surrounded by sea water. Although the fishy and salty taste is very mild, it also surprised them very much.

They couldn't help saying in their hearts: What kind of horror is this!

This is simply a super tour!

Just when they were excited, the next moment, they regretted it.

Because they started to sink, the school of fish suddenly disappeared.

Darkness began to envelope them, and the previous sound of bubbles disappeared, leaving only the sound of water colliding with eardrums.

Abyssal phobia is actually a phobia of dark and claustrophobic spaces, or a sense of despair.

They feel that way now.

Someone started to exclaim.

"Fuck! I want to go up! It's so dark! Mom!"

The next moment, a light finally came from a distance, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an ugly lantern fish.

Although this guy was ugly, he still brought light and made them recover from the panic just now.

But at this moment, they felt something was wrong, and saw something white and rugged appeared in the background of the faint light brought by the lantern fish. Finally, they saw it, it was a huge mouth like an abyss!

Those white and rugged things are just the uneven teeth like needles!

However, it was too late to find out now, and this giant mouth swallowed them all in one gulp.

"Oh shit! Don't eat me!"

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