Someone in the seat moved wildly, even wanting to break free.

The staff quickly stepped forward to hold down the restless man, but his reaction was extremely violent. Finally, in desperation, the staff decisively closed his virtual helmet and took off the blindfold.

This person only felt that all the pictures in his brain disappeared, and the darkness returned, and then he felt his blindfold was ripped off.

He opened his eyes, and a strange dazzling sensation came.

"Sorry, sir, we had to turn off your helmet due to your overreaction," said the staff member.

There was still some lingering fear on this person's face at this moment. He really thought he was going to die just now, but fortunately, it was fake.

But who made that scene too real, he didn't even dare to watch a funny horror movie like "Mr. Zombie", let alone the horror scene just like experiencing it himself.

When he came back to his senses, he looked around and saw many people smiling, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

But he couldn't forget this kind of experience, so he didn't want to leave, but continued to ask: "Uh... can I continue watching?"

The staff nodded: "Of course, but please restrain your reaction later."

"Yes, I will."

Then he didn’t say any more, he entered the experience again, and the screen continued from the last time. In the endless darkness, he still felt horrified, but this horrifying feeling was very refreshing, and the adrenaline in his body was also surging violently.

And the reactions of these experiencers also made all the onlookers feel excited.

Is it really that exciting?

Look at that guy's reaction just now.

Even if a timid person watches horror movies, he won't have such a big reaction during the scary scenes. What did he see that almost jumped out of his seat.

In this way, after ten minutes passed, the first group of people finished watching. While they were still in fear, they were also extremely moved. This is really an epoch-making technology. Some people also decided immediately to do it again tomorrow!

Even come once a day.

Isn't this more burning than blogging?

Games on mobile phones and computers are far less enjoyable than this.

The second batch of experiencers entered, and the first group of people left, but when they left, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire. Because the experience was free, they naturally filled out the questionnaire seriously. I wrote down the functions I hope to have in the future, as well as my views on the virtual reality world.

Everyone thinks differently, so there will always be different suggestions for the world of virtual reality.

And these questionnaires will naturally be handed over to the top, and then Lao Dianbo will be responsible for whether to add them.

After the first batch of experiencers completed the questionnaire, they left the experience hall.

At this time, a middle-aged man stopped one of the experiencers at the entrance of the experience hall and asked, "Hello, I want to ask, did you really see anything after you put on that helmet?"

"Of course, otherwise, so many of us would be screaming."

"Then may I ask... what pictures did you see?"

"Oh, that's quite a lot to see." The man's tone was quite emotional, as if the pictures of the personal experience just now were still lingering in his mind, "There is the universe, the Milky Way, and so on, and you can see the earth and the earth." The moon, and the pictures in the sea, whales, and other scenery, such as Mount Everest, the Great Wall, the Yellow River, etc. Anyway, it is very shocking. If I say this, you will definitely not understand it. Just experience it yourself. gone."

"Okay, I see." The middle-aged man nodded and asked again: "Do you need eyes to see? Can blind people see?"

"This... I don't know, I should be able to see it, you'd better ask the staff."

"Okay, thank you!" The middle-aged man said gratefully.

"You're welcome, I wish you good luck!" The man guessed the meaning of the middle-aged man's question, blessed him, and left here. At the same time, he didn't forget to start sharing with his friends. Shocking experience.

The middle-aged people entered the experience hall and squeezed directly to the front.

After the staff saw it, they reminded: "Sir, if you have made an appointment, please go to the ticket gate over there. If you want to experience it, please line up."

"I just want to ask, can this helmet of yours allow blind people to see the screen?"

"Ah?" The staff was taken aback, and immediately said: "Of course! This helmet is realized by using electromagnetic wave technology to directly transmit the picture into the brain, and the reason why we can see the picture is the function of the brain, the eyes are just It’s just a connection between the picture and the brain, so whether you are blind or not, you can see the picture we set through our helmet.”

Then, he continued to ask: "May I ask, do you have any relatives or friends who are blind? In our experience hall, blind people can experience it first, and each experience can be experienced for an hour without any fee."

The middle-aged man suddenly became excited: "Really?! Can blind people really see? My daughter was born blind and has never seen anything. Can she see?"

"Of course!" The staff nodded affirmatively, "You can bring your daughter here at any time, we have a special experience room for the blind."

"Okay, okay...I'll bring my daughter here right away!" The middle-aged man's words trembled with excitement, and there were only a few words left in his mind.

His daughter can see again!

No, not to see the light again, his daughter has never seen the light, so how can we see the light again?

But he didn't have the time to think about these details anymore. He almost rushed out of the experience hall, saying sorry to those who were bumped by him, took out his mobile phone, and started making calls.

But no one resented his recklessness. Anyone who could empathize with him could understand his excitement. Many people also sent blessings to him and his daughter in their hearts.

Of course, someone also asked the staff member: "Your helmet, can you really let blind people see?"

"Yes." The staff replied again, "The principle of using our helmet to see the picture is different from the principle of seeing the picture with the eyes. The helmet uses electromagnetic wave technology to allow the brain nerves to directly receive this part of the picture, just as we imagined. The picture is the same."

The people around were in an uproar. This is really amazing. In this way, wouldn't all blind people be able to see the beauty of this world again in the future?

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