It is hard for people who are not blind to imagine what it would be like to live in darkness forever. It is not the kind of darkness where the eyes are closed. The light shines through the thin eyelids, and the eyes can still feel the light. bottom of darkness.

So what this means is clear to all.

And the staff continued to promote this technology that they are proud of: "In addition, everyone can also help our company to promote, our company is going to set up a charity program called 'Goodbye' in the Zhiqi Charity Fund , providing free virtual reality helmets to every completely blind person, so that the blind can see the world again."

"Okay! Let's promote it now!"

People queuing up in the experience hall responded one after another, and most people will do good deeds within their ability.

There are also some people with more flexible minds who immediately thought of something and immediately asked: "Is that based on the principle of your helmet, it is completely possible to make something similar to an electronic eye, and then directly let the blind see the outside world?". Seven

"Of course, our company is researching this technology." The staff member nodded and said.

"That would be wonderful."

Everyone couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This technology of Zhiqi Company will undoubtedly bring new changes to the world again, and will also bring good news to all blind people in the world.

It's hard not to respect a company like this.

In this way, time passed quickly.

The middle-aged man reappeared at the door of the experience hall. He was holding a girl about fifteen or six years old. The girl was wearing sunglasses, and her steps were very shallow, small, and she followed each other. Toddler.

Everyone around saw her and realized that she might be a blind person, and her father was also saying "I'm sorry, please step aside, my daughter can't see...", so people quickly gave this pair of parents The woman gave up her seat.

A staff member quickly noticed this place and recognized that the father was the middle-aged man who came to inquire half an hour ago, so he quickly walked up and said, "Hello, sir, this is your daughter." Bar?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Well, her name is Chen Shanshan. Her congenital lens is underdeveloped, and she has been blind since she was born."

He shook his daughter's hand and said, "Shanshan, call big brother quickly."

The blind girl was a little timid, and her head was not facing the staff, but was looking straight, because she could not perceive the position of the person in front of her.

She shouted very softly: "big brother..."

She probably seldom or never leaves home, so apart from talking to her father often, she basically doesn't have conversations with strangers.

It was also the first time for her to leave home so far this time.

The staff member smiled and said, "Hi Shanshan, I'll let you see what the world looks like right away, okay?"

"Well, thank you big brother... But can I really see it?" Chen Shanshan said again, and her words were full of expectation.

In her understanding, she never knew what the world looked like, what a cube was, what a cuboid was, and what her parents looked like.

Sometimes when she touched what her father called "chin", she would feel some sticky things. Dad said it was "beard", but why didn't she?

These thoughts have been lingering in her mind for more than ten years. Even when she first learned to speak, it was not easy. Even before she gradually understood some common sense of the world, she thought that human beings are born to live in the dark and rely on hearing to distinguish the world .

By now, she has learned a lot, and she has given up on seeing things, even though her father still looks for ways to let her see on the Internet from time to time.

More than ten years have passed like this, and today my father suddenly told her that she can see things, although she can't see the real world directly, but at least she can see things, such as watching movies.

She doesn't understand what watching a movie is, because such a thing has never existed in her world, and there has never been any picture in her imagination.

For example, she asked her father what the stars look like, and her father said that the stars are dotted on the sky, twinkling and twinkling.

In this sentence, she can't understand what "little bit" describes, after all, she doesn't even know what it means to describe big and small, and she can't understand what the sky looks like, "Twinkle twinkle ", "light", and what it is, she is also unclear.

It is also for this reason that the pictures she imagined and the dreams she made are very different from those of people who are blind or not blind the day after tomorrow.

This is the only luck for the blind, because they can imagine things that people who have seen the world cannot imagine. Of course, it is also unfortunate, because they don't know what the world looks like, and their world has no color.

"Of course, you will see the world you live in, what it looks like, they may be different from everything you imagined, but the world is not completely black, oh, black is probably what you feel now." Work said the staff.

"Oh, by the way, sir, if you want your daughter to know what you look like, allow us to take a full body photo of you."

"Is this okay?" the middle-aged man said in surprise.

Can you also let your daughter know what she looks like?

"Hehe, of course." The staff said, "We can also let Shanshan know what she looks like, so we need to take a photo of the two of you."

"Then I will trouble you!"

"Okay." The staff nodded, and then asked the middle-aged man and his daughter to stand in front of a wall with scales carved on them, and took pictures of them, including the front, back, side, and four directions.

After finishing all this, the photos were uploaded to a software, and then the staff said: "Okay, now you can get your daughter ready to go on the plane."

The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly, then pulled his daughter to the big seat next to him, and let her sit on it.

This is an experience room for the blind, so naturally there is no blindfold. After asking the middle-aged man to help her take off her sunglasses, she put on a virtual reality helmet for Chen Shanshan.

"Okay, Shanshan, look forward to it, you'll be able to see the world soon." While setting up the computer, the staff encouraged the little girl whose face was full of anticipation.

Chen Shanshan was born beautiful, she was very beautiful, it was probably God's compensation for her, she lay there like a Sleeping Beauty.

There was also anticipation on her little face.

"Yeah!" She responded lightly.

Then, the staff pressed the switch of the helmet.

The next moment, Chen Shanshan saw the light.


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