Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 274 Social Concerns, Worry Of Internet Predators

【Shock! Blind people can see the light again! 】

[Virtual reality helmet, light for the blind]

[Zhiqi Company makes another breakthrough! Let the blind see the light! 】

The media is roaring, and traffic is exploding.

The topic rose directly to the first place in just one hour.

Now the number one hot search is: Zhiqi virtual reality helmet can restore sight to the blind.

And the second place is: Zhiqi virtual reality helmet experience hall officially opened.

Being able to be on the hot search so quickly is inseparable from some network anchors.

The opening of the virtual reality experience hall naturally attracted many network anchors. When they went to the scene, they attracted those who could not go to the scene to watch it, and the popularity was just like that.

And what happened at the Magic City Experience Hall was known by some live anchors, and then told their netizens.

Therefore, the news that virtual reality helmets can allow blind people to see the light again naturally spread like this.

And such shocking news is almost no less than the discovery of a crashed flying saucer on Mars.

"Really? Can blind people really see? Does anyone know what to say? 』

"It's true. I was at the Magic City Experience Hall in the morning. A man asked the staff if blind people could see, and the staff said yes. After that, the man came back with his daughter, and went to I went to experience the special area for the blind inside』

"thanks! I see! 』

"Zhiqi Company is awesome! 』

"I suspect that the boss of Zhiqi Company is an alien"

"Why don't you suspect that he has a system? 』

"I'm a teacher at a school for disabled children. I would like to ask if Zhiqi Company can provide this kind of equipment for our school?" Everyone help go up! 』

"I just want to ask when will this thing be sold?" @ Ye Cheng, Mr. Ye, don't hold your breath. 』

"I will take my mother to Xijing now! She lost her sight ten years ago, and she never thought she would be able to see someday, which is great! 』


Blind guardians across the country who got the news, who had time and were responsible, rushed to the nearest city with an experience hall.

Only five cities in the country have experience centers, but there are hundreds of thousands of people who are completely blind in both eyes. Complete blindness is the kind of people who can't see things completely. The blind group also includes some low-vision groups.

And among these hundreds of thousands of people, the elderly account for a relatively high proportion. Among these people, there are relatively few people who are willing to experience it, so some people have to be eliminated.

But no matter what, there are at least tens of thousands of blind people who want to experience it. Even if it is divided into five experience halls, this will double their pressure.

However, the experience hall also issued relevant rules as soon as possible. First, apply online to prevent some people from queuing up after arriving at the experience hall.

The application needs to submit a hospital certificate, and then the experience center arranges the sequence according to different standards.

Those who are born completely blind are the highest priority, followed by those who are blind before the age of five. After the age of five, most people start to remember things, and a small number of people start to remember things at the age of six, but the age of five is used here. These people have not experienced the world well before remembering. Although they can understand some concepts and what the world looks like based on their impressions before remembering, they are still very superficial, so they are given priority.

Those who are completely blind afterward are prioritized according to the duration of blindness.

Although this standard makes some people who have not been blind for a long time feel dissatisfied, after all, it means that it is basically impossible for them to be ranked first. It is better to wait for the official release and buy it directly. Of course, for most people, this standard is still Very reasonable.

Then, with more and more experiencers, blind people began to be interviewed. For example, a congenitally blind person said: "I really didn't expect that one day I would be able to see what the world looks like. It turns out that The color that people talk about looks like that. It turns out that my father, my mother looked like that, and I looked like this. So there is a bright world, so beautiful, thanks to the person who researched this thing, You let us know that there is still something worth pursuing in life. Finally, I hope Zhiqi Company can push this helmet to the market as soon as possible. People like us have been waiting for a long time, thank you."

The interviews of these blind people were all real, and until this time, these congenitally blind people knew the difference between the void and chaotic scenes they imagined before, and reality.

And when they experienced the virtual reality helmet, they also understood the meaning of those adjectives because of the "classroom" that introduced light and color provided by Zhiqi Company, so they used those adjectives to share this difference with the world, And this also makes normal people finally understand how different the world of congenitally blind people is from them.

Probably, the "person" imagined by the congenitally blind is no different from aliens.

As a result, more and more people began to pay attention to the blind group in the society, and people also began to praise Zhiqi Company for producing this kind of technology. At this time, Laodianbo was launched as a virtual Realistic developers, respected by many people.

The Lao Dian Bo belt he mentioned in the "Cell" magazine originally attracted the attention of countless people. Now that he has achieved such achievements, it has attracted countless domestic and foreign universities to ask him to give lectures, or to be listed on the public forum. class or something.

Of course, paying attention to the blind group is only a part of the people. In this world, there are still the most people who are not blind.

Many people are surprised by the significance of virtual reality helmets to the blind, but more are surprised by the effect of virtual reality helmets.

Those who have experienced it are all crazy about it, and share their feelings when they experience it to the outside world.

These people agreed that this is an epoch-making entertainment technology. The helmets they are experiencing now cannot realize interaction, that is to say, they can only watch but not move. But I believe that when the interactive ability can be realized in the future, this will be It will completely change the current form of Internet interaction.

If we insist on comparing the current Internet with this kind of interactive form of virtual reality Internet, the former probably belongs to partial interventional interaction, that is, we can only see it with eyes and operate it with hands, while the latter belongs to fully immersive interaction. Use your brain to see and operate.

Think about it, social terrorists can talk to others with fake bodies and faces in virtual reality. What a great Internet innovation this will bring?

At the same time, all Internet predators also began to feel nervous.

This kind of thing that can completely change the Internet has nothing to do with them. How can they not be afraid?

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