Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 275 Attitudes Of Domestic And Foreign Internet Companies

Although at the moment, this virtual reality helmet cannot realize interaction, it can only allow users to receive information, but cannot transmit information, which makes many people think that the technology of Zhiqi Company has not yet reached that level. The traditional Internet is not threatening. .

But even if it doesn't reach that level, Internet predators have begun to be more vigilant, after all, everything must be prepared for a rainy day.

Internet companies at home and abroad have different attitudes.

Domestically, Penguin.

After Penguin learned about this brand-new technology, it immediately held a high-level meeting to discuss the possible threats of this technology.

"This technology is a very big threat to our Penguin Video Department, and it can even completely replace us." The person in charge of the Penguin Video Project Department said: "I have conducted an investigation here, and Zhiqi Company has sent all companies at home and abroad They proposed the purchase of film online distribution rights, basically they have mastered all the movies in the world, which is more comprehensive than we and other domestic online video platforms.”

"How is this possible?! Didn't we buy the exclusive copyright of some movies?" Others couldn't believe it.

The person in charge of the Penguin Video Project Department said: "They define this copyright as the copyright of metaverse communication."

"What a joke! There is no such copyright in law."

The person in charge of the video squinted at this person, and said: "There is no legal provision that this copyright belongs to the right of information network dissemination, which means that it is still blank! It is the same whether it is in a foreign country or in China, so now only Zhiqi company has mastered such technology.”

"And even if Zhiqi Company promotes the legal recognition of this copyright, it is not easy? Maybe the National Court will discuss this matter after a while, and those foreign companies are willing to sell all the film libraries, it is because it is Zhiqi Company .”

"Okay, don't worry about your video department. Their helmets don't have interactive functions yet, and they need to wear the helmets to start using them. It's not like mobile phones and computers, which can be left anytime and anywhere. The intermediate steps will be It affects the user experience of consumers, and some old movies, because of the image quality problem, even if they wear a virtual reality helmet, it still feels unreal. It may be better to watch it directly on the display screen. For blind people to watch movies!" someone said.

Others retorted: "You are all just worried about the present, you might as well worry about the future. Without interactive capabilities, there is no threat. What if we have interactive capabilities? Our mobile games may be fine in the future, but what about terminal games? End games will usher in a devastating blow!"

Penguins started their business by relying on games, and up to now the games have brought them quite high profits. In terms of end games, those three games have become a troika, which can bring them more than 30 billion yuan a year. income.

Mobile games are because of their convenience. Mobile phones will definitely not be replaced by virtual helmets. You can start playing anytime, anywhere when walking outside, but what about at home?

Even if Zhiqi Company makes a game that is as difficult to play as shit in a virtual reality headset, I am afraid it can beat all end games with a sense of reality.

At this time, the others didn't know what to say.

"There is also the communication business. Our prestige and Koukou will probably be hit to a certain extent."


A group of people are discussing that this new Internet form is destined to have an impact on traditional Internet companies like them.

At this time, Brother Xiao Ma, who was sitting in the first seat, said: "Okay, let's stop for a while, I think it's time to think about cooperating with Zhiqi Company. Our Internet world is already so big, let alone What about virtual reality? Zhiqi can't plan to handle all aspects with one company, right?"

The others looked at each other and finally nodded.

Indeed, virtual reality is quite a scope, after all, everything that can happen in reality, can happen in virtual reality.

For example, games played in reality can also be played in virtual reality.

Even stock trading in reality can also be done in virtual reality, just like GTA5.

In other words, it is also possible to start a company in virtual reality.

and many more.

All in all, it is basically impossible for Zhiqi Company to do all of these things alone. It will inevitably need to cooperate with others at that time, and their Penguin Company, as the largest Internet company in the country, has an extremely large volume in the world , there is every chance to be the first to enter, and then reach a cooperation.

"Then prepare to contact Zhiqi Company, at least Zhiqi is relatively friendly to domestic companies."

"Is it still friendly?"

The others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Of course, Zhiqi Company is not very friendly. In the process of development, Zhiqi Company has caused many domestic competitors to go bankrupt, and it has never paid much attention to people who come to cooperate with them.

Although this is considered normal, if they have so many technologies enough to achieve a monopoly, they will do the same, but now that they don't have that kind of technology, they naturally feel that Zhiqi Company is not easy to deal with.

However, no matter what, Zhiqi Company can be regarded as helping Huaguo Company to improve its international status. When foreign companies talk to Huaguo companies, they will not feel as domineering as before, so most domestic companies The company is still very grateful to Zhiqi.

The attitude of Penguin is basically the attitude of most Internet companies in Huaguo, which is to strive for cooperation.

But for foreign companies, they are not so optimistic.

"Just kidding, these newspapers are still praising Zhiqi's technology there, do they know that we are in disaster!"

A senior executive of the oil pipe company slapped a newspaper on the conference table and said to others.

Everyone else was silent for a while, they all knew that this technology would have an impact on them.

Originally, Zhiqi Company was engaged in industries before, chips, batteries, there was nothing wrong with them, no matter how good these things are, they also serve Internet platform providers like them.

It turns out that it's good now, they directly come up with something that can pry their roots.

"Before, I also thanked them Zhiqi Company. Lithium-air batteries have made mobile phones and computers last longer, and the average daily playing time of our platform users has increased a lot. Now, they are trying to dig our roots. That Ye Cheng is simply not human!"

Someone raised his hand and said, "Actually, I think we can try to contact Zhiqi Company. They should cooperate with us, right? Even if their virtual reality network is really successfully built, they can't build the entire virtual reality network by themselves. Are all the things inside done? I don’t believe it, Microsoft didn’t dare to do this kind of thing back then, Microsoft just made a set of office.”

"Cooperation, huh, maybe?" Someone sneered: "Who doesn't know that the boss of Zhiqi Company is a populist, and it's also because he is not from the United States. If he is from the United States, people will directly scold him to death."

Someone pointed out the flaws in his words: "If he is American, his populism should be good for us?"

"Uh... don't pay attention to the details."

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