Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 276 Problems With Virtual Reality Helmets

"Okay, stop chatting here, let's talk about how to deal with it first, cooperation? Or competition."

Those at the head of the table put an end to these meaningless discussions at the conference table.

"We don't know the attitude of Zhiqi Company now. They haven't released any news about whether they want to cooperate. In addition, the most important thing for the Internet is interaction. Their current virtual helmet can't interact, so there's nothing wrong with it." Attractiveness, what else can you do besides watching movies?"

"Watching videos to masturbate? Don't underestimate this ability, SEX is the first productive force"

"...That affects companies like MindGeek, it has nothing to do with us, we are serious!"

The person in the first seat couldn't help but patted the table again: "Shut up! Don't talk about this issue."

"Forget it, let's not talk nonsense with you, let's do it, now we want to create momentum, of course we have to create momentum secretly, we want to promote that the virtual reality network is more depraved and addictive than the current information network, and it will be more terrible than drugs , Then find a few experts or something to respond to such remarks, and guide the public to understand the dangers of virtual reality networks, just like this, let people resist virtual reality networks from the bottom of their hearts.”

Everyone clapped their hands immediately: "This method is good."

Someone added: "By the way, it can also be said that there are special devices in their virtual reality helmets that can monitor people's thoughts, and then pass these thoughts to Zhiqi Company, which can also make many people resist."

"That's a good idea!"

Others agreed.

"Those people even believe that there is a 5G antenna in the mask, this virtual helmet must be more likely to make them worry."

As soon as this remark came out, the people in the conference room even laughed.

"You can't say this, otherwise our company will make headlines tomorrow, and the stock price will fall the day after tomorrow."

"Of course, I'm sure I won't say it, just don't say it."

"Hehe, well, the matter is settled like this. In addition, inquire about the plans of several other companies. This matter must be taken seriously. It is related to whether we can still drink Romanee-Conti and drive Porsches in a few years. , live in the Upper East Side." The person in the first seat stood up and said.

"Good boss."



Ye Cheng picked up the phone, saw the message Xiaobai had sent him, and couldn't help but smile.

"Oh? That virtual reality networks are depraved? That's the funniest joke I've seen in a long time."

This is really laughing at fifty steps.

The current Internet is addictive enough, and the virtual reality network only allows addicted people to transfer from the information network to the virtual reality network. There are only 24 hours in a day, and people have sufficient power to choose what their time should be used for. What kind of entertainment.

Once the virtual reality network appears at that time, it will only occupy the current home entertainment market in a devastating way.

As for their virtual helmets being able to monitor thoughts?

This is even more nonsense. Of course, it is not ruled out that some foreign fools will really believe that the happiness education abroad does not tell them some basic common sense.

But having said that, in fact, their helmets can really monitor thoughts, as long as more programs are added to the helmets.

It is indeed possible to judge what the brain is thinking through brain waves, but the only problem now is that they do not have this ability now.

Human thinking is too complicated, even if it is just thinking about a sentence composed of ten characters, Chinese characters have 3,500 commonly used characters, if they are arranged and combined, they can be repeated, that is 3500 to the 10th power, this is Not to mention that human thinking is not limited to thinking, but also includes various abstract thinking, as well as thinking about spatial images and so on.

It's just too much.

Even the 1XB storage capacity of a planetary-level quantum computer cannot be completely stored, just like the number of changes in Go is more than the total number of atoms in the universe.

Therefore, monitoring thoughts can only monitor certain common thoughts at most.

And this requires more in-depth research on the meaning of brain wave signals, so as to accurately "read" the interpretation of brain waves when people think, but Lao Dianbo does not include this knowledge, he only masters part of the brain waves paraphrase.

That is, the brain waves sent out when a person controls body movements.

This is the most important thing for a virtual reality headset, only in this way can people make actions in virtual reality.

After that, the interactive effect can be realized.

However, there are still some problems in these aspects.

Ye Cheng didn't bother to care about the plans of those foreigners.

Their actions have no meaning. No one can refuse the charm of virtual reality, even the opponents, as long as they try virtual reality once, they will try it countless times.

Experience virtual reality is the difference between 0 times and countless times.

At this time, he came to Lao Dianbo's research room, and wanted to ask how the current progress was. Although there was still a month to go on the market, there were still some things that had not been settled.

At this time, Lao Dianbo was sitting in front of the computer, writing a program, which was the program for identifying the interpretation of brain waves.

The production factory of the virtual reality helmet has started to work. Although the function of recognizing brainwave commands is not yet available, superconducting equipment for monitoring brainwaves has been installed in it. The hardware has been solved, and a unified update will be carried out later ability to interact.

Now others think that their helmets have no interactive capabilities, and they have not denied it. They will not disclose this news until the press conference later, and I believe it will bring great shock to the world.

"How is it? To what extent have you achieved it now?"

Ye Cheng asked Lao Dianbo.

Lao Dianbo replied: "Basic movements such as walking, running, and punching have been basically realized now, but the control and coordination of fingers has not yet been realized, as well as the control of toes. In addition, there are some muscle stretching movements. It has not been adjusted yet, and it also includes more detailed actions, such as blinking eyes, blowing nose, etc. All in all, it is still quite troublesome, and it will take about four weeks to complete. This is also because of the help of Xiaobai The reason, without Xiaobai's help, it would probably take longer."

"Well, it means that there is basically no problem, right?"

"That's right, but there is still a problem." Lao Dianbo said: "That is, when people give these action instructions in virtual reality, they will not make related actions in reality. Falling into a sleep-like state in reality.”

"Now I have an idea that when the user's brain waves send action commands to the output device, our input device will send a subconscious signal to the brain, that is, there is no need to make such an action command, so as to avoid The user makes an action."

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