The sound of this voice surprised everyone else, and they looked at the person who said it.

It was a middle-aged man. Others remembered that this man was a member of a research institute under the name of Huaguo Energy Construction Group.

Apparently, he was representing the company.

Ye Cheng didn't speak, and he wasn't surprised. Except for those people who are still living in the primitive era, he doesn't know what they are discussing. As long as other people have mobile phones, he can know what these people want to do.

So he is very clear about what this person is thinking.

Although Xu Kaiyang didn't know what this person's idea was, it was already predestined for Zhiqi Company to take over the project, and the above didn't say anything. The forces behind this person still want to compete?

He frowned and said, "Tell me your reason."

That person was bold when he spoke just now, but now he is still a little timid when facing the eyes of so many people.

However, he still opened his mouth and said: "I think that the chairman of Zhiqi Company is also our Deputy Chief Engineer Ye. It is not appropriate for reason and reason. Zhiqi Company should avoid suspicion."

Xu Kaiyang frowned even deeper: "Then tell me, what nuclear fusion do we do without the materials from Zhiqi Company?"

The person said: "Zhiqi Company should sell the materials to other qualified companies, and these three targets should also be handed over to those qualified companies to accept."

Xu Kaiyang was immediately laughed angrily: "A qualified company? Are you from the Energy Construction Group? Aren't you a member of the Energy Construction Group?"

"I'm from XX Generator Research Institute, and I don't completely belong to the Energy Construction Group. Moreover, Zhiqi Company is a private enterprise, and we are a state-owned enterprise."

This person will not admit it.

No matter what, it's better to try than not to try. It's better if Ye Cheng doesn't become the deputy chief engineer. Since you become the deputy chief engineer, if your company still wins the bidding, it will be obvious to outsiders that there is a shady scene.

When the news comes out, Ye Cheng is the deputy chief engineer, and Ye Cheng's company has won the bid, which is enough to fool many ordinary people. Just writing a small composition can ruin a person's reputation. How can people nowadays have so much thinking ability?

Even if the truth spread out in the end, it wouldn't have much impact.

Moreover, this can be regarded as a revenge of the energy construction group.

At the beginning, some senior executives in the group wanted to fight for Ye Cheng's current position as deputy chief engineer. Since they failed to win, they wanted to use this method to disgust Xu Kaiyang and Ye Cheng. If they succeeded, they could still borrow This will take over the target of the magnetic fluid generator, because they are the only ones in China that have this capability.

As for whether Zhiqi Company will sell it by then?

If they don’t sell it, it will be easier to tarnish the reputation of Zhiqi Company. For the sake of personal interests, without understanding the general situation, everyone will know that their Huaguo controllable nuclear fusion project will not be able to proceed because of Zhiqi Company. The truth Sometimes it doesn't matter.

Xu Kaiyang looked at Ye Cheng, wondering how he would deal with it.

But Ye Cheng just looked flat and said: "I will let another company that has nothing to do with me apply for the bid."

"Boss Ye, it's too late to set up another company now, and the bidding will start in a few days." The man said with a faint smile.

"Who said it should be established now? It was established a month ago." Ye Cheng smiled and said: "It's called Xingchen Technology Company. I am not the chairman or shareholder of this company. It will replace Zhiqi Company Provide room-temperature superconductors, carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloys, and magnetic fluid generators to the Jinwu Project."

"So, I won't bother you and your company."

Now that he has known the opponent's plan, Ye Cheng will naturally respond in advance.

Of course, Zhiqi Company can also not follow the rules. The two parties still misjudged the strength gap. However, since this problem can be solved from the rules, it is naturally best to use the rules to solve it.

That person's face suddenly changed, and Zhiqi Company has already made preparations?

He said in disbelief: "Impossible! Now the only company planning to bid is Zhiqi Company! There is no Star Technology Company!"

"You also said that it is now, and our bidding deadline is the day after tomorrow."

Ye Cheng waved his hands, then stood up and said, "Okay, now everyone should have no objections, right? In addition, I need to say that our Zhiqi company will follow the rules, but I also hope that everyone will not do anything behind the scenes." Small action, don't underestimate our bottom line too much, thank you."

Glancing at that person, Ye Cheng got up and left the meeting room without caring whether the meeting was over or not.

After that, Zhiqi Company will talk to the energy construction group behind that person. Zhiqi Company will not make anyone feel that they are easy to provoke. Since the other party has misjudged the strength of both parties, then wait to pay the corresponding price for it.

Seeing Ye Cheng leave directly, no one present spoke.

Xu Kaiyang glared at that person, then got up and said, "Okay, the meeting is over, and the bidding work will continue as usual in a few days."

Then, he also left the meeting room.

Soon, other people also left one after another, but most of them glanced at that person when they left, and their eyes were a little gloating.

What on earth was this person thinking, that he actually helped his company match up with the chief and deputy chief engineer of their project.

It is estimated that it won't be long before the engineering team won't see this person.

This person's complexion is also pale. If he is provoked, he will be provoked. He has long been mentally prepared, but the problem is that the matter has not been completed. This is obviously the worst result. If the matter can be completed, he will be kicked out. After completing the project, not only will he be able to get a huge bonus, but his remuneration in their research institute will also increase steadily in the future. No matter how powerful Zhiqi Company is, it is impossible for him to point fingers at a state-owned enterprise like them.

But now, things haven't been done, and people are offended, what will happen to me in the future?

He couldn't help but regret it.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and it’s not enough to regret it. If he doesn’t do it, his company probably won’t give him a chance to rise in the future, so he has to do it.

Unfortunately, no one cares about these things.


This small incident did not affect the bidding work, and Star Technology officially applied for bidding the next day.

Star Technology Company is named after Ye Cheng and Xu Xin. Xu Xin holds 100% of the shares, and the management personnel are arranged by Ye Cheng. Now Xu Xin and Ye Cheng are not married, so strictly speaking, this company It really has nothing to do with Ye Cheng.

The application was quickly approved, and a few days later, the bidding work officially started, and the major bids also started bidding in order.

There is no need for Ye Cheng to worry about these things, the company's personnel will be responsible.

In the end, Star Technology Company naturally won the bid.

Next, just wait for the preparations of all parties to be in place, and the project can start.

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