The bidding work is over, and the next step is the construction work.

After the house is built, they can start to engage in controlled nuclear fusion.

Just like fighting a war, the soldiers and horses go first before the food and grass are moved, and when the soldiers and horses arrive, they have to set up camp.

However, regarding the related meetings, it is still indispensable.

And the first technical feasibility seminar started before the bidding work was completed.

This technical feasibility seminar mainly discusses the main structure.

However, they succeeded in the tokamak device, so for those researchers, the use of the tokamak device has become a matter of course.

"So our meeting today should be about how big it should be?"

Everyone seems relaxed.

For them, this is a relatively easy thing to do. It is nothing more than the size of the external magnetic field and the size of the internal reaction chamber, so as to ensure that the deuterium-tritium gas inside can be maintained at a high temperature of more than 100 million degrees. They are controlled without hitting the inner wall.

These things can be easily calculated based on past experience, or they have already simulated how big a tokamak device that can directly supply one trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year should be.

Therefore, don't worry about the technical feasibility, and making it bigger is nothing more than a matter of spending more money. They have 70 billion in hand now, and some of them are made out of money.

However, just when everyone thought so, Xu Kaiyang, who was seated at the top, shook his head and said, "No, it's not just about this."

"Ye Cheng, show your plan to everyone."

Ye Cheng nodded, and then opened the model that was shown to Xu Kaiyang before, and showed it to the people present.

He stood up and said: "Since the Jinwu project needs to use a magnetic fluid generator, the original tokamak device is not the main structure that best meets our requirements."

"The tokamak is too round and its magnetic field is too uniform, so we have a hard time getting the plasma into the MHD channel in the direction we want, so for the tokamak, I made these changes .”

Everyone present was stunned, looking at the thing projected on the screen.

A quasi-circular shape, plus a curved pipe?

"Boss Ye, are you sure?" Someone couldn't help but say.

"Of course." Ye Cheng stretched out his finger and pointed at the model, and said, "Look, everyone, this part of the sphere is used to heat the deuterium-tritium gas to over 100 million degrees. Going into our magnetic fluid generator, so the junction of the sphere and the pipe, before we get to the temperature, needs to be shut down, so there needs to be a constriction system."

"After the temperature is reached and the fusion reaction becomes violent, the pipe opening can be opened to allow the plasma flow to enter."

Someone raised a question: "But before that, wouldn't the plasma hit all the pipe opening and finally break through it?"

Although the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy is very strong, it is the result of being uniformly impacted by high-energy particles. If the high-energy particles go all the way to one point, it won't last long.

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "It would be nice to let the magnetic field control the high-temperature plasma from hitting it before then."

Listening to Ye Cheng's words, the others looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that he was here to cause trouble.

Everyone knows that a magnetic field can be used, but how should the magnetic field be designed?

In the past, the magnetic field of the tokamak was a definite design plan. Now it is necessary to re-study the superconducting circuit. How long will it take?

In particular, the magnetic field has to be changed.

Everyone thought it was a joke.

Ye Cheng smiled lightly, of course he could see that these people didn't believe it, but it didn't matter if they didn't believe it, they would believe it.

Then, Ye Cheng clicked the button next to it, and the superconducting circuit appeared on it.

"I know that you are thinking about how to design superconducting circuits, but I have also considered this issue a long time ago. Please take a look at this coil."

"You may be wondering how to control the direction of the plasma flow before and after the opening of the pipeline. Please take a look at the overall coil and this part of the coil. At the beginning of the reaction, we increase the current in the superconductor and increase the magnetic field. , the plasma flow will be confined inside the sphere reaction chamber, and will not hit it. After that, when the temperature is sufficient, we will reduce the current, and the Lorentz force on the plasma flow will be reduced, so that it can directly Enter the pipeline, and finally pass through the pipeline under the action of the magnetic field inside the pipeline, and enter the magnetic fluid generator. This part of the bend can be used to prevent neutrons from entering the magnetic fluid generator."

Everyone was stunned after hearing Ye Cheng's words.

It seems that there is such a possibility?

A researcher said: "Mr. Ye, are you sure that this superconducting circuit is feasible? Can it do what you said?"

Just looking at the picture, they don't have the data, so they can't figure it out for the time being.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, opened the toolbar on the top of the software, and found a function called 'Magnetic Field Simulation', and then said: "Everyone, look at this, I have already done the simulation once."

He clicked the button for magnetic field simulation, and then everyone saw magnetic field lines appearing in the model.

Everyone looked at the magnetic field lines above and was stunned.

When will Taiyi 3D modeling software be able to simulate magnetic fields?

"Ye...Mr. Ye, why isn't this thing on our software?"

Ye Cheng said: "Oh, this is a function I added a few days ago. It has not been updated to the official version. It is just for the convenience of showing you today, and it will be updated after too much time."

"A few days ago... it was added in?"

Everyone here swallowed their saliva, being shown by Ye Cheng's operation.

Even Xu Kaiyang, who had always been calm, opened his eyes wide. Why didn't he know this before?

In fact, it is not that there is no software for simulating physical fields on the market. This kind of software is generally called finite element analysis software, such as COMSOL, ANSYS, etc., but like Ye Cheng, who directly adds this function so vigorously, then That's awesome.

They couldn't help calling a good guy in their hearts.

First of all, there is a high probability that Ye Cheng did not make this thing, it can only be the internal programmers of Zhiqi Company.

But simulating a magnetic field is not something that any programmer can do. First of all, you have to understand what a magnetic field and magnetic field lines are, and there are various complicated places in it, such as a magnetic field, two magnetic fields, etc. intersecting together , how disordered the magnetic field becomes.

If you say it, I am afraid that any programmer will have a big head.

They had to think about who the programmers of Zhiqi Company were.

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