This mathematical software has very comprehensive functions, and there are basically no loopholes, no less than matlab, and even a new model proposed in the latest international paper.

So he immediately shared the news with others.

The natural status of the people he shares with is not much different from him, such as the academician group, the Changjiang Scholars group, and so on.

In this way, Zhiqi's software quickly spread throughout the academic circles of Huaguo.

Even Zhiqi's publicity has not yet come up.

And it didn't take long for the evaluation of "Zhiqi software thief is easy to use" to spread quickly.

Regardless of any software, this is the same evaluation. Although most people only buy the kind of software they often use, once they communicate with each other, they will find that everyone thinks it is easy to use.

As a result, various universities, research institutions or companies immediately began to contact Zhiqi Company to purchase the right to use these software.

These things need not be elaborated. At the same time, the news quickly spread from the country.

"Too bad, that Zhiqi company also made math software."

In the United States, shareholders in Matlab held an emergency meeting.

"Damn it, I've said it a long time ago, don't deal with Huaguo anymore, you insist on fixing this kind of thing, do you want to completely lose the Huaguo market?" A shareholder patted the table and complained: "I said it at the beginning. , now the limelight is not right, dealing with Huaguo is simply to die, now it's all right, let me see what you do!"

Although the other shareholder was very upset, he couldn't find a reason to refute, so he could only say: "Hmph, it's too late to say anything now, why don't you think about what to do!"

"Sue Zhiqi Company? Is their mathematical software the same as ours? The underlying code or something?"

"I checked, and our code repetition rate is 0 during the patent term! There are even better ones than us!"

"How is it possible!" A shareholder said in disbelief.

Their matlab has a history of more than 30 years, and each of the mathematical tools is the precious wealth accumulated by their interdisciplinary programmers, as well as the synergy between various tools, spanning data analysis, Numerical and symbolic operations, engineering graphics, aerospace industry, biomedical engineering and more than ten fields.

Those strings of codes are all the money they invested in research and development for decades, which established the position of Matlab in mathematical software, and other software basically only develops in a certain field.

As a result, Zhiqi Company suddenly came up with a software that is more powerful than their decades of accumulation?

"Did they take our underlying code and translate it on Google Translate?!"

"Ghost knows, maybe they used translation software from aliens?"

"Okay, is it time to fight for this thing? Think about what to do."

"What should I do? Cold salad! Do you still want to deal with Zhiqi Company?"

These shareholders have fallen into helplessness.

Finally, someone said: "Okay, we'd better be thankful that Zhiqi Company didn't publish an English version."

Everyone else nodded helplessly.


Zhiqi company does not publish an English version, at least it will not affect their market share in Europe and the United States.

However, at this moment, the phone of the president of the company rang. He looked down and saw that it was a text message from his secretary. As a result, the content on it made his eyes widen and he lost his mind.

Others noticed his appearance and couldn't help asking: "Robert, what's wrong?"

Robert said with some difficulty: "The software of Zhiqi Company can use the English version."

"What?!" Everyone stood up with disbelief on their faces.

Will Zhiqi's software have an English version?

This is simply a disaster for their software companies.

President Robert opened a website, which is a foreign website established by Zhiqi Software Platform.

There is a big billboard on it.

"good news! Since consumers strongly suggest that foreign language versions can be installed, Zhiqi software will support English, Russian... and more than a dozen languages ​​from now on. Welcome to use it! 』

"That's good news for shit!"

"Mom Fucker!"


Shareholders of matlab company scolded.

In the end, they fell silent. In any case, this will have a great impact on their software. One shareholder couldn't help saying: "I feel that this is Zhiqi's invasion of us."

"Maybe." The other shareholders were dejected.

In fact, this is aggression.

The prohibition of Matlab on Chinese universities made Ye Cheng decide that it is time to teach these foreign software companies a little lesson. As for the result of the lesson, some software companies may close down, and some software companies may survive.

Of course, Ye Cheng doesn't care what will happen to these software companies, and the introduction of the English version has long been planned. Isn't it good to occupy the global market?

And before the English version was not promoted, it was actually a kind of hunger marketing, letting foreigners know that Zhiqi has a particularly good software, but they don’t know Chinese, so they can’t use it, which makes them envious, so it’s conceivable , launched now, how many people can be stimulated to buy.

And this news, also under the intentional publicity of Zhiqi Company, was quickly known by foreigners.

Fruit company, chip research and development department.

"Zhiqi EDA software can be used in English?"

A chip designer's eyes widened when he saw the news.

The people next to him came up together: "What? Zhiqi EDA software can be used in English? Tony, have you found the English patch? Will there be no bugs?"

"No, Zhiqi officially said that their software supports the English version."

"Wang Defa, is it real or not?" The colleague next to him couldn't sit still, and immediately looked at Tony's computer. After seeing the content displayed on it, his eyes widened.

They are too aware of how powerful Zhiqi EDA software is. Their company has a chip designer from China who uses Zhiqi’s EDA software. As a result, it is too convenient to leave work early every time. When I was in a good mood, I planned to work overtime, and then I surpassed them in two steps, and I was often praised by my superiors.

Obviously, when the Mingqi EDA software was not released, that guy's technology was still a little behind theirs!

This shows how helpful Zhiqi EDA is to their work. It is said that some people have started to learn Chinese for this.

At this moment, a leader saw that they were not working, so they got together to gossip, and immediately stepped forward and said, "Hey, what are you two doing? Do you want to have your wages deducted?"

"Oh! My dear James, guess what we found?" Tony said with a smile, not in a hurry.

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