Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 292 Zhiqi Software's Western Expedition, Virtual Reality Helmet Is Ready To Be Released

James frowned and said, "You'd better give me a reasonable reason."

"Don't worry, look at this." Tony pointed to the computer screen and said.

James looked at the screen, and as they expected, his eyes widened, "Wang Deheou? Does the Zhiqi software support English?"

"Yeah! It includes their EDA software!"

James suddenly realized what this meant, and he ignored the two and ran away immediately.

This news must be told to his leader.

Zhiqi's EDA software is so easy to use. Now that the English version has been launched, there is no need to worry about looking at those damn pictographs anymore.

Huaguo people can use the English version of the software, because Huaguo people are required to learn English in their education, so it is not difficult to accept it later.

But foreigners have never learned Chinese since they were young, and their heads are getting bigger when they see square characters, let alone accept them later. Therefore, it is difficult for them to use the Chinese version of the software.

Today, Zhiqi EDA software finally has an English version, which means that everyone in their R&D department can use it!

This will greatly improve their research and development process!

So soon, the upper management of the fruit company knew the news, and immediately decided to buy the right to use Zhiqi EDA Enterprise Edition from Zhiqi Company, and required a full-featured version.

Zhiqi Company quickly sent a quotation, 23.33 million US dollars a year.

At this price, the person in charge of the fruit company almost choked to death under the phone.

Good guy, is your software skin made of gold or the software particles are made of gold, 23.33 million US dollars, only one year.

He heard that 2333 had some special meaning in China, which made him very suspicious that this number was just a temporary idea.

However, no matter how the person in charge of the fruit company protested, Zhiqi Company did not change its words, one price, whether you like it or not, that's it.

I didn't plan to sell the English version at first, but now that it's sold, I'll be honest and obedient.

The person in charge turned around and thought, your enterprise version is so expensive, what about your personal version?

Everyone in their fruit company buys the personal version separately, isn't it good? It shouldn't be that expensive together, right?

He felt that he had discovered this loophole, and immediately asked excitedly: "Then how much is your English personal version?"

Hearing what he said, the person in charge of Zhiqi Company muttered: "This American guy, still wants to get stuck in our Zhiqi's bug?"

"Sorry, we don't sell English personal editions, we only sell English institutional editions," he said.

The people from the fruit company immediately broke their defenses: "What? This is not fair! Your Chinese version has a personal version!"

"This is our sales plan. If your company doesn't accept it, then forget it."

Just kidding, I learned this trick from you Americans.

The person in charge of Zhiqi snorted coldly in his heart, and then said with a smile on his face: "And your company is so rich, you shouldn't care about the money, right?"

The person in charge of the fruit was almost out of breath at this time.

This is simply telling the fruit: We just want to kill your money, take the money!

Of course, he would be so angry because he had never experienced something like Huaguo, where only institutions could buy it and individuals could not, and he didn't even know about it.

However, he protested one after another, and the person in charge of Zhiqi still didn't say anything, and he didn't even say that he would ask his superiors. You must know that this is a rule directly drawn down by Ye Cheng, not a rule set by Xu Xin. Of course, he strictly abides by this rule. dead.

Therefore, the person who finally asked the superior became the person in charge of the fruit.

The fruit company is quite rich and powerful. Finally, after a long meeting, they still bought the software. The person in charge did not know why Zhiqi Company chose this sales method, only selling the English enterprise version, not the personal version, but he Some of the higher-ups still know the reason. It should have been the responsibility of companies like MATLAB, but companies like them have borne the cost.

But they had no choice but to accept it.

Moreover, 23.33 million US dollars is actually nothing compared to the effect of Zhiqi EDA software on them.

According to their estimates, the use of Zhiqi's EDA software can reduce their research and development time of various chips by 20% to 30%, and the shortened research and development cycle means that they can earn more. money.

The annual cost of 23.33 million US dollars means tens of billions of dollars in profits for them.

After all, tools are always just tools and cannot take the bulk of the money.

Just like in the past, chip sales companies always accounted for the majority, and the hundreds of billions of dollars in the market all belonged to these companies, while the EDA software market added up to only five billion dollars.

Therefore, they feel that the money is worth spending. Although it hurts a bit when spending it, but thinking about the future benefits, it doesn't hurt.

As for Zhiqi, of course, they not only earn money from the fruit company, but also from various other design companies.

For other companies, Zhiqi didn't show mercy either, either they paid for it, or bought the castrated version themselves.

However, the most important functions in Zhiqi EDA software are undoubtedly those intelligent functions, such as intelligent error correction, intelligent auxiliary design, etc., and these additional functions are worth more than ten million US dollars. If you do not buy these additional functions , that is meaningless again.

Therefore, these foreign companies can only pay with great pain.

Zhiqi Company made a clear plan with them, either to learn Chinese and only spend 5 million, or 23.33 million.

Of course, not only EDA software, but also various other software. Of course, other software will not cost 23.33 million, and the price is adjusted according to the market size.

In this way, major foreign companies that use software feel pain, while major software companies feel that disaster is imminent.

Such as adobe, such as 3dmax, and companies such as finite element analysis software.

This incident of the English version of Zhiqi Software was called the Western Expedition of Zhiqi Software in the historical development of computer software in the world.


Big things have happened in the world of professional software, but for most people, they don't know it. After all, not everyone needs to use professional software.

The days are also slowly passing by.

In this way, the time came to August 15th.

If it is the lunar calendar, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, but if it is replaced by the solar calendar, it is nothing.

Of course, for the game community, this day is a big day.

Because Zhiqi company announced a week ago that it will hold a global live broadcast conference of virtual reality helmets on August 15th.

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