This news made the whole world go crazy.

Moreover, this press conference will use global simultaneous translation like the last release of room temperature superconductors.

During the last normal-temperature superconductor conference, Ye Cheng's technology of speaking different languages ​​in different language areas has already been spread during the live broadcast.

At first, others didn’t know about it, but after it got out, many people felt incredible, and even suspected that they watched the video at all. Later, after comparing the width of his lips, it was confirmed that he spoke Chinese, but he used He didn't know what technology he used to translate Chinese into other languages ​​with his voice, and then broadcast it to those who watched the live broadcast.

This technology makes many people a little confused, how he can achieve the kind of simultaneous translation that seems to have no trace of modification.

However, no matter what the technology is, for ordinary people, it means that people from any country can watch this conference.

So many foreigners are also preparing to watch this press conference.

The press conference will be held at 19:00 Beijing time.

This means that most foreigners have to watch live broadcasts during non-rest hours, such as in the United States, at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Of course, compared with this epoch-making technology, many foreigners still don't mind getting up earlier.

So just like that, the time came to the start time of the press conference.

In the global live broadcast room of Zhiqi press conference.

It hasn't started yet, but the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million, reaching 30 million, and it is still rising. If it is not for foreign time, which does not belong to the rest time, this number may have to increase a lot.

In addition, on the barrage, Chinese and English are mixed, and not only these two languages, but also languages ​​from other countries.

Huaguo netizen: "Zhiqi YYDS! 』

American netizen: "Has Zhiqi really made a virtual reality helmet?" Why hasn’t our US company made it yet』

Japanese netizen: "It must be fake, and it can't be used online, it's tasteless!" Might as well play Nintendo and PS5! 』

Japanese netizen 2: "Can I marry my XX sauce in virtual reality?" 』

Netizen from Bangziguo: "I look forward to Smecta very much"

Maoziguo netizen: "I heard that we Mao people can beat bears, but I have never tried it myself. I want to try it myself in virtual reality."


Basically, people who watch the live broadcast can’t understand what foreigners are saying, and the bullet chatting is very fast, dozens of bullet chatting are posted in a second, so the bullet chatting is basically watching and playing, not to mention this kind of bullet chatting. During the product launch, it is naturally impossible for Renjia Zhiqi Company to answer their questions on the barrage.

Time passed quickly.

Seven o'clock sharp.

The live broadcast screen finally lit up.

This press conference is not like the last room temperature superconductor conference, which was broadcast live by Ye Cheng in a live broadcast room, but a large venue that was rented, and then relevant people were invited to experience it.

Therefore, at the press conference site, it can be seen that there are crowds of people, and there are no empty seats.

At this time, a person holding a mobile phone and doing a live broadcast walked in at the entrance of the venue.

His name is Liang Zhanghai, and he is a game reviewer. He has his own account on all major video platforms, called Zhang He You Ce. Because he often works hard, he has more than 10 million fans on the entire network.

In addition, in addition to game evaluations, he also conducts various equipment evaluations, such as mobile game performance evaluations, as well as evaluations of graphics cards, processors, laptops, VR equipment, etc. He will give away the evaluation equipment by lottery, so fans are even more excited. too much.

Because of this, he received an invitation letter from Zhiqi to attend this virtual reality helmet conference.

He walked in from the entrance of the venue, and at the same time said to the mobile phone: "Hi everyone, guess where I am?"

His bullet screen was brushed up.

"What's the point of selling, last time I said it was Zhiqi's press conference"

"Brother Zhang Pai Noodles"

"Brother Octopus is awesome! 』


Looking at the words of the fans, Liang Zhanghai smiled, and then said: "That's right, I'm at the conference site of the virtual reality helmet right now, and I'll show you the scene."

He turned the camera over and shot towards the scene.

"Look, there are really too many people. I saw a lot of people I knew before, such as the UP master XXX, and he also came. I also saw the heads of game companies such as Penguin and Wangye."

"The venue is also quite big. I estimate that there will be more than a thousand people. It is indeed a press conference for virtual reality helmets."

He pointed the camera at the stage at the front of the venue again, "Look, there are still so many seats on that stage, and those helmets, I guess I will try to get people from the scene today, I don't know if it is the same as in the experience hall." How is the experience, I hope I can be drawn later."

Those who watched his live broadcast also saw those comfortable big sofas on the stage from the camera. There are twenty-four of them in total, and there is a virtual helmet next to each seat.

"Look, those helmets are also available in different colors. It seems that there are four colors: white, black, purple, and pink. The purple one feels good, gay purple, but I choose macho pink."

Immediately someone posted on the barrage: "I also choose macho fans"

"I'm gay, I choose purple"

"People can't, at least not"

"I'm different, I want it all"

"Rich people, hug your thighs"

"I don't know how much this helmet sells for."

"It takes 10,000 to start"

"Why do you care so much, you have to buy it if you save money, that purple one is so beautiful, I'm sure I'll buy it, and my dad can't stop me from saying it!" 』


No matter what, when everyone sees these extra colors, they immediately have a favorite one in their hearts.

Although the appearance does not improve the actual use, people just like things with bells and whistles.

Especially these helmets look full of sci-fi.

"Okay, stop arguing and buy a winking helmet, look at that seat, that seat is also a little different."

Liang Zhanghai said at this time, and at the same time, he zoomed in on the focal length of the phone to take a close-up shot of those seats.

These large seats also look very comfortable, and there is also a groove for the helmet on the head. When the user puts on the helmet and leans on it, the helmet can sink into the groove, so as to avoid uncomfortable head .

"I guess this thing is a complete set, or it is an additional product, like buying a tablet with a protective cover, but I'm afraid this sofa will not be cheap, and it can be considered as a replacement in the future."

Liang Zhanghai expressed his opinion, and at the same time continued to share the scene with the fans in his live broadcast room.

Until he came to his seat according to the invitation letter, a live staff said to him: "Sir, our press conference will start soon, if you are live broadcasting, please turn off your live broadcast room ,Thank you for your cooperation."

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