Liang Zhanghai didn't care too much. Although there was a delay, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, it didn't affect much. The WIFI in his home is 2000M, and there must be no problem with 2000M.

After he stood up, the other 23 people also stood up.

Afterwards, they followed the beautiful woman in cheongsam named Ah Zi and walked forward.

When everyone else was looking around and reaching out to touch her from time to time, Liang Zhanghai stared at Ah Zi, and finally said to her, "Excuse me, are you a real person or an NPC?"

Ah Zi smiled and said: "I am the crew member of the New Universe spacecraft, Ah Zi."

Ah Zi didn't explain directly, but she obviously answered the question very well.

If she was a real person, of course she would admit that she was a real person, but she just repeated her identity, which means she is just an NPC.

The Turing test fails.

The others immediately realized this.

People couldn't help but have some strange ideas in their hearts.

Ah Zi is not a real person, but she looks so real.

According to the uncanny valley effect, because her anthropomorphism can be regarded as 100%, and it is still dynamic, even if they know that Ah Zi is not actually a real person, her favorability should reach the maximum level.

But the uncanny valley effect was only researched by scholars in the past. For this kind of "dummy" that directly appears in the visual consciousness of people's mind and looks completely real, the twenty-four experiencers always feel that there is something that they can't explain. The feeling is in the heart, but it's certainly not fear

Ah Zi is so beautiful, of course they followed their five senses.

Of course, they didn't express their thoughts, after all, they all knew that all their current behaviors were being watched by hundreds of millions of people outside.

They know that many people are watching them, just like the LOL global finals, there are hundreds of millions of people watching the live broadcast in Huaguo alone.

Of course, they don't need to be under a lot of pressure like those players. On the contrary, they are being envied by so many people at this time.

At this time, they also disembarked from the spaceship and came outside.

Looking at the extremely beautiful scenery, without the barrier of the porthole, their hearts were once again filled with shock.

Liang Zhanghai went to the experience hall to experience the virtual reality helmet, and was shocked by the virtual scenery. This time, he was shocked again.

Moreover, according to Ah Zi, the high platform they are on is called a sky elevator, not a space elevator.

However, the space elevator extends into space, and this sky elevator is still located within the atmosphere.

Of course, they can't see anything on it, not to mention, their experience time is also limited, now five minutes have passed, and there are still ten minutes left, they still have to hurry up to experience.

Next, under the leadership of Ah Zi, they went to a small pillar-shaped house next to it, and there was another small pillar-shaped house on the other side, but one was white and the other was black.

At this time, they discovered that the surface pattern of the circular sky platform they were on was a complete Tai Chi, and the two small cylindrical houses represented the two fish eyes of Tai Chi.

This discovery surprised them, just like the sense of pride of seeing Chinese cultural things appear in foreign blockbusters.

They entered the small columnar house, and there was a staircase elevator in the small house. From the staircase elevator, they entered a columnar space. On the floor and ceiling, there were traditional Chinese carvings, such as birds and beasts. , there are cranes and fairy mountains, as well as great rivers and rivers, which look majestic and full of the artistic conception of traditional Chinese painting.

There is also a pillar in the middle, on which is coiled a five-clawed golden dragon with its eyes tightly closed, which looks lifelike.

The twenty-four people were pleasantly surprised again. Along the way, they could see elements of Huaguo everywhere, unlike the big games they played before, where there were American flags, Japanese ninjas and other things everywhere.

They are not used to it now, but they are willing to get used to it.

And the outside world, at this time, some people have already discovered this.

In the live broadcast room, all the netizens in Huaguo were excited.

"These are the cultures of our country of China"

"yes! This is made by our Huaguo company, of course we must use our Huaguo stuff! 』

"This is the scheming of Zhiqi Company hidden inside! 』

"What kind of scheming is this, it's normal"

"I remember that this city is also called Huacheng, but it was named after our Hua country, or I don't know what this planet is called. 』

"Also, I have basically never seen any foreign characters, they are all Chinese! 』

"Haha, those foreigners are pissed off"

Netizens in Huaguo saw English, Japanese and other bullet screens mixed with Chinese bullet screens. Those who understand foreign languages ​​can quickly distinguish what these foreigners are saying, such as "What is that woman talking about!" Why is there no simultaneous translation? ’, ‘How did it become Chinese? ! I don't understand! ’, ‘What are these patterns? It looks pretty nice' and so on.

So some Chinese netizens responded to these foreign bullet screens, and they responded in English.

"Foreigners! If you want to understand, then learn Chinese. 』

"These are the cultures of our Huaguo. If you want to know more, you can search the Internet yourself!" 』


Ye Cheng, who had retreated to the background to rest, knew all these reactions clearly.

He smiled slightly. After the popularization of virtual reality helmets, these Huaguo cultures will be integrated into the cognition of all "new universe citizens".

In the past in Huaguo, when people saw Bumblebee, Spiderman, Japanese manga character COSPLAY, and Ultraman, they would be interested in it, and then thought that these were all foreign things.

But in the future, virtual reality is full of things of Huaguo culture, which will also appear in reality, such as peripheral derivatives.

In the future, in addition to becoming another network, the virtual reality world will also become a big IP. Various derivatives will appear in reality, and there must be many things full of Chinese culture.

For example, the cheongsam beauty Azi, and the New Universe spacecraft, Azi will be the guide for everyone to enter the virtual reality, and the New Universe spacecraft will also be the spaceship for everyone to take, so it is foreseeable that, In the future, Ah Zi will have figurines, comics, and cosplay, and the new universe spacecraft will also become figures, toys, etc. In fact, the appearance of the new universe spacecraft is also full of the characteristics of Huaguo. The Kunpeng in myths and legends.

And in the new universe, there will definitely be no shortage of such things that can become surroundings.

Foreigners, as long as they want to play virtual reality, they must be ready to bathe in the world of Huaguo culture.


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