The real world and the virtual world have become isolated.

The virtual reality helmet has an excellent noise reduction function, and the attention of these twenty-four experiencers has been attracted by the virtual reality, so they have no sense of the noisy environment outside.

The place they are in is surrounded by glass except for the floor and ceiling, through which they can see the scenery outside.

Ah Zi said again at this time: "This is the interior of our sky elevator. It can accommodate up to 300 people. The total height of the elevator is 33 kilometers, which means 33 heavens."

Everyone gradually got used to the Chinese elements that popped up from time to time. Surprisingly, they also began to realize that this is the world created by their Chinese people, not the world created by foreigners.

The worldview here, of course, must be formed with the culture of their Huaguo.

Then, under Ah Zi's operation, the elevator began to descend rapidly.

The speed of descent was very fast, and the acceleration was also very fast. It soared from 0 to 100 meters per second almost instantly, and the speed was still rising.

Of course, for everyone, they did not feel the weightlessness brought about by the descent.

Ah Zi made a scientific explanation for this in the virtual world: "The elevator uses an inertial damper, so everyone will not feel the acceleration, and will not shake because of it."

Even though they knew it was fake, it still interested these people.

Those who know the sci-fi technology of inertial damper know what it means, while those who don't know it will want to look back.

Just like that, the speed of the elevator accelerated to 1,000 meters per second within five seconds, and they quickly arrived at the first floor, which was the surface, from a height of 33,000 meters.

The surrounding glass circle automatically rises, which also means that you can leave.

Ah Zi said at this time: "Okay, citizens of the new universe, next, please explore freely, Ah Zi wants to say goodbye to everyone."

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, AhZi won't lead them?

This leaves them a little clueless about what to do.

But looking at the incomparably real world outside the elevator, Liang Zhanghai took the lead.

They still have nine minutes, so they must hurry up and take a look around.

So, he took the first step out of the elevator.

But soon, he took it back.

Because he felt he should say something.

When Armstrong landed on the moon, he said that sentence and became a famous scene in the world. Although he is about to land in the virtual reality world, which cannot be compared with the feat of landing on the moon, he is known as the master of UP. Now Naturally, he wanted to make a famous scene.

And there are many people in the outside world looking at his picture, and among them there may be some fans who recognize him.

However, in a hurry, he couldn't say the words that had been arranged long ago like Armstrong. He was quick-witted and said directly: "Although this world is strange, it is virtual, so everyone, just boldly Go!"

Then, he ran straight out.

The remaining twenty-three people naturally heard his words and couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, but then they thought of the meaning of his words.

That's right, it's virtual anyway, and it won't die, so what are you afraid of.

So everyone stopped worrying about anything and ran out one after another.

And the outside world obviously surprises them even more. It is advanced and sci-fi, spectacular and beautiful, clean and hygienic, making them quickly fall in love with this virtual world.

But in the outside world, because of Liang Zhanghai's words, many people were surprised.

This person... is quite interesting, huh?

This sentence is quite imposing, and his words undoubtedly made a summary of this virtual reality world.

This is a virtual world, everything is fake.

People's hearts began to float. In the virtual world, no one knew it was them anyway, so wouldn't they be able to do things that they dare not do in the real world?

For example, shouting in public: "I dare to eat shit."

There are other things.

People's hearts began to float.

For the virtual reality world, these players are undoubtedly the "fourth natural disaster".

However, what impact these fourth natural disasters will have on the virtual reality world is still unknown.

Of course, most people didn't think about this issue. Netizens who recognized Liang Zhanghai immediately posted on the barrage.

"Brother Zhang is awesome! 』

"Fuck, brother Zhang is really socially obsessive"

"Good life! Rewarded! 』


Time passed quickly, and this group of experiencers was swimming in virtual reality. They moved freely in Huacheng and looked at other NPCs in the city.

And just like that, their experience time is over.

Twenty-four people, with the assistance of the staff, left the virtual reality world.

What they are experiencing now is not the full version, so they need the help of the staff. After buying a helmet in the future, they need to go through the novice tutorial, and then use a device on their wrist to leave the virtual reality world.

After they took off the helmets, they were a little reluctant to let go. They had fallen in love with the feeling of being in virtual reality.

Some people have been running crazily without feeling tired at all, some people are full of social arrogance in virtual reality, and some people are trying to have conversations with other NPC citizens in Hwaseong, such as a beautiful woman, let him try to communicate with The Taste of Girls' Conversation...

All in all, they all have their own way of playing.

At this time, Ye Cheng came out from the backstage and said to the twenty-four people with a smile: "Then, thank you for the experience of the first batch of citizens of the new universe, and hope that you can come to the new universe again."

These people responded one after another:

"Definitely buy it!"

"Buy it no matter how much it costs!"

"It's so cool."

Ye Cheng laughed and said, "It's good that you like it, then please go back to your seat and take a look at other people's experiences."

Afterwards, the twenty-four people returned to their seats under the guidance of the staff.

Next, the second batch of people was drawn on the big screen.

The second group of people, after entering the new universe, did not arrive in Huacheng in a spaceship like the first group of people. They descended directly outside Huacheng, and each arrived at a beautiful place outside the city.

Here, they enjoyed some beautiful scenery, some in China, and some fictional ones, such as a lake that reflects the sky like a mirror, just like the "land of the sky" in the comics.

At the same time, the second group of people also knew that there is an animation-level filter function. After turning on the animation-level filter, the scenery shocked everyone again.

The third group of people directly entered a battlefield. They manipulated guns and played a live-action CS.

Virtual reality games undoubtedly make more people excited about it, which is the correct use of virtual reality helmets in most people's minds.

In this way, every group of people saw different corners of the new universe, and every corner shocked everyone.

Until the last batch of people ended, Ye Cheng returned to the stage again, smiled at the camera, and said to all the audience: "This is our new universe, and the new universe will welcome all new citizens to join us!"

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