Many netizens started discussing it.

"Oh, it's over, my computer that can only play LOL is useless. I have to thank Zhiqi for lowering the price of the global chip, but the I7-10700K costs more than one thousand yuan, and the 4060 costs about three thousand. Well, at the time of the mining boom, I’m afraid it would cost five or six thousand. This helmet is meaningless if you don’t use realistic filters, plus a 32G memory stick, it will cost eight or nine hundred, and the solid state drive needs 500G of space , then I must only buy 1T, which is another one thousand dollars, good guy, if you add the helmet, it will cost 160,000! There is also broadband, my family’s 100M broadband, if it is replaced by 800M, it will cost another five or six thousand a year, the pain of the poor. 』

"I have to buy a new graphics card. Fortunately, my other configurations are up to standard. The graphics card is still 3060. I must use realistic filters to play. However, animation filters are not unacceptable. You can try it."

"Money, money, it's really difficult to beat workers." 』


However, when everyone was helpless, Ye Cheng said at this time: "However, we know that graphics cards may be a heavy burden on everyone, so we have also launched a cloud graphics card service, which only costs 499 yuan a year, and supports Pay in installments and enjoy the perfect new universe experience."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

Cloud graphics card?

Does Zhiqi Company still have this service?

The two graphics card companies that were excited just now were stunned at this moment.

INVISTA couldn't believe it: "Zhiqi has cloud graphics technology?"

Invista has a cloud graphics card service, but the technology is immature, so it has not been launched, and their target users are users of fruit notebooks. After all, fruit notebooks cannot play large-scale games, and there is no shortage of these users. money.

And they can provide this service because they are a graphics card manufacturer. Where did Zhiqi get this technology?

The technology of Zhiqi naturally comes from Xiaobai.

It was able to achieve ultra-long-distance computing power calls, but now with quantum computers, it can more easily provide the computing power needed to support people around the world to access virtual reality helmets.

Therefore, Ye Cheng launched this cloud graphics service.

He didn't want to be unable to play because of the configuration problems of many players, and let other manufacturers make this part of the money for nothing.

At most, only processor manufacturers can make a lot of money from this.

Ye Cheng said: "Because the cloud graphics card service has relatively high requirements for network speed, but since the smooth use of virtual reality helmets requires a broadband of more than 800M, so everyone can basically use it."

"Our cloud graphics card service also supports a three-day free trial. After you experience it, you will know the quality of our cloud graphics card service."

Next, Ye Cheng continued to briefly introduce helmet-related matters, such as follow-up development. Here, he introduced the Taishi engine system used in the New Universe helmet. Companies who want to participate in the development process of the New Universe community, Anyone can apply to use the Taishi engine system for free.

These companies can use the Taishi engine system to edit screens. This system also supports major programming languages. The screen is the essence of virtual reality, and the programming language is the code hidden behind the screen. It is composed of codes one by one.

However, Xiaobai also gave a new programming language, also named 'Taishi'.

This language is more compatible with the Taishi engine system, so Zhiqi Company will recommend other companies to choose the Taishi programming language. Of course, within five years, the Taishi engine system will also adapt to other programming languages. After five years, That is to say, after five years, future updates of other programming languages ​​will not be supported by the Taishi engine system, but only support the Taishi programming language.

Of course, I believe that in the next five years, virtual reality helmets will be enough to become the daily necessities of people in peaceful and advanced regions of the world, and a large number of people will definitely learn the Taishi programming language by then.

After all, the virtual reality universe will become a brand new industry by then, and Ye Cheng has reason to believe that in the future, virtual reality will support a market of billions or even hundreds of billions.

"Okay, this is the end of our virtual reality headset conference."

At this point, Ye Cheng finally announced the end of this conference.

The people in the auditorium began to applaud, and the applause lasted for a long time and became more and more enthusiastic.

This technology of Zhiqi Company will undoubtedly create a new era.

In the future history, people will call the day when Zhiqi released the virtual reality helmet as the sixth information technology revolution. In the past, there have been five information technology revolutions, and the fifth is the invention of the electronic computer.

As for the sixth information revolution, people call it the information revolution across wires and brains.

Because it allows information to be presented directly in the brain, instead of seeing through the eyes and listening to the ears.

Ye Cheng solemnly bowed slightly to the audience, turned and left.

However, just as he was about to leave the day after tomorrow, he seemed to think of something again, picked up the microphone in his hand, and said, "Oh, by the way, there is another news to tell everyone. At the end of October, Zhi Kai will have another launch event where we will be announcing three more new helmets."

"Helms for the blind, helmets for the deaf, and helmets that combine the two."

After speaking, he turned and walked backstage.

And the audience who just got up and were about to leave were once again thrown into an uproar because of what he said.



The press conference started at seven o'clock and ended after ten o'clock in the evening.

However, this press conference also seemed to have brought great shock to everyone.

On the bib, huhu... and other websites, the matter of this press conference has already been slaughtered.

Hot Search No. 1: [New Universe]

The second place in the hot search: [Zhiqi Press Conference]

Hot Search No. 3: [Virtual Reality Helmet]

The fourth place in the hot search: [A New World of Huaguo Cultural Elements]

The fifth hot search: [Helmets for the Blind and Deaf]

The sixth place in the hot search: [Real CS]


Basically, the top ten are all related to this press conference.

This grand event was almost like the National Day military parade or some other major national event. At one time, people wondered whether Zhiqi Company bought the trending search.

But in fact, the popularity of every hot search is real.

Each comment was as high as 20,000 to 30,000, and New Universe's comments broke through 50,000 before the press conference was over. After the press conference, it was almost over 100,000. Things to do in virtual reality.

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