Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 301 Attention From The Top, The Impact Of Virtual Reality On Society

"I must live in a sea view villa"

"That's it? It’s so worthless, I’ll live directly in the Forbidden City』

"I directly put a quilt under the Tiananmen Gate"

"It's really worthless, use your imagination, okay, I'll just sleep in outer space"

"Wake up, it was said at the press conference that you will freeze to death in outer space, and you will have to return to the respawn point at that time."

"I heard that the super sports cars inside are free to drive, I want to try it"

"Fuck, is this helmet going to shut down our driving schools? 』

"I Zhuo, that's right, I don't need to go to a driving school to learn to drive in the future!" 』

"This thing should also be used for school."

"It can definitely be used for schooling. I don't need to go to any remedial classes in the future. 』

"It's cool, I finally don't have to play my broken second-hand electronic piano, and I can directly play the Steinway in virtual reality"

"Damn it, that's right bro! I also thought about it, I just changed the bombs directly from Steinway, Petrof, and Bösendorfer, and it must be a nine-foot triangle.』

"Really, our music produces the Gospel. It just so happens that I am afraid of performing on stage. When the time comes in the new universe, thousands of audiences will be specially invited to watch me play the piano. I will definitely overcome it."

"This is also good news for our art students! When the time comes, go directly to draw pictures of various beautiful scenery. I heard that these pictures can be directly uploaded to the computer. Isn’t it much more convenient than a digital tablet? It can have the texture of paper, and can be directly modified like a digital board. 』

"I'll ask my friend if there is a real-life version of Little Butter"

"I am the owner's friend"


The imagination of netizens is endless, and they can easily imagine the various functions of the new universe.

According to what Ye Cheng said at the press conference, the new universe has all the physical effects known on the earth, such as friction and gravity, which can 100% simulate the real world.

This is the excellence of the Taishi engine system, which can realize fuzzy simulation with very little computing power.

Fuzzy simulation is to make everything in virtual reality be the same as in reality, and everywhere is different, for example, the force is different everywhere, the connection changes and so on.

If it snows in virtual reality, the snowflakes can be as real as they are in reality. No snowflake is the same.

All these advantages have already fascinated these netizens deeply.

Of course, in addition to these things, there are also many people who pay attention to the helmets for the disabled that Ye Cheng finally revealed.

Deaf and blind, these two kinds of disabilities are undoubtedly a kind of pain for people.

Because the main way for people to receive information from the outside world is sound and light.

Deafness and blindness will completely prevent people from receiving outside information in the two most convenient ways.

While having one disability is bad enough, there are people who have both.

Deaf-blind people, that is, people who can hardly perceive information. They can only rely on touch to get information. If it is acquired, it is okay, but if it is congenital, it will be even more tragic. Like Helen Keller, who is more than one year old For people who have lost their hearing and vision, it is quite a miracle that they can learn to write by virtue of the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, for these people, the helmet for the disabled that Ye Cheng announced at the end is undoubtedly a kind of salvation for such people.

Therefore, many people also pay attention to this matter.

It was only released at the end of October, and this is also because this kind of blindness aid device needs to be approved. Of course, the country naturally supports this aspect strongly. This kind of thing is undoubtedly of great help to the socially disabled.

Restoring light and hearing, these two functions will be the gospel of hundreds of thousands of blind and deaf people in the whole country and millions of people in the world.

At this time, everyone also remembered that in this way, Zhiqi Company has solved the problems of many disabled people, including physical disabilities, and sensory disabilities such as vision and hearing.

This is undoubtedly a kind of salvation for mankind, so many people began to agree that Zhiqi Company deserves to make a lot of money.


It is not just ordinary people who pay attention to the virtual reality world, but also high-level national leaders have also noticed this problem.

Zhong Hai, the office of the Great Elder.

The Great Elder flipped through a document in his hand, which was an assessment report on the impact on society after the appearance of virtual reality helmets.

This kind of technology has a great impact on society. As a manager, the Great Elder definitely needs to understand what influence it will bring.

"Virtual reality... The development of these technologies now makes us, the older generation, more and more incomprehensible." He said with emotion, "I don't know what will happen in the future."

The secretary next to him said with a smile: "Anyway, it will get better and better."

The Great Elder shook his head slightly: "It's getting better and worse, but it's also getting worse."

He clicked on a certain area on the report and said: "Look, it's also said above that the entertainment of this thing is three or four times that of online games now, and this will reduce the birth rate of our country and increase the speed." quick."

The secretary didn't speak, and he couldn't say anything about it.

The Great Elder sighed. These social problems are problems left over from decades of accumulation. Do you want to change?


The reduction in fertility rate can almost be regarded as an irreversible thing. Anyone who has studied high school biology knows that the maximum capacity of the environment has a limit, and it is the same for humans. Resources are limited, and the population cannot be infinite. When it reaches the highest point, it will inevitably decline. It will not stop until the total amount of resources can meet the per capita demand of the population. Unless there is greater interference from the outside world, it will always be maintained at a certain level. within range.

After all, human beings are animals after all, and they also need to follow the laws of nature.

The Great Elder didn't say much, but back to the issue of virtual reality helmets, there are still many problems that this thing will bring.

Of course, it's not just about problems.

"This thing is still very good."

The Great Elder looked at the introduction inside.

"It can be used to train the air force, navy, etc., and it can also simulate the construction of an aircraft carrier. This is very good. In addition, it will also bring a new industry to society, which is the best."

When the expansion of resources is limited, it is necessary to speed up the circulation of the economy. The circulation of the economy can make people always have money in their hands.

For example, the food delivery industry has increased the velocity of economic circulation, allowing money to transfer from the hands of the orderers to the hands of the store, the delivery staff, and the platform, thereby contributing to GDP.

To some extent, GDP is how many hands the money passes through.

As for resources, new industries cannot expand resources, and resources cannot all be created out of thin air. In this world, except for financial resources such as stocks, which are created out of thin air, other resources have physical objects, such as labor and mineral resources. , water resources, etc.

Therefore, the virtual reality industry will not bring new resources, but will only speed up economic circulation.

However, it is very good to be able to accelerate the speed of economic circulation. Rich people will invest more money in virtual reality, and this is basically entertainment consumption. Rich people will not realize money from making money in this way. of.

So the money flows into the hands of people who are not rich.

Of course, people who are not rich will also spend in it, making the economy circulate again.

So the Great Elder also knows the significance of this new industry.

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