Li Hua took the helmet out quite excitedly, put it in his hand, and looked it up, down, left, and right. It looked ordinary, but it looked like a helmet-style earphone with a headset slightly close to his mouth.

The virtual reality helmet can't read what people want to say, so it is necessary to design a headset. After reading what the user said, it will be processed by the sound modification program designed by Xiaobai, and then broadcast in virtual reality. to avoid sounding unreal.

This is also the reason why there is no aphasia helmet, after all, this requires reading the user's mind, which is not yet possible.

But Li Hua didn't care so much, he didn't rush to put it on immediately, but took out his mobile phone to take a photo and sent it to his best friend group.

Huazi: "@胡子, @老贾, @峰哥, the master's time is here! 』

Fatty: "(picture), mine just arrived too"

Lao Jia: "Hey, you two are acting fast. Mine should arrive later, and you have already sent me a message." 』

Hua Zi: "Fatty, you actually bought pink ones"

Fatty: "You are still gay purple"

Hua Zi: "Pink is more disgusting"

Brother Feng: "Oh, I seem to have received a message from Shunfeng. It should be here, but I still have to work, so I probably won't be able to play today."

Huazi: "Okay"

Li Hua sighed slightly in his heart, they have been working for more than ten years, and the days of hacking online together in this small county town are gone forever.

That is to say, what he is doing now is freelancing, so he has been staying in his hometown, working six or seven hours a day, he can arrange his time freely, and arrange the rest of the time by himself. He is quite satisfied, and he can earn 10,000 yuan a month. Eight thousand children.

Anyway, the pace of my hometown is slow, and the prices are low. In addition, the house is my own, so I live in style.

This brother Feng is the best among their buddies. He works in Shencheng and earns about 40,000 yuan a month. For a man who is not yet thirty years old, this salary is quite good, but he is busy all year round. It has been a long time since I played with their buddies who have known each other for more than ten years since high school.

After seeing the release of a virtual reality helmet by Zhiqi Company a few days ago, they made an appointment to buy one together, and then they would meet in virtual reality or something.

There is still no way.

The other two buddies should be okay, though.

Huazi: "@胖子, @老贾, GKD, let's go online together. 』

Lao Jia: "Go online first, don't you still have to pinch your face, and I don't know how long you will have to pinch." 』

Fatty: "Yes, I must pinch a sister to see that the younger sister is open, and the brother sees that the elder brother has a more expensive face and body shape"

Hua Zi: "Don't disgust me"

Hua Zi: "Then let's not talk about it, I have logged in first, and I don't know how to connect inside. 』

Lao Jia: "OK"

Fatty: "Hey, don't fall in love with me when you see me"

Li Hua was too lazy to care about the fat man. After taking the helmet out, he also took out the connecting wires inside.

Of course, he didn't forget to look through the manual to see if there was anything that needed attention.

Soon, after determining how to use it, he carried the helmet to his specially decorated gaming room, and connected the helmet's cable to the computer.

His computer is very good. At the beginning of the year, he spent almost two months of savings, Invista's 4080 graphics card, and the thread tearer processor from the massage shop, a total of 64G memory sticks, and a 2T solid-state drive.

Thanks to the emergence of Zhiqi Company, the price of global chips has been lowered, so the sum of these things is far less expensive than it was a few years ago.

Every man born in the 90s and 00s will have a childhood dream, that is to create a computer with the best configuration. Unfortunately, most men have needs but no money when they are young. When they grow up, they have money but no time to play. .

Fortunately, Li Hua still has time.

Stop talking nonsense, turn on the computer, and click on the desktop software [New Universe].

This is the new universe logger launched by Zhiqi Company.

A minimum download of more than 180 G is required. After these downloads, slowly download the remaining 300 G.

Generally speaking, such a huge installation package will definitely dissuade many people, but virtual reality can make people have to download it.

Of course, the minimum broadband requirement is 800G. Although more than 180G is large, it will not take long to download.

And Li Hua has already downloaded all the complete 521G installation packages.

At this time, the new space lander displays 【Please connect your new space helmet】

Li Hua immediately connected the cable of the helmet to the computer, and then the new universe logger immediately displayed [The helmet is being connected...]

【connection succeeded! It is a new helmet detected, please bind your login account, after binding, you will not be able to change it arbitrarily]

It cannot be changed at will, which means it can still be changed.

This is Zhiqi's preparation for the second-hand market.

After all, the helmet is cheap compared to its technology, but it is still very expensive for its 9999 price.

And it must be paired with a particularly good computer, so this makes many people who want to buy it cash-strapped. Although there is a cloud graphics card service launched by Zhiqi Company, other hardware still costs thousands of dollars.

Therefore, second-hand helmets have become the first choice for these consumers.

In the future, Zhiqi Company will update the helmet, such as improving connection stability, or comfort, etc. At that time, people will naturally choose to buy a new generation of helmets, and the old helmets will naturally flow into the second-hand market for others to buy.

However, Li Hua didn't care about these things, he directly logged into the account he had already registered.

The font on the New Universe logger has changed.

[Successful login, now you can put on the helmet and enter the new universe! Hwaseong, looking forward to your arrival! 】

Looking at these words, Li Hua was very excited, and immediately lay down on a sofa next to him. This is also the sofa he had prepared, and it was the seat that Zhiqi Company released at the press conference, worth more than two thousand.

This is a product used by Zhiqi Company to generate income, so it is relatively expensive, and consumers will buy it or not.

Afterwards, he put on the helmet and lay down on the sofa. The helmet just fit into the card slot at the upper end of the sofa to prevent him from being uncomfortable while lying on it.

And there is a self-contained eye mask inside the helmet. After pulling it down, you don't need to bring your own eye mask.

Next, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, reached out and fumbled on the helmet, and pressed the start button.

There was a numbness at the back of his head, and then he saw light appearing in the dark world.

In a white world, it is like a holy light shining.

Immediately afterwards, something flew from a distance. It was a building similar to an ancient palace in Huaguo, which looked extremely magnificent.

This building appeared in front of Li Hua, and his gaze also entered the interior of the palace.

Finally, came a huge bronze mirror.

At this time, a voice came: [Before you come to the new universe, you need to choose a carrier, please design the carrier you want! 】

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