Hearing this voice, Li Hua knew that this was just making him pinch his face.

A holographic projection panel appeared next to it, and a bunch of options appeared on it.

What bones, what cheeks.

He looked dizzy and couldn't understand it at all.

He couldn't help wondering how long the fat guy had to pinch his face.

He briefly tried it a few times, and finally he just didn't care about it. This thing is really tormenting.

Anyway, he checked it before, and in the future, he can change his body shape and face shape again, once a year, and just ask someone to pinch his face when the time comes.

Next, he directly clicked the random carrier button next to it.

The portrait in front of the bronze mirror immediately changed, showing a brand new look.

This look is okay, at least very manly.

Li Hua added some beards to make him look more mature, like a middle-aged uncle.

"I don't know if there are any beautiful sisters who like this look."

With a chuckle in his heart, he stretched out his hand and clicked the [OK] option on the panel.

"The carrier is set successfully, next, please set your name."

Start thinking of names.

Li Hua directly entered the three characters, Qin Shihuang, and it turned out that it had already been registered.

"mmp, who moves so fast?"

When he got up, some familiar names had already been preempted, and finally he decided to use his own name directly.

However, Li Hua was also caught.


Couldn't help cursing, he gave up, and finally changed his name randomly, called: Write letters for Li Hua, surname Bang Li Hua, name write letters.

The last name is up to three characters, and the first name is also up to three characters.

Then click OK.

"Damn it, passed?"

He wanted to cry but had no tears, but passed.

With such a weird name, he could almost imagine that others would laugh at him.

And he has heard that this virtual reality cannot modify the ID.

"Forget it, that's it."

He gave up on himself.

"Mr. New Cosmic Citizen [Writing Letters for Li Hua], all your settings have been completed. Now, you can descend into the universe."

The guiding voice sounded again, and Li Hua saw a circle of light appear in front of his eyes.

"Please enter the aperture and come to the new universe."

Therefore, Li Hua walked into the aperture with great anticipation.

The next moment, everything changed.

He saw himself sitting in a spaceship.

Here, it should be the New Cosmos spacecraft.

He immediately looked in front of the spaceship excitedly, and saw a familiar figure, wasn't it Ah Zi who appeared at the press conference?

This is too beautiful!

Li Hua couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

As beautiful as those goddesses in the real world.

He even wanted to strike up a conversation.

However, at this moment, he felt his left wrist vibrate.

He looked down, it was the wrist manipulator.

After everyone enters the new universe, a button will appear on the wrist. According to the introduction, it is directly implanted into their carrier, which belongs to subcutaneous chip technology.

This thing is very important, and it is the main way for them to obtain various information in the new universe.

At this time, it was vibrating non-stop, and it was probably going to be a novice tutorial.

Li Hua pressed the button, and the next moment, a projection panel appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, a novice tutorial appeared on the panel, and began to teach him how to use this thing.

It looks very high-end and futuristic, which reminds Li Hua of those images of manipulating projection panels in sci-fi movies.

Now, he himself has experienced it himself.

Besides, even in the movies, those actors pretended to slide around in the air, and there was no holographic projection at all.

He couldn't help but think in his heart that all future sci-fi movies could be shot in virtual reality, and making movies in the virtual universe is a commercial activity, and Zhiqi Company will definitely charge for it at that time.

Most importantly, it is cheap to do special effects in it.

In addition, there are mirrors, and there is no need to use any photography facilities. In the new universe, various scenes can be completely preserved, just like video recordings in some games, and then you can freely view them from various angles. To record the picture, in this way, you don't have to worry about some wonderful pictures that appear but you can't find any good shooting angles.

In addition, there is no need to worry about actors being injured during filming. Movies like Uncle Long can be made easily.

Li Hua couldn't help but began to think that there might be a lot of sci-fi films in the next few years, and even a few people could make films independently.

And watching movies, you don’t need to watch them on any screen, you can watch them directly in virtual reality, and the viewing angle is completely free, not more realistic than some 3D movies?

What imax, Dolby, etc., are considered a der ah.

Li Hua couldn't help but look forward to it.

Then, through the novice tutorial, he mastered how to use the wrist manipulator and what functions it has.

After understanding everything, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

The function of this thing is quite complete.

For example, you can use it to buy things in virtual reality and connect with friends. A social software is automatically installed in it, called Diting.

This function is exactly the same as those social software in reality, you can add friends, you can make voice calls and so on.

In addition to listening to truth, you can also search for information online through it, and you can search for information in virtual reality or in the real world.

In addition, there are a lot of functions.

However, the most important thing is the editing mode function inside.

The editing function can be said to be the most important function in the new universe. It allows people to enter an independent space and then freely edit everything in the space.

And this is what Li Hua is most looking forward to.

He didn't care that he had just arrived, and directly chose the editing mode.

A light flashed in front of his eyes, and he entered the editing mode.

The world of editing mode, just like the world he just entered, is surrounded by a piece of white.

However, Li Hua could see his body.

The panel in front of him is still there, and several options appear on it.

One of the options is this: the character model [mother] in the import list is detected, and the character identity [mother] is detected. Do you want to import it?

Li Hua stretched out a hand, which trembled a little, and finally clicked [OK to import].

The next moment, a thin woman appeared next to him. She looked fifty or sixty years old, with wrinkles around her eyes and a few strands of white hair on her hair.

Seeing this person, Li Hua burst into tears, like a child, he went up and hugged this person.


His mother died four years ago, of cancer.

He misses his mother very much, but heaven and man are separated forever, and his longing is separated by a tombstone. He is outside and his mother is inside.

And now, through the editing mode of virtual reality, he can see his mother again and give her a hug.

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