Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 310: Combat Test Of The 'Nest' Drone

In addition to the progress of the new universe helmet, the project of the Golden Crow Project in Ludao City, Fujian Province has also officially started.

There are no high requirements for the foundation. After all, the floors to be built are not very high, and the most important thing is to consider the issue of earthquake resistance.

Of course, these issues have long been planned. Hua Guo, as an infrastructure madman, as long as the money is in place, building something should not be too simple.

In addition, in order to avoid too much suspicion from outsiders, this project is temporarily declared to be Huaguo's new controllable nuclear fusion circulation experimental device, called the Huaguo Jinwu Circulator.

However, if someone studies it carefully, they will find that the secrecy of this new project is very high, and outsiders cannot approach it at all, and there are even troops stationed here.

This point can easily make others doubtful, especially the people on the next island.

The island next door was very puzzled. After all, Ludao City is at the gate of the island facing the mainland. If the army on Ludao City makes any movement, they will be terrified. If there is an explosion or something, their leaders can ride overnight The military plane fled.

Therefore, suddenly there was an army stationed at this so-called "Golden Crow Circulator", which made them very curious.

Ever since, around the construction site, there are many "northern mainland netizens" every day.

Of course, due to the good security measures and the monitoring of many drones in the sky, these people cannot get close.

However, this kind of strict confidentiality measures made the people on the next island even more confused.

It is no problem for you to engage in controlled nuclear fusion, but choosing Ludao City is very difficult for the neighboring island to understand, not to mention keeping it so secret.

It's just that Huaguo's plan is to make the neighboring island curious, and the more curious they are, the more they want to understand, until the truth finally comes out, it will make them feel sour.

Moreover, now that the United States has promised that it will no longer arrange warships to enter the South China Sea, the thief father recognized by the island next door has retreated strategically in the South China Sea.

It is a fact that Huaguo has suddenly become stronger in recent years. For the next-door island, especially Huaguo's semiconductor industry.

The strength of the mainland's semiconductor industry not only directly cut off a major pillar industry in Japan, but also brought a huge blow to the only pillar industry on the neighboring island.

Bay Semiconductor's share has begun to shrink. With the birth of Zhiqi's lithography machine, Zhiqi's share of wafer foundry, which was previously limited due to the number of lithography machines, has now officially expanded to the world. Advanced In terms of process chip technology, any company in the world has to admit that Zhiqi Company is better than Bay Semiconductor.

As for other wafer foundry companies on the island, it is even more incomparable.

As a result, the economy of the neighboring island has also shrunk. Coupled with the embargo of pineapples, experts on the island say that each person can eat 18 kilograms of pineapples a day, and all pineapples can be eaten in two weeks.

All this makes their economy weaker and weaker, but the United States is not in the mood to save them.

All in all, the people on the next-door island are bleak. It is said that Lailaizi was thrown rotten eggs by the residents of the island one day.

All of this made the island next door lose its motivation to resist.

The people of Huaguo saw and laughed in their hearts.

Sooner or later, the situation will change, and Huaguo will truly achieve unity.


The time came to September 13th.

A meeting is being held in the Military Region of Dian Province, Huaguo.

"The test of the 'Nest' autonomous drone array has been properly arranged, and it is just next to Lishi."

A man with the rank of major general on his body sat at the head and said to the people present.

He emphasized: "This time, the higher-ups have entrusted us with this test task. It is to help us deter those little devils around us. It must be done properly."


Everyone on the field responded.

With the technical support provided by Zhiqi Company and the research and development of lethal autonomous weapons led by military enterprises, the 'Nest' drone has passed the military acceptance.

Lethal autonomous weapons, that is, killer robots, are those that, after inputting the attack target, can rely on internal intelligence to carry out tasks automatically, without human control, thus avoiding the possibility of being out of range or in a place with poor signal. , will fail to operate.

This weapon is being developed by many countries in the world.

However, Zhiqi Company has already demonstrated this technology to the Huaguo military.

After Zhiqi provided the intelligent technology, the relevant military enterprises began to carry out a deeper attack on the hovering stability of the drone, and finally produced the finished product in the middle of this year.

Huaguo's military drones are already very powerful. Dajiang's drones have strong technology and good stability, but it needs to be clear that better technology is used in the military, and the military can naturally Create a more stable drone.

So with Zhiqi's intelligent system, coupled with the stability brought by the flight control system that can be called the world's number one, this killer drone will fully live up to its name.

What the Military Region of Yunnan Province needs to conduct now is the actual combat test.

"Okay, let's start this mission."

The major general announced, and everyone below responded.

Afterwards, someone turned on a large screen in front, which was used to broadcast the actual combat test situation for them. Those drones all had their own cameras, allowing them to see the situation of each drone.

The big screen lit up, and a field battlefield appeared inside.

There were three military vehicles parked on the field, and behind the military vehicle was a big guy. It was a launch platform with holes in it, like honeycombs. It was no problem to call it a nest.

This launch platform can carry sixteen drones at a time. After these drones take off, the internal telescopic frame will pull the other sixteen drones out of the hole, and then these drones will take off again , each car can carry forty-eight units, avoiding the trouble of handling that still needs to be placed on the ground.

At this time, the first batch of drones stretched out from the hole, large and small. Except for the core drones, the other fifteen were equipped with their own weapons, machine guns, rockets, missiles, grenades, It can be said that the functions of the five sniper weapons are very sound.

As the commander of this actual battle ordered "ready to launch", the launcher was gradually erected, and all the holes were aimed at the air.


The order was issued again, and the wings of the fifteen drones were seen to rotate rapidly, and then flew off the platform one by one. After that, the telescopic frame inside was raised again, lifting the second batch of drones up. After takeoff, it was the third batch.

Three military vehicles, a total of 144 drones, all took off.

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