So many drones took off together, and finally quickly rose to an altitude of four to five hundred meters.

Then, they disappeared into the sky.

The target has already been entered, and there is no need for humans to operate it at all. You only need to watch the live video, and you don’t even need to watch it. Now take some time to play a few games of Doudizhu and wait for the drone to send back the message.

In the conference room, it is naturally impossible for the high-level officials of the Yunnan Provincial Military Region to fight against the landlords. Flying in one direction, but the trajectory is difficult to figure out, and even several drones change the order of up and down from time to time.

Several of them almost collided with each other during the movement, so that the group of them couldn't help but mention it in their hearts, but when they saw these drones dodging in the slightest gap, they all Some emotion.

"This thing is really powerful. When we go to the battlefield in the future, we probably don't need to let the army go first. We can directly send hundreds of drones out. How can the enemy compare? Especially at night, when no one If the plane flies into the sky, who can see it on the ground?"

The other generals agreed: "Indeed, this is simply a sharp weapon for night battles."

Even a thermal imager can’t detect an army of drones in the dark. After all, the drones are at an altitude of several hundred meters, coupled with the sky effect of thermal imaging, and the surface temperature of the drone itself There is no difference with air temperature, it is basically difficult to detect drones.

The thermal imaging of the UAV is a ground target, which avoids these problems.

Only when the drone launches an attack, the enemy can find it.

At this time, someone said: "I heard that this is the intelligence developed by Zhiqi Company. Now these technologies are really more powerful than one."

"Yeah, Zhiqi is a really good company, and it has produced a lot of good things for us."


Everyone else couldn't help but nodded.

"By the way, I heard that Zhiqi Company has come up with another thing recently?"

"It seems to be called a virtual reality helmet."

The major general sitting at the top said: "The higher-ups are planning to use this virtual reality helmet to train our soldiers. Anything like flying a plane, tank, or warship can be realized with this helmet."

"so good?"

"Yeah, for the people of the Air Force, it is convenient to train fighter jets, and the previous simulated cockpits are no longer available."

"Well, my grandson also quarreled with me recently. He wants me to buy this thing for him, but I don't know if it will make children lose their minds."

"At least it's better than a computer. I heard that this thing won't make people short-sighted. Old Zhao, don't you plan to let your grandson join the army? It's not good to be short-sighted by then, and you can also let your grandson experience it in that virtual reality in advance. The feeling of being a soldier."

"That's true."


While these generals were chatting, in the live broadcast, more than 100 drones continued to fly towards the target location at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Their target, at the border, is 10 kilometers away from where they started.

This also means that these drones take less than ten minutes from take-off to reach their destination, if there are no obstacles.

At the same time, the strong battery life brought by lithium-air batteries allows them to fly continuously for 18 hours at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. almost.

Moreover, this is also a micro drone, and there are small drones, medium drones, large drones, etc., which are all under development. When the time comes to carry a larger battery, it will definitely be able to achieve longer battery life. .

However, because it is a test, it does not require too much time. So many drones need to perform missions across mountains and ridges. There is a hill 300 meters high in the middle. In the past, it took about ten minutes to verify the intelligent obstacle avoidance ability.

Of course, with 144 drones successfully flying through the jungle, the test was completely passed.

After crossing the jungle, the speed of the drone increased again, and finally came to the target location.

The intelligence immediately determined the target, and then began to attack with all its strength. 7K 妏敩

The targets are some targets, or buildings and the like. The targets are in charge of the machine gunner drone, and the buildings are in charge of the bomber drone, which is easy to take down.

After that comes the second goal.

This is to test the intelligence's ability to transfer targets. The second target is located 50 kilometers away, which requires about 40 minutes of traveling time.

However, the first target strike mission was successfully completed, and the generals in the meeting room seemed relaxed. The drone seemed to perform very well, and basically there would be no problems. If we need more of this new type of equipment, there are only more than one hundred drones, which is obviously not enough. At least one thousand drones are justified.

So, they immediately began to discuss how to complain to the above, and then get more drones over. As for the 144 drones that have been sent to them for actual combat tests, they must stay. If they want to go back, will these commanders, chiefs of staff, etc. still have face in front of their subordinates in the future?


Meanwhile, on the other side.

The notorious Golden Triangle is very close to the border of Yunnan Province.

Drug dealers gather in the Golden Triangle, a place beyond the control of governments of various countries, and sell countless drugs to various countries.

As a country with very strong anti-drug efforts in Huaguo, the anti-drug police on the front line have been in a desperate struggle with these drug dealers for a long time.

At this time, on a highway, a Passat with a history of about ten years was driving on the road. It looked ordinary and had no bright spots.

However, the man sitting on the side seat inside had sharp eyes that made people dare not look directly at him.

He stared intently at a dense forest outside the road without taking his eyes off it.

He was holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, and a voice came from the other end of the walkie-talkie, "Captain, 'Langtou' has entered the ambush circle."

The man said: "Let the brothers prepare to shrink the ambush circle and surround me with this group of people. In addition, be careful not to cause accidents. The wolf-headed people are very cunning. In addition, pay attention to our undercover brothers." , must ensure his safety."


The intercom answered.

The man put down the walkie-talkie and said to the driver: "Go in, today I want to make Kun Rui regret his birth, 100 kilograms, he really dares to sell it."

After driving not far, the car turned into a small road and entered the dense forest in front of it.

It was already dark, and the dense forest wrapped them up like a black net.


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