"Captain Luo, let's go... bang! bang! bang!...Damn it, there's even a communicator... Zizizi."

On the Passat, Luo Haoming heard a few sudden voices from the communicator until it turned into noise, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"What's going on? Chen Shuihe? Chen Shuihe!"

The person next to him quickly asked, "Captain Luo, what's wrong?"

Luo Haoming, as if he didn't hear it, still shouted with the communicator: "Chen Shuihe, talk!"

Until the end, he suddenly raised the communicator, wanting to fall to the ground, but thinking that the communicator had to contact other people, he could only suppress the shock and anger in his heart.

The three anti-narcotics police officers around realized what was going on.

Chen Shuihe, I remember that he was a colleague in their bureau seven years ago. He didn't know where he went. He said that it was because the teammate named Chen Chao died at the time, and Chen Chao and Chen Shuihe both came from the same village. They were afraid in their hearts. I resigned, and maybe went to work in the South.

Now it seems that their teammate, Chen Shuihe, not only did not resign, but also took the initiative to do the most dangerous job, drug criminals organized undercover.

And, now it seems, it seems to have been sacrificed.

They all heard the three "bangs" just now.

It was clearly a gunshot.

"team leader……"

"Don't talk." Luo Haoming roared, and after the roar, he said again very weakly: "Let me be quiet."

He slumped on the seat, his face full of pain.

Another brother was sacrificed.

The three police officers in the car also fell silent at this time.

The undercover brother lurking in the wolf head organization was someone they had always respected very much. Now that they heard his sacrifice, they all felt sad for him.

Yet the grief was only temporary, and none of them lost sight of their purpose.

After a short dozen seconds of silence, Luo Haoming suddenly picked up the communicator and said, "Stop shrinking the encirclement!"

Various questions came from the communicator immediately: "Captain Luo, what's wrong?"

"Captain Luo, why stop? We are approaching Durin soon!"

Luo Haoming was silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "The undercover brother died. Before he died, there was a message that let us go."


Unbelievable voices came from the communicator.

The undercover brother actually died!

They all couldn't believe this kind of thing.

I remember that before the action, they told Luo Haoming that after Kun Rui was captured, they must get to know the undercover brother well, because before that, except for Luo Haoming, no one else knew who the undercover was.

As a result, seeing that the matter was about to succeed, news of the sacrifice of the undercover brother came.

Someone said angrily: "Captain Luo, what are you waiting for, just rush in and kill them!"

Luo Haoming yelled back: "Of course I know, but do you know the consequences? That brother let us go, there must be his reasons. How do you know that Kunrui's bastard tricked us into coming here?"

The man fell silent, and he also realized the possibility.

"The captain... what should we do now?"

"The encirclement continues to be maintained. In addition, every two teams gather together to be alert to whether there are others behind us!"



It is rainy in Yunnan Province, but it is generally dry season until September.

However, this year's Yunnan Province has a lot of rain, and it has been raining for the past few days. It is rare for the rain to stop today, but looking up to the sky, there is a large cloud of dark clouds flying over from the northeast.

"It looks like it's going to rain again."

In the dense forest, a team leader in this anti-drug operation said.

"It must be raining," said another team member.

It rains, and they don't know whether it's good or bad in this situation.

"Okay, don't say so much, get all your equipment ready, this time there may be some accidents, so be careful..." Team Leader Shen Yuan said.

"Be careful! Team Shen!"

Suddenly, a player next to him rushed towards him and threw him to the ground.

From the corner of Shen Yuan's vision, he saw a flame rushing towards them.


The sound of the explosion was deafening to all of them.

When Shen Yuan's ears rang, he suddenly realized what it was.


The person who attacked them brought an RPG!

This weapon is the most used weapon among those drug dealers.

His consciousness returned to the present moment, and he looked at the team member who threw himself down, only to find that the team member had closed their eyes.

He shouted: "Xu Guang! Xu Guang!"

Soon he noticed that a fragment of an RPG shell was deeply inserted into the team member's neck, which was a fatal injury!

Shen Yuan's eyes turned red immediately, and he glanced at the other two teammates. Fortunately, they were all only painted, and they were all wearing bulletproof vests.

Because his ears were still ringing in the ears, he could only wave his hand to signal the two teammates to avoid quickly, while he directly supported Xu Guang, ran to the side, and at the same time pressed the communicator next to his ear, shouting: "Squad 7 encountered To ambush! The opponent has an RPG!"

And at this time, he finally had time to look at their attackers.

Three people, he remembered, one of them was the wolf head, and it was in their files.

As for the other two people, they didn't know each other, but they must also be Langtou people.

The man in the middle was carrying an RPG, and seeing that only one person had been killed, he was a little disappointed, and began to reload at the same time, while the other two men, each holding an AK, aimed at them.

He quickly dodged and took out his pistol to shoot at the opponent, but the opponent's AK had already fired. In a haste, his calf was hit. Finally, with all his strength, he took Xu Guang and fell to the side, behind the tree.

Looking at the blood gurgling from Xu Guangna's neck, he felt angry and sad, but he also knew that this moment was not the time to be sad.

He still has two teammates, he has to hang on.

At this time, his hearing gradually recovered, and thinking that the other party still had an RPG reloading, he had to find a way.


On the other side, the news that the 7th team encountered an ambush quickly spread, and Luo Haoming cursed: "This son of a bitch is a wolf head."

"We may be surrounded by the opponent! The number of the opponent is unclear, 6 or 8 teams, try to support the 7th team! The other teams lie in ambush, pay attention to concealment, and put on your thermal imaging night vision goggles! In the forest Hei, I still don't believe there is thermal imaging on the other side!"

After giving orders to everyone, he immediately contacted the headquarters.

"Here is Luo Haoming, the leader of the wolf hunting team. We have been caught by the wolf head. The wolf head organization used our undercover agents to spread false news. Now they have surrounded us and asked for support!"


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