In that meeting room.

The 'Nest' UAV is still being tested, and it is now testing its night combat capability.

However, at this time someone said: "Hey, look, what's going on in the woods over there?"

At this time, everyone also noticed that in the dense forest under the night sky, there was a sudden flash, like a fire, and there were also sounds such as "boom" and "bang, bang, bang".

It is almost certain that a hot-arms conflict took place here.

"what happened?"

The generals who were still sitting in the meeting room frowned at this time.

The drone is now located in the border area, and they all know that the borders of various countries are often relatively chaotic, unless there are two big countries on both sides.

But the neighboring countries on this border are all small and poor countries, with poor people and short-sightedness, so they like to do some bad things on the border, and even engage in some drug trade, which harms their domestic people. In their territory, they can directly drive the main battle tank across.

It's a pity that the Golden Triangle is not there, so they can only guard against thieves, not kill them. Of course, they will also cooperate with the anti-drug police to deal with those drug dealers from time to time. Anyway, it is used as a practical exercise.

But this time, there was a gun battle in this kind of forest that was completely inaccessible and impossible for people to live in. It was hard not to let them think that some drug dealers were fighting, or something like that.

However, that cannot be said completely. Maybe there are innocent people down there?

The major general sitting at the top said at this time: "Let our drone stand by in the air, and then inquire about the news. In addition, contact the police and ask them if they know what's going on here."


Someone responded, and then left the conference room immediately, but made a phone call outside, and not long after, this person came back with a very serious face: "This is an anti-drug operation in Lishi, but they encountered an accident Seventy-nine police officers were surrounded by a large drug trafficking organization. This large drug trafficking organization may have more than 100 people, and the firepower is also very strong. There are at least 20 RPGs and an AK47. And some explosives, no less than some regular teams."

"Are you kidding me!?" The faces of the soldiers in the conference room were extremely ugly.

It's fine for a little drug dealer to live like a mouse dishonestly, but he dares to surround the police?

This is simply a group of rats surrounding the cat, trying to kill the cat!

"These drug dealers are looking for death!"

The major general suddenly stood up and looked at the picture on the big screen. The 144 drones in the night sky were extremely quiet, hovering at an altitude of more than 600 meters. He said in a cold voice: "Our drones have less ammunition How many are left? How many targets can be annihilated?"

Someone immediately replied: "At least half of the gunpowder is left! Enough to wipe out 500 people!"

"Okay! Contact Lishi, get the exact location of our surrounded police officers, make sure there are no irrelevant personnel, and then give instructions to our 'Nest' drone to wipe out these rats!"

"It's not enough to stay in the Golden Triangle normally, but you dare to enter my territory, it's really boring!"

The major general slammed the table and conveyed the order.

Especially since their drone happened to meet him, so of course he would not let go of such a good opportunity to verify the actual combat capability of the drone.


In the sky above Durin, under the dark night, the deadly autonomous drone, with its dark paint, became their best camouflage.

And among the 144 drones, there are invisible messages being conveyed.

[Receive the attack command... Receive the location information of your own personnel, retrieve the corresponding coordinates of the location information...]

[The coordinates are determined successfully, the thermal imaging night vision device is activated, and the personnel information is retrieved...]

One hundred and forty-four drones were all dispersed, and at the same time, they also quickly descended from an altitude of more than 600 meters to 100 meters. Only the sniper drone remained at an altitude of 600 meters.

Thermal imaging night vision devices cannot penetrate walls, because thermal imaging is realized based on thermal radiation, and thermal radiation naturally cannot penetrate walls. However, these forests cannot completely isolate the forest, and there will eventually be holes between the branches and leaves.

[The search is completed, the search area: 64 square kilometers, 73 our personnel, 134 enemy personnel, no unrelated personnel. 】

【The annihilation begins...】

The drone flew across the sky quietly.

At this time, the sky was completely covered with dark clouds flying from the northeast.

Suddenly, a white light flashed in the sky, and a few kilometers long lightning illuminated the world in an instant. More than a hundred drones appeared at this moment, like black ghosts floating in the sky, densely packed, daunting.

"There seems to be something in the sky."

In a certain place in Du Lin, Yu Ping was with eight other subordinates. There were originally ten of them. The only one who was absent had his head cut off and hung on a tree not far away.

The lightning illuminated the world, and also made one of them perceive something in the sky from the corner of his eye, but because it was only a short moment, he didn't see it clearly.

Yu Ping didn't care about it, but the next moment, he suddenly felt a drop of something wet on his face, he frowned and said, "It's going to rain soon."

But he suddenly realized that something was wrong. One of the guards next to him suddenly lost his strength and fell to the ground with blood flowing from his head. Yu Ping realized that the rain on his face was not rain. is blood!

At this time, from the sky, there was finally a loud gunshot, echoing in the vastness.

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