"Not good, sniper!"

Yu Ping widened his eyes and hurriedly avoided.

He was very puzzled, when did the other party approach them?

According to estimates, even if the police surround them, they are still three to four kilometers away. Now that his people have surrounded the police, the police will definitely stop shrinking into their circle for safety. Waiting for support.

And in this forest, let alone when it is dark, even when it is dawn, it is impossible to see them at all!

He felt that the situation was somewhat unexpected.

But at this moment, there was another gunshot overhead.

"The leopard is dead! Boss! The leopard was also shot! Why do I feel that the gunshot is coming from above?!"

Yu Ping was a little dazed.

The gunshots were coming from above?

how can that be? !

But only ten seconds later, another person fell down, and the gunshot came more than a second later.

"Tiger is dead!"

Another panicked cry came.

The remaining five members were all panicked at this moment.

As drug dealers, they all have their own sense of fate, thinking that they will die somewhere sooner or later, so generally speaking, they don't have much fear of death.

But like this, they died without knowing why, which made them have to feel fear in their hearts.

Where is the other party?

Where did the shot come from again?

Yu Ping was very flustered, but the more he panicked, the easier it was for him to figure things out.

He suddenly woke up, heaven! The person died after being shot for a second, which means that the shooter was at least 600 meters away from them.

And in this kind of woods, it is basically impossible to hit them through the woods of more than 600 meters, especially still, to shoot them in the head.

He said suddenly: "Shoot into the sky! Quick!"

Eliminate all the impossible, this is the only possibility.

Although the remaining five subordinates didn't know why the boss said that, they still followed suit, and shooting now would at least give them courage.

Five AK47s fired wildly at the sky, without any accuracy at all, but the advantage was that the firepower was denser.

Leaves and branches were shot down in a small area and fell to the ground, and when the bullet hit the bark, it also knocked off a lot of trees.

Finally, there were no more gunshots from the sky.

They successfully suppressed the enemy who did not know where they came from.

But their AK47s all have 30 rounds of magazines. Even if they controlled the rate of fire, it only took a dozen seconds to shoot them all.

They quickly changed the magazines while paying attention to the situation above.

However, the next moment, they realized that they were thinking too much.

I saw five tongues of flame suddenly shot out from the dark sky, shooting towards the place where they were hiding.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."


Bullets poured down like rain, as if in response to the five of them shooting into the sky together just now.

The leaves, branches and these violent bullets fell together, and the canopy of this forest was almost shot bare.

The five people just now were dumbfounded. What the fuck is this?

This is a machine gun? !



Two screams sounded, one person was hit on the right shoulder, and the other was hit on the head, and his mind was wide open, and he lay down on the ground. It took five or six bullets before giving up.

The remaining three people hid in all directions. The person who was shot in the right shoulder couldn't hold the gun and fell directly to the ground. But he didn't know that he couldn't stay where he was, so he endured the severe pain and ran away in a hurry.

Who is the enemy! ?

Why did it really come from heaven?

Even five machine guns!

That's a machine gun, how would they dare to fight with their five AKs?

Yu Ping was extremely panicked, this was the first time he felt scared in so many years, and even made him leave his subordinates.

What is the other party?

Is this a new type of weapon created by the Huaguo police?

He looked up at the sky, and at this moment, a thicker bolt of lightning struck straight down. In the instant of dawn, he saw a dozen shadows in the sky.

"That's... a drone?!" Yu Ping couldn't believe it.

The drones of the Huaguo police can fly here and carry machine guns? !

He couldn't believe it.

He thought of something, quickly took out the flashlight from his pocket, and pointed it toward the sky. This was the flashlight he had prepared, after all, it was so dark in the woods.

The flashlight was turned on immediately, and finally, he saw the drone in the sky.

There were a dozen of them, and it seemed that each drone had a weapon attached to it, and it was five drones with machine guns that fired at them.

These five drones equipped with machine guns seem to be the largest in size, and they seem to be quite heavy. It is probably because of this that these machine guns can keep shooting in the air without overturning the drones, and the ballistics also maintain a certain range of stability.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ping couldn't believe it.

"When did they... have this weapon?"

Wouldn't such an advanced weapon only appear in those movies?

At this moment, those drones seemed to have sensed the light of his flashlight, and they quickly made dodging movements in the air. At the same time, the flames of the five machine gunner drones also quickly shifted, and they were actually shooting at him.

He was startled.

He didn't know that the flashlight in his hand made him an important target.

Because in the thermal imaging night vision device, the temperature of the flashlight, coupled with the caliber of the barrel, is directly identified as a high-risk weapon, and of course it must be destroyed immediately.

However, the fact that the machine gun was aimed at him did not mean that the other four people who were still alive were spared.

But when they wanted to attack the drones, the positions of the four rocket drones were adjusted, because the canopy of the forest had been knocked out, so the remaining four targets could be easily targeted by them.

The four people ran around, and when they realized that the machine guns were not aimed at themselves, they quickly found a thick tree to hide, but when they turned their heads, they found that the machine guns were shooting at their boss.

This made them even more unsure what to do, to protect the boss? God knows if those drones will beat them into a sieve, but if they don't protect the boss, their organization will be completely ruined.

In the end, they could only choose to try to shoot down the drone in the sky, but now only three people still have guns on them.

At this moment, they suddenly found four flames flying towards them.

Four rockets shot out from the drone pylon, trailing flames, and headed straight for them.

They were stunned, rockets? !

These drones can also hang rockets? !

The next moment, there were four "booms".

Two members of the drug dealer organization died on the spot, one directly lost consciousness, and the other lay on the ground to avoid it, but was still bombed beside him by the rocket, and one arm and one leg were directly blown off.

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