[All hits. 】

[Check whether the target is dead. 】

Invisible signals are passed between this group of drones.

Human life is meaningless to drones, they just need to ensure the death of each other.

Suddenly, another order came over.

[After receiving the order to capture alive, the two machine gunners disabled the remaining target's ability to move, and asked them to stay where they are, waiting for our personnel to arrive. 】

The five machine gunner drones stopped shooting at Yu Ping at the same time, and two of them separated and flew directly into the jungle.

"Stop running away."

A mechanical sound came out from the microphone, startling Yu Ping who was running wildly.

He didn't dare to stop, but he also turned his head, wanting to see what was talking.

As a result, he saw two drones following him closely, and the mechanical sound asking him not to move was also coming from the drones.

This made Yu Ping feel as if he had traveled to another world, a world ruled by intelligence, and this drone was sent by intelligence to kill him.

The drone seemed to see that he was disobedient, and fired at both sides of him, almost hitting him, which made him startled, stopped quickly, and then turned back and raised his hands to express his surrender.

"I surrender!"

He knew that facing such an advanced weapon, he was doomed to fail today.

It would be better to accept fate.

Ever since his son died, he felt that life was meaningless, which was why he dared to take the risk himself and came here.

As for another one?

No way, he started taking drugs when he was in his twenties, and finally he had no money to buy them, so he planned to make it himself, and smoked it while making it, which eventually caused his sperm to lose the function of having children, so there was only one son , Later, after he realized the serious harm of drugs and the huge benefits of drugs, he successfully quit drugs by relying on his incomprehensible endurance, and gradually developed into a big drug lord.

Now that there is no heir, he chose to give up.

The drone approached in front of him, but there was still a distance of more than ten meters between them, and then two shots fired, hitting both of his ankles, and he fell to the ground, losing his ability to move.

He looked up at the sky, and the lightning and thunder became more frequent, and in an instant, heavy rain poured down.

It still rained.

But obviously, this is not Tiangong weeping for his arrest, but weeping for those policemen who died in the struggle against the wolf head organization, weeping with joy.


The other side of the woods.

The other eight groups of drones have already dominated the battlefield.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The rain of bullets is constantly pouring down, as well as the bombing of rockets and grenades, and it falls from the night of heavy rain. These metal rains and raindrops from the sky hit the members of the drug dealer organization who fled in a hurry, making them miserable. Yelled out, deeply doubting what kind of enemy they were facing.

Some people just thought that they had run far away, and there would be another fatal bullet fired from an altitude of more than 600 meters, and they would not hear the sound of the gun until they were dying.

Team 7, team leader Shen Yuan, with Xu Guang on his back, stared blankly with his other two teammates.

In the beginning, they were surrounded by not just three people, but seven people. He was almost hit by the opponent's second RPG, but fortunately he was blocked by a tree.

Afterwards, they retreated and fought, trying to join the team that assisted them. Because of their better equipment, the seven opponents could not do anything for the time being. It was so dark that it was difficult for them to see.

But not long after, they turned the offensive.

Following a bolt of lightning, there was a sudden gunshot from the sky, and one of the seven people fell down immediately.

Then there was another gunshot, and another person fell down, and then someone shot into the sky. As a result, extremely violent firepower sprayed down directly from above, and there was also very violent bombing.

Faced with such a situation, those seven people immediately lost their ability to resist, and they all fell to the ground after a while.

This made Shen Yuan and the others hardly believe the situation in front of them.

What is in the sky?

But the pouring rain hit the branches and leaves, and they couldn't hear any sound.

The same happened to the other police officers.

"Captain Luo, I remember that it was less than ten minutes after you applied for support, and our support came? And it was air support?"

Luo Haoming also heard gunshots, explosions, and screams from a kilometer away, and he was also stunned.

"That's not right, the headquarters said they would arrive in twenty-five minutes, not now, and there is no air support either."

"Wait, all teams report, is there any situation? The things in the sky didn't attack us, did they?"


"It's okay!"

Every team replied that it was all right. To be precise, most of the teams immediately followed the captain's request to ambush in place. Under the night, they did not encounter the enemy, and the enemy did not find them, so they were all safe and sound, and then happened to fly. The drones that passed by knew the situation below because of the RPG bombing that happened on the 7th team.

"Squad 7, how about squad 7?"

Shen Yuan responded: "Xu Guang, he was blown up by an RPG just now, and a piece of metal was inserted into his neck. Now he is unconscious, but he is still breathing."

Hearing that someone was still injured, and the neck was still stabbed, Luo Haoming gritted his teeth and said, "Stay where you are for the time being, and don't let other things happen. There are people from the hospital in the support team! I'll ask the headquarters now, support What is our air power."

Then he immediately contacted the headquarters, and got something that surprised him.

"What? The military's new weapon support? Or drones?"

Luo Haoming raised his head to look at the sky, under the darkness, and with the obstruction of those tree branches, he couldn't see anything clearly, and it turned out that the ones supporting them were actually drones?

How powerful is their Chinese military technology?

He was happy, but also a little sad.

I'm glad they have such a powerful weapon, but I'm sad that they only have it now. If they had it earlier, how many sacrifices would have been made for their teammates?

However, he cheered up quickly, and now that he has it, at least it means that their sacrifices will be greatly reduced in the future.

Of course, the premise is that this thing can be used by the police.


The combat efficiency of the nest drone was very high, and more than a hundred gangsters were killed or injured.

The support team finally arrived, but it was more like clearing the field than support.

The anti-narcotics police were encircled by drug dealers, because it happened on September 13th, it was called the 913 incident, and it also caused shocks in all parties.

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