Drug dealers dared to take the initiative to encircle the anti-drug police, and even wanted to fight a war of annihilation, which is unheard of or seen in China.

Even if it is legal to smoke big drugs in the United States, and an official place is set up, drug dealers dare not confront the police head-on, so a country like Mexico is outrageous.

For a domestic environment where guns, drugs, pornography and gambling are banned, social stability and order are above all else. The fact that drug dealers surround the police is almost equivalent to drug dealers declaring war on the country.

Whether it is a drug dealer or any other ordinary person, the general logic is that drug dealers can only run away from the police and cannot resist. Once they resist and cause police casualties, the police team will basically remember it for decades. This matter, and then try their best to make this drug dealer organization pay the price.

This is a natural truth. The evil side can only stay in the dark corner. As for the incidents of drug dealers retaliating against the police, it is too rare. Every time it happens, it will inevitably bring great repercussions among the police. Generally very few dare to do such a thing.

And the situation like this time is even more appalling.

More than 130 drug dealers surrounded more than 70 policemen, holding various high-destructive weapons in their hands.

In less than half an hour, this incident was presented to the Great Elder.

"It's really a bear's heart and a leopard's guts!" The elder said: "Drug dealers dare to be so arrogant. It seems that the recent crackdown on drugs is not strong enough."

The secretary next to him immediately realized that the domestic anti-drug operation might have to go one step further.

However, after all such a thing happened, it is indeed necessary to set off a wider anti-drug operation. Whether it is an explanation to the grassroots anti-drug police, at least let them know that their blood was not shed in vain.

The Great Elder continued to frown, looking at the content below, until he saw the process of all the drug dealers being wiped out, his face showed surprise.

"'Nest' autonomous drone? One hundred and forty-four drones wiped out one hundred and thirty-four drug dealers in five minutes? And it was still raining."

Of course he remembered this drone, and he knew the technology of cooperation with Zhiqi Company, and this new drone weapon was able to achieve such an efficient level of annihilating the enemy.

He said to his secretary, "Tell me about this drone in detail."

The secretary had already memorized it by heart, and immediately introduced it from the beginning: "This drone is a new drone weapon developed by the military and Zhiqi Company in cooperation. Its advantage is that it does not require human control, and It is directly controlled by its own intelligence, and after entering the target, it will automatically go to the target location and directly strike, which is also an important symbol of lethal autonomous weapons developed internationally."

"In addition, it can also distinguish our personnel and avoid accidental injury. This is the main reason why the drone only wiped out places in the 913 incident but did not cause accidental injury to our side."

"The last is its long battery life. It can fly continuously for 18 hours at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. If it is just for monitoring, it can probably last for a day."

"According to the analysis of military experts, judging from this incident, such drones can easily replace our soldiers standing guard on the border, and can also maintain an absolute advantage in anti-terrorism operations or in the battle against such drug dealers."

"If there is a conventional war, we can easily win it without sending a single soldier, whether it is a war at sea, in the desert, or in a city."

"In addition, this kind of weapon is very cheap. The cost of a single drone is only 28,000. For example, a sniper drone, it usually takes two to three years to train a sniper, and the unit price of a sniper bullet At 50-100 yuan, if 30,000 rounds of bullets are consumed in two years of training, the cost of light bullets will be as high as 1.5 to 3 million. If it is a drone, the stability of the sniper drone is more important. From production to The period of the test is almost two months. Considering labor and time costs, the final cost will not exceed 50,000 yuan. After that, even maintenance will cost less than 1,000 yuan a month, and the salary of a special forces sniper The money and allowances cost nearly ten thousand a month."

After hearing this, the elder nodded slightly. It is very expensive to raise a soldier, but the machine is very cheap.

Of course, in China, the military is also considered a job. After all, there is a large population, so even with such drones, basically there will be no disarmament.

"Oh, by the way, since the drones in this operation were dispatched by the military, the police in Yunnan Province are now clamoring to apply this weapon to the police."

The Great Elder smiled and said, "Okay, this kind of thing must be used wisely."

What's more, in today's situation, the drone happened to show such a brilliant performance, it must be arranged for the police, especially the anti-narcotics police.

In addition, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the great elder: "In addition to increasing the anti-drug efforts, let people contact the three countries of the Golden Triangle and let them attack the Golden Triangle."

The secretary was taken aback for a moment, and his heart jumped up suddenly.

Can this be seen as they are going to be restrained and honest from before, and now they are going to show their sharpness?

The Golden Triangle, this notorious place, can exist only because the three governments it belongs to have failed to crack down on it so much that it has affected them.

"What if they refuse to cooperate?"

"Then ask to investigate all the goods that are transported into our country from these three countries, and any goods that are suspected to be drugs will not be released." The elder said: "Then, contact Zhiqi Company and let them virtual In the real world, let’s publicize the dangers of drugs, and it just so happens that their helmets abroad should have already started pre-sale, right?”

"The pre-sale has started. I heard that there are 70 million pre-sales in just three days of pre-sale, and the price of a helmet in foreign countries is 1999 US dollars. I don't know how much money Zhiqi will make this time. "The secretary nodded, feeling deeply in her heart.

In the past, if they did this, they would be smeared everywhere by foreign media, such as bullying small countries.

But now the situation has changed. After the United States abandoned the Nanyang strategy, the smearing voices of various foreign media have subsided a lot. These media have realized that the world structure is different from the past.

Will those media play ghosts on this again, not to mention, the emergence of virtual reality helmets will bring them a new propaganda camp.

The current 70 million pre-sales alone means that 70 million foreigners will be able to receive the information they spread in the future.

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