"Mr. Ye, I don't know, where did your company's lithography machine come from?"

Ye Cheng turned his head to look at the person who asked this question. They are the bosses of one of the few companies in China that can manufacture wafers. It is not surprising that this question is asked.

After all, domestic wafer foundries have long been eager for EUV lithography machines.

However, Ye Cheng just asked back: "What do you think?"

The boss continued: "We are all from Huaguo, and we all want to contribute to the domestic chip industry. Since you have channels to obtain EUV lithography machines, why not make contributions together?"

Ye Cheng frowned.

Is this intended to be a moral kidnapping?

But let's not say that it is impossible for him to tell his own channel, even if he did, how can this person come up with a system?

He smiled and said: "This is a secret, Mr. Chen, can you keep it a secret?"

The boss thought Ye Cheng was going to say something, so he nodded immediately: "Of course, Mr. Ye, please don't worry."

Ye Cheng shrugged: "So I can too."

Mr. Chen was taken aback for a moment, and his face suddenly became anxious, "Mr. Ye..."

At this time, Ren Fei spoke for Ye Cheng: "Mr. Chen, look, we don't want the only channel to be gone now, right? Let's not worry now, not to mention that Mr. Ye has a total of 15 lithography machines here. It is enough for our domestic chip supply, and a few more will just dilute the market, don’t you think?”

Seeing that Ren Fei had spoken, Mr. Chen held back for a while, and then glanced at the expressions of the other people around him, but none of them supported his idea. In the end, he had no choice but to give up and continue asking.

"Mr. Ren has said so, so I won't continue to ask, but I still hope that Mr. Ye can share the news."

Ye Cheng shook his head with a smile, and then looked at everyone: "So, that's it for today, 3.8 million chips have been packaged and are about to be sent to your production plants. In addition, I am already in the hotel I booked a private room, I wonder if the bosses would like to have a meal?"

"Of course I would."

Everyone else nodded with a smile. After all, they still have many questions to ask Ye Cheng, and various cooperations to be reached, especially Huawei. The few people who came with Ren Fei are already extremely excited at this time.

As long as the supply of chips is guaranteed, their consumer business will be able to rejuvenate, and they will no longer even have to worry about sanctions that will suddenly usher in one day.

And all of this will naturally be revealed at the dinner.


Soon, everyone left the workshop, got into the car, and went to the room Ye Cheng had booked.

The room he booked was in a nearby hotel with a star rating of three stars. However, all the people present were dignitaries who were in and out of five-star hotels, so they didn't care about this arrangement.

But the waiters and management of this hotel have a look.

Fuck it, Rebus.

Fuck you, Ren Fei.


Naturally, I immediately came to visit, and took a group photo, and then displayed it at the front desk, which just increased the reputation of the hotel, and then arranged all the good wine and food to entertain these distinguished guests, and even brought two bottles of real Moutai to show that for free.

"I have won the honor of everyone. I have eaten here many times, and they have never said that I will forgive me." Ye Cheng said with a smile.

"Now is now, maybe in the future we will have your light, Mr. Ye."

Someone smiled and flattered.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly and raised his wine glass as a gesture.

He turned his head to look at Ren Fei who was sitting next to him, and asked with a smile, "By the way, Mr. Ren, why didn't you see Mr. Xu coming over?"

"Oh, he has something to do these days, so he can't come."

Ye Cheng nodded.

Fortunately, Xu Yun didn't come, otherwise, he didn't know what kind of eyes Xu Yun would look at him.

At this time, sitting next to Ren Fei, an executive director of Huawei said, "By the way, Mr. Ye, I have a question for you."

"Please say."

"Has your company mastered the process technology of 5nm process chips?"

This question is obviously what everyone really wants to know.

Ye Cheng glanced at everyone's eyes, smiled slightly, and finally couldn't help asking him this question.

Then, he nodded: "I have mastered it, and we can start producing 5nm chips anytime, anywhere."

"At the same time, we have also mastered the process technology of the 3nm process. As long as you can give us the chip design, we can also produce it for you immediately."

Everyone's eyes were once again amazed.

3nm process!

This almost means that Zhiqi Technology has mastered the most profitable project in the world.

The executive director of Huawei, who asked the question, immediately stood up excitedly and said, "Then, can Mr. Ye help us produce Qilin chips?"

Everyone was stunned, especially Remy's mobile phone manufacturers, their faces suddenly looked ugly.

Good guy, Warwick is coming back with glory?

The mobile phone giant that accounted for more than 40% of the domestic mobile phone sales in the past is about to reappear in the world?

Ye Cheng nodded: "Of course."

"That would be great! We'd like to place an order with your company immediately!"

Ye Cheng stood up at this moment and said, "Of course it's also possible."

"We are now willing to accept any order from you, but!"

Suddenly, his conversation suddenly changed, drawing everyone's attention.

"We want to produce, we have to have raw materials."

"Everyone should know that almost all wafers, photoresists, packaging materials, photoresist coatings, etc. are monopolized by Japan. Once Japan cuts off the supply to our company, our photolithography machines will be completely shut down. "

Everyone frowned immediately, and began to think about what Ye Cheng said.

Indeed, as he said, once foreign countries do not supply them with raw materials, what about lithography machines?

It still doesn't work.

"So, Mr. Ye, what are you going to do?" someone asked.

Ye Cheng glanced at the people in the room, and then slowly said: "Then, we have to make it ourselves."

"Make it yourself?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

How do you plan to solve the technical difficulty?

Ye Cheng showed a smile on his face: "So, after today, I will contact you and hope to reach a cooperation with you in the production of raw materials. We will form a full layout of the industrial chain in China. I hope that you will be able to work together with Zhiqi. Cooperation, I guarantee that everyone can make money, and at the same time, we will also make Huaguo a chip power."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone asked, "Mr. Ye, where is the technology?"

"Don't worry, everyone, you will know later."

The major companies did not understand Ye Cheng's plan, but they responded immediately, saying that they would decide on cooperation matters in the future depending on the situation.

"Then thank you all."


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